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English-German translation for: [possible]
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Dictionary English German: [possible]

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

English German
feasible {adj} [possible]
eventual {adj} [archaic] [contingent, possible]
[decorated with all medals, orders, decorations possible] {adj} {past-p}ausdekoriert [österr.] [Jargon: mit allen Auszeichnungen dekoriert]
eventual {adj} [archaic or obs.] [contingent, possible]eventual [selten] [eventuell]
math. to inscribe sth. [to draw a regular figure within another so as to touch in as many places as possible]
etw.Akk. einbeschreiben [einen Kreis bzw. Vieleck so in ein Vieleck bzw. Kreis zeichnen, dass die Ecken den Kreis berühren]
math. to circumscribe sth. [to construct one regular geometrical figure around another so as to touch as many points as possible]
etw.Akk. umbeschreiben
aviat. mil. to scramble [take off with all possible haste]alarmmäßig starten [Pilot, Mannschaft]
aviat. mil. to scramble [take off with all possible haste]einen Soforteinsatz fliegen
contingency [possible emergency]
Notstand {m}
2 Words
highest possible {adj} [greatest possible]größtmöglich
meteo. patchy fog [e.g.: Patchy fog is possible in low-lying areas.]stellenweise Nebel [z. B.: In Tieflagen ist stellenweise Nebel möglich.]
wicked good {adj} [the best possible] [Am.] [sl.]bestmöglich
to average (over sth.) [the only possible average]den Mittelwert (aus etw.Dat.) bilden
idiom to cut corners [to do sth. as cheaply or as quickly as possible, sacrificing quality][bei etw. pfuschen, um Geld oder Zeit zu sparen]
to make for sth. [make possible]etw.Akk. ermöglichen
mil. funeral pace [slowest possible pace]Trauerschritt {m}
3 Words
to press every button [fig.] [to (try to) do everything possible]alle Register ziehen [fig.]
sports Unverified top-class reserve [high-skilled player who is only a possible sub in a team]Edelreservist {m}
4 Words
as much as possible {adv} [to the extent possible]so weit wie möglich
as much as possible {adv} [to the extent possible] [in the present]so weit es geht
He might have died. [It was possible, but he didn't]Er hätte sterben können.
to be on the cards [Br.] [idiom] [be possible](durchaus) denkbar sein
5+ Words
as much as is possible {adv} [less common] [as much as possible (in the present)]so viel wie möglich [in der Gegenwart]
as much as was possible {adv} [less common] [as much as possible (in the past)]so viel wie möglich [in der Vergangenheit]
If it's not possible, then it's not possible. [idiom]Wenn es nicht geht, dann geht es (eben) nicht. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom in the nick of time {adv} [at the last possible moment]im letzten Augenblick
idiom in the nick of time {adv} [at the last possible moment]im letzten Moment
idiom in the nick of time {adv} [at the last possible moment]auf den letzten Drücker [ugs.]
to put one's best foot forward [Am.] [idiom] [show oneself in the best way possible]sichAkk. von der besten Seite zeigen [Redewendung]
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