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| |
| dismal {adj} [poor] | 98 kläglich | |
| bad {adj} [weak, poor] | 48 schwach | |
| punk {adj} [Am.] [of poor quality] | 44 mies [ugs.] | |
| lousy {adj} [coll.] [weak, poor] | 40 schwach | |
| common {adj} [of poor quality] | 39 minderwertig | |
| pinched {adj} [poor] | 32 mittellos | |
| med. poorly {adj} [Br.] [in poor health] | 31 kränklich | |
| bad {adj} [poor, cheap] | 25 ärmlich | |
| bad {adj} [poor] | 21 mangelhaft | |
| hardscrabble {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [poor and struggling] | 14 notleidend | |
| sorry {adj} [poor, paltry] | 12 schäbig | |
| stinky {adj} [coll.] [unpleasant, of poor quality] | 10 beschissen [ugs.] | |
| cheap {adj} [of poor quality] | von minderer Qualität [nachgestellt] | |
| cheap {adj} [of poor quality] | von niederer Qualität [nachgestellt] | |
| med. poorly {adj} [Br.] [in poor health] | schlecht beisammen [bes. südd., österr.] [kränkelnd] | |
| puir {adj} [Scot.] [poor] | arm | |
| unracy {adj} [poor] | lahm [dürftig] | |
Verbs |
| to feed [esp. the poor] | ausspeisen [bayer., österr.] | |
Nouns |
| crap [vulg.] [pej.] [something of extremely poor quality; nonsense] | 748 Mist {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [minderwertiges od. wertloses Zeug; Unsinn] | |
| relief [esp. for the poor, in disasters] | 311 Unterstützung {f} [Hilfe, bes. für Arme, bei Katastrophen] | |
| crap [vulg.] [pej.] [something of extremely poor quality] | 195 Dreck {m} [salopp] [pej.] [minderwertiges oder wertloses Zeug] | |
| zool. nag [coll.] [often pej.] [a horse, esp. one that is old or in poor health] | 162 Gaul {m} [bes. ostd. u. südd., sonst veraltend oder pej.] [Pferd] | |
| sociol. [working poor receiving top-up benefit in Germany] | 87 Aufstocker {pl} [ugs.] | |
| poverty [being poor] | 15 Armsein {n} | |
| naffness [Br.] [coll.] [poor taste] | 13 Geschmacklosigkeit {f} [Stillosigkeit (als Eigenschaft)] | |
| equest. zool. moke [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [old horse or one in poor condition] | 7 Klepper {m} [ugs.] [ausgemergeltes Pferd] | |
| [sb. with poor fine motor skills] | Grobmotoriker {m} | |
| relig. [speaking up for the poor in the manner of the prophets] | prophetisches Eintreten {n} [Kirchenjargon] | |
| hist. jobs relig. almoner [distributing money to the poor] | Almosenier {m} [auch: Almosener, Almosner] [kirchlicher Armenpfleger] | |
| cacology [archaic] [poor pronunciation] | schlechte Aussprache {f} | |
| relig. Clarissines [Poor Clares] <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl> | Klarissen {pl} <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl> | |
| gastr. garlic [literally: vanilla of the poor man] | Vanille {f} des kleinen Mannes [veraltet] [hum.] [Knoblauch] | |
| Unverified grot [Br.] [coll.] [unpleasant, dirty or poor quality thing] | Mistding {n} [ugs.] | |
| hodad [Am.] [surfer sl.] [pej.] [poor or fake surfer] | [schlechter oder vorgeblicher Surfer] | |
| lemon [coll.] [poor-quality product] | schlechte Ware {f} | |
| loser [coll.] [habitually poor performer] | Teschek {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [Benachteiligter, Ausgenutzter, Verlierer] | |
| relig. maundy [ceremony of washing the feet of the poor on Maundy Thursday] | Fußwaschung {f} [am Gründonnerstag] | |
| shypoo [Aus.] [coll.] [liquor of poor quality] | billiger Fusel {m} [ugs.] | |
| orn. T | | |
2 Words: Others |
| cockamamie / cockamamy {adj} [Am.] [obs.] [sl.] [of poor quality] | mies [ugs.] | |
| cockamamie / cockamamy {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [worthless, poor] | ziemlich wertlos | |
| double-wide {adj} [Am.] [fig.] [pej.] [sl.] [uneducated, uncouth and poor] | asozial [pej.] [ungebildet, ungehobelt und arm] | |
| econ. resource-poor {adj} [resource-poor country] | rohstoffarm | |
| tenth-rate {adj} [coll.] [of extremely poor quality] | viertklassig [ugs.] [äußerst minderwertig] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be sickly [in poor health] | serbeln [schweiz.] [kränkeln] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| cloth. cheap dress [also pej.: of poor quality] | billiges Kleid {n} [auch pej.: von minderer Qualität] | |
| hist. common chest [for poor relief] | gemeiner Kasten {m} [für Armenfürsorge] | |
| electr. faulty connection [wrong, incorrect, not just poor] | vertauschter Anschluss {m} | |
| med. floppy infant [a child less than 1 year of age who has a poor muscle tone] | schlaffes Kind {n} [Neugeborenes und Säugling mit abnorm schlaffem Muskeltonus] | |
| gastr. free meals {pl} [for the poor] | Ausspeisung {f} [österr.] [veraltet] | |
| constr. meager lime [Am.] [poor lime] | Magerkalk {m} | |
| constr. meagre lime [Br.] [poor lime] | Magerkalk {m} | |
| hist. poor chest [also: poor-chest] | Armenkasten {m} | |
| hist. law relig. poor law [law providing for the relief or support of the poor] | Armenordnung {f} | |
| poor relief [assistance to the poor] | Armenunterstützung {f} | |
| relig. seraphic orders [Franciscan Order, Poor Clares] | seraphische Orden {pl} [Franziskaner, Klarissen] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be / become stunted [poor growth / development] | kümmern [dahinkümmern, verkümmern] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. beadle of beggars [also beggars' beadle] [official supervising the poor and the beggars] | Bettelvogt {m} [Beamter zur Überwachung der Armen und Bettler] | |
| hist. jobs beadle of beggars [also beggars' beadle] [official supervising the poor and the beggars] | Armenvogt {m} [Beamter zur Überwachung der Armen und Bettler] | |
| sociol. the nouveaux pauvres [literally: new poor] | die neuen Armen {pl} | |
4 Words: Others |
| a / the poor man's ... {adj} [hum.] [e.g. the poor man's David Beckham] | ... für Arme [hum.] [leicht pej.] [z. B. David Beckham für Arme] | |
| The poor stay poor. | Die Armen bleiben arm. | |
5+ Words: Others |
| as poor as church mice {adj} [old-fashioned] [idiom] [very poor] | mäusearm [schweiz.] [selten] [sehr arm] | |
| as poor as poor can be {adj} | so arm wie man nur sein kann | |
| idiom He's not doing so hot. [coll.] [idiom] [his health is poor] | Er hat einen Knacks weg. [ugs.] [Redewendung] [ist gesundheitlich angeschlagen] | |
| idiom He's not feeling so hot. [coll.] [idiom] [his health is poor] | Er hat einen Knacks weg. [ugs.] [Redewendung] [ist gesundheitlich angeschlagen] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| RadioTV F Kickin' It [Poor Soul Productions, It's a Laugh Productions] | Karate-Chaoten | |
| lit. F Poor Folk [also: Poor People] [Fyodor Dostoevsky] | Arme Leute [Fjodor Dostojewski] | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| bot. T | | |
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