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English-German translation for: [population]
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Dictionary English German: [population]

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residual {adj} [e.g. alcohol, heat, risk, population]
Rest- [z. B. Alkohol, Wärme, Risiko, Population]
zool. mouse {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bait, population, pup]
biol. ethn. ling. allochthonous {adj} [population, language]
allochthon [Bevölkerungsgruppe, Sprache]
sociol. to age [population]
stat. to census sb./sth. [human population]eine Volkszählung durchführen
to resurvey sb./sth. [population or sample]jdn./etw. neu befragen
med. to vaccinate sth. [e.g. vaccination of an entire population]etw. durchimpfen [z. B. ein Volk]
workforce [treated as sg. or pl.] [working population]
Erwerbsbevölkerung {f}
populace [population]
Volk {n} [Bevölkerung]
overflow [of people, population]
Überschuss {m}
people [population]
Einwohner {pl}
sociol. pocket [of population etc.]
Insel {f} [fig.]
citizenry [population]
Bevölkerung {f} [Gesamtheit der Bürger z. B. eines Landes]
Unverified [application to exterminate a wild predator population]Abschussgesuch {n}
geogr. Antigua [also known as Waladli or Wadadli by the native population]Antigua {n} [Insel der Kleinen Antillen]
sociol. outflux [of population]Abwanderung {f} [von Bürgern usw.]
sparseness [of population]geringe Dichte {f}
sociol. urban villadom [suburban population] [Br.]Vorstadtbevölkerung {f}
2 Words: Others
ling. French-speaking {adj} [e.g. region, country, world, population]französischsprachig [z. B. Region, Land, Welt, Bevölkerung]
ling. German-speaking {adj} [e.g. region, country, population, minority]deutschsprachig [z. B. Region, Land, Bevölkerung, Minderheit]
ling. Latin-speaking {adj} [person, population; region]lateinischsprachig [Person, Bevölkerung; Region]
2 Words: Nouns
sociol. urban black belt [Am.] [pej.] [referring to African American population distribution]Negerviertel {n} [pej.]
zool. cheetah populationGepardenpopulation {f} [auch: Geparden-Population]
zool. cheetah populationGepardpopulation {f} [auch: Gepard-Population] [seltener] [Gepardenpopulation]
zool. elk population [Am.] [wapiti population]Wapitipopulation {f} [auch: Wapiti-Population]
ecol. zool. elk population [Br.] [moose population]Elchpopulation {f} [auch: Elch-Population]
ecol. zool. gorilla populationGorillapopulation {f} [auch: Gorilla-Population]
Unverified killing off [of an entire population by hunters]Abschuss {m}
large city [more specifically, metropolitan area with population of over one million]Millionenmetropole {f}
sociol. majority culture [culture shared by the majority of a population]Mehrheitskultur {f} [Kultur der Mehrheit einer Bevölkerung]
pol. mass transfer [of a population, people] [Am.]Massenumsiedlung {f}
zool. moose population [esp. Am.]Elchpopulation {f} [auch: Elch-Population]
ecol. zool. narwhal populationNarwalpopulation {f} [auch: Narwal-Population]
ecol. zool. predator populationRäuberpopulation {f} [auch: Räuber-Population]
biol. zool. stocking (density)Besatz {m} [Population; Anzahl Tiere pro Raum]
zool. wapiti populationWapitipopulation {f} [auch: Wapiti-Population]
work force [working population]Erwerbsbevölkerung {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to spill over into sth. [population]sichAkk. auf etw.Akk. ausbreiten
3 Words: Nouns
ecol. zool. blue whale populationBlauwalpopulation {f} [auch: Blauwal-Population]
zool. gray whale population [Am.]Grauwalpopulation {f} [auch: Grauwal-Population ]
zool. grey whale population [Br.]Grauwalpopulation {f} [auch: Grauwal-Population ]
key settlement area [local or regional population center]Siedlungsschwerpunkt {m}
ecol. zool. sperm whale populationPottwalpopulation {f} [auch: Pottwal-Population]
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