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English-German translation for: [policy]
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Dictionary English German: [policy]

Translation 1 - 44 of 44

English German
misguided {adj} {past-p} [policy, etc.]
verfehlt [Politik usw.]
scrapped {adj} {past-p} [plan, policy, etc.]
mil. pol. defence {adj} [Br.] [attr.] [matters, spokesperson, etc.; also defence policy]
verteidigungspolitisch [Angelegenheiten, Sprecher etc.]
retrogressive {adj} [policy, reforms]
pol. developmental {adj} [related to development policy]
unenforceable {adj} [policy]
pol. [of / relating to policy for the disabled] {adj}behindertenpolitisch
constr. RealEst. housing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. activity, policy, project]Wohnbau- [z. B. Tätigkeit, Politik, Projekt]
to shape sth. [also fig.: future, society, policy, etc.]
etw.Akk. gestalten [formen, auch fig.: Zukunft, Gesellschaft, Politik etc.]
to mature [insurance policy, security, etc.]
auslaufen [Versicherungspolice, Bürgschaft etc.]
insur. to issue sth. [an insurance policy]
etw. policieren
centerpiece [e.g. of a building complex, a musical composition, a policy] [Am.]
Hauptstück {n}
insur. endorsement [clause appended to an insurance policy]
Zusatz {m}
practice [habit, method, policy]
Praktik {f}
insur. endorsement [clause appended to an insurance policy]
Nachtrag {m} [z. B. zum Versicherungsschutz, zu einer Police]
[politician supporting a policy of surrender] [pej.]
Verzichtpolitiker {m}
pol. [obligation to vote in accordance with party policy]Fraktionszwang {m}
pol. [obligation to vote in accordance with party policy]Klubzwang {m} [auch: Clubzwang] [österr.] [Fraktionszwang]
centrepiece [e.g. of a building complex, a musical composition, a policy] [Br.]Hauptstück {n}
departure [fig.] [change in policy, etc.]neue Richtung {f}
insuree [policy holder]Versicherungsnehmer {m}
hist. pol. Vietnamisation [Br.] [US policy during the Vietnam war]Vietnamisierung {f}
hist. pol. Vietnamization [US policy during the Vietnam war]Vietnamisierung {f}
2 Words: Others
ill-conceived {adj} [plan, policy]schlecht durchdacht
2 Words: Verbs
to flip-flop [apruptly revers one's opinion, strategy, policy][seine Meinung / Strategie plötzlich umkehren]
to persist with sth. [policy, strategy, etc.]etw. weiterverfolgen [Politik, Strategie etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
econ. pol. antimonopoly policy [anti-monopolist policy]Antimonopolpolitik {f} [antimonopolistische Politik]
hist. pol. relig. Jewish policy [policy for the treatment of Jews]Judenpolitik {f}
pol. national isolation [as an active policy]nationale Abschottung {f}
hist. pol. Splendid Isolation [British foreign policy 19th century]Splendid Isolation {f} [britische Außenpolitik des 19. Jahrhunderts]
3 Words: Verbs
insur. to take out insurance [an insurance policy]eine Versicherung abschließen
to work a treat [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [approach, plan, policy]prima funktionieren [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
ecol. EU (national) quota uptake [e.g. fisheries policy](nationale) Quotenausschöpfung {f} [z. B. Fischereipolitik]
fin. easy money policy [easy monetary policy]lockere Geldpolitik {f}
EU EU burden sharing [climate policy]EU-Lastenverteilung {f}
pol. policy of closure [also: closed-door policy]Abschottungspolitik {f}
principal element / component [e.g. of a policy, teaching etc.]Hauptstück {n}
sports ticket allocation strategy [policy applied during the selling of the tickets] [football / soccer]Trennungsstrategie {f} [System bei der Verteilung der Eintrittskarten] [Fußball]
4 Words: Verbs
to put one's foot down [coll.] [idiom] [adopt a firm policy]energisch auftreten
insur. to take out additional insurance [with one policy]eine Zusatzversicherung abschließen
4 Words: Nouns
health, safety and environment <HSE> [system, policy]Gesundheit, Sicherheit und Umwelt [System, Richtlinie]
mil. weapons no first use policy <NFU, NFU policy> [also: no-first-use policy]Nicht-Ersteinsatz-Politik {f} [Nuklearwaffen]
mil. no first use policy <NFU, NFU policy> [also: no-first-use policy]Politik {f} des Verzichts auf den Ersteinsatz [Nuklearwaffen]
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to be / get turned upside down by sth. [policy, plans etc.]von etw. aus den Angeln gehoben werden [Strategie, Pläne usw.]
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