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English-German translation for: [practice]
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Dictionary English German: [practice]

Translation 1 - 75 of 75

English German
rusty {adj} [out of practice]
eingerostet [aus der Übung gekommen]
to train [practice, exercise, coach]
to humbug [practice humbug]
schwindeln [tricksen, betrügen]
to groove sth. [perfect by practice]
etw. perfektionieren [Klavierspiel, Fremdsprache etc.]
to train [practice]
mil. to PT [Am.] [coll.] [to practice physical fitness training]
trainieren [Fitnesstraining durchführen]
to bamboozle [coll.] [practice trickery]
tricksen [ugs.]
[to be common practice] gang und gebe sein [FALSCH für: gang und gäbe sein]
to introduce sth. [practice, reform etc.]etw.Akk. introduzieren [fachspr.] [einführen]
convention [a practice]
Brauch {m} [Sitte, Konvention]
photo. photography [practice or occupation]
Photographieren {n} [alt]
art statuary [archaic] [art or practice of making statues]
Bildhauerei {f}
art sculpture [art or practice]
Bildhauerei {f}
archi. tech. design [art / practice of designing]
Entwerfen {n}
abuse [unjust practice]
Missstand {m}
sports scrimmage [practice session]
Übungstreffen {n}
spec. felching [sl.] [sexual practice]
Felching {n} [ugs.] [Sexualpraktik]
med. clinic [group practice]
Gemeinschaftspraxis {f}
photo. photography [practice or occupation]
Fotografieren {n}
communications [science, practice]
Kommunikationswesen {n}
conventionality [conventional practice]
Brauch {m} [Konvention]
polemics [art or practice of disputation; treated as sg.]
Streitkunst {f}
teabagging [sl.] [sexual practice]
Teebeuteln {n} [sl.] [Sexualpraktik]
mus. [etude / practice exercise for keyboard]Clavier-Übung {f} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Klavierübung]
med. [focal medical practice]Schwerpunktpraxis {f}
hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters]Rügegericht {n}
hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters]Ruggericht {n}
law [person certified to practice the profession]Berufsberechtigter {m} [österr.] [z. B. Wirtschaftsprüfer]
[practice of intentionally raising a newborn animal with a parent of another species]Ammenzucht {f}
mus. [practice of singing by turn the lines of the Christmas hymn "Quem pastores" by four soloists or choirs]Quempas-Singen {n}
med. [specialized medical practice]Schwerpunktpraxis {f}
relig. spec. Amidah [central prayer in Jewish liturgical practice]Amida {f}
colleague [female, in a medical or therapeutic practice]Praxiskollegin {f}
facesitting [sexual practice]Facesitting {n} [wörtl. "Gesichtssitzen"; Sexualpraktik]
neol. Janopause [the practice of giving up alcohol for January][Alkoholabstinenz im Januar nach den Feiertagen]
necklacing [S.Afr.] [practice of summary execution]Necklacing {n} [eine Form von Lynchjustiz]
pegging [sexual practice]Pegging {n} [Sexualpraktik]
queening [facesitting] [sexual practice]Facesitting {n} [Sexualpraktik]
quibbleism [rare] [practice of quibbling]Wortklauberei {f}
rimming [sl.] [sexual practice]Zungenanal {n} <ZA> [Sexualpraktik]
snowballing [sl.] [sexual practice]Snowballing {n} [ugs.] [Sexualpraktik]
survival [object or practice from an earlier time]Überbleibsel {n} [ugs.] [hier: Gegenstand oder Gewohnheit aus früheren Zeiten]
2 Words: Others
sports in practice {adv} [during practice]im Training [während des Trainings]
of criminalistics {adj} [methods, practice] [postpos.]kriminalistisch [Methode usw.]
2 Words: Nouns
mil. artillery range [area for shooting practice]Artillerieschießplatz {m}
common practice [joint practice] [Am.]gemeinsame Praxis {f} [gemeinsame Übungen]
pharm. community pharmacy [science, practice]Offizin-Pharmazie {f}
QM essential documents [Good Clinical Practice]essentielle Dokumente {pl} [GCP]
holistic health [concept in medical practice]Ganzheitsmedizin {f}
holistic health [concept in medical practice]ganzheitliche Medizin {f}
jobs job hopping [coll.] [the practice of changing jobs frequently]Jobhopping {n} [ugs.]
leadership experience [practice]Führungspraxis {f}
hist. mil. linear tactics {pl} [theory and practice of waging battles in linear formations]Lineartaktik {f} [Theorie und Praxis der Kriegführung in linearen Formationen]
weapons live ammunition [as opposed to practice ammunition]Gefechtsmunition {f}
Lucky Pierre [sex practice]Lucky Pierre {m} [Sexpraktik "French Sandwich"]
one-upmanship [coll.] [practice of gaining an advantage or feeling of superiority over another person]Ausstechen {n} [Übertreffen]
relig. personal religion [practice of religious beliefs]persönliche Frömmigkeit {f}
relig. popular religion [beliefs, traditions, and everyday religious practice]Volksreligiosität {f}
practice sign [for medical / dental practice etc.]Praxisschild {n}
rifle range [for practice]Schießstand {m}
econ. settlement phase [putting agreements into practice]Abwicklungsphase {f} [Verwirklichung der Vereinbarungen]
mil. sleeve target [practice target]Luftschleppscheibe {f}
mil. sleeve target [practice target]Schleppsack {m}
spit roast [sl.] [sex practice]Spießbraten {m} [sl.] [seltener für: Spit Roast] [Sexpraktik]
educ. writing practice [writing in practice]Schreibpraxis {f}
3 Words: Others
in the field {adv} [in practice]in der Praxis
out of hours {adv} [business or medical practice]außerhalb der Sprechstunden
3 Words: Nouns
mus. etude for piano [practice exercise]Klavierübung {f} [Etüde für Klavier]
mus. etudes for keyboard [practice exercises]Klavierübungen {pl} [Etüden für Klavier]
educ. practice of teaching [teaching practice]Unterrichtspraxis {f}
aviat. touch-and-go [landings followed immediately by takeoffs, e.g. for practice]Touch-and-go {n} {m} [Aufsetzen und Durchstarten, z. B. zum Üben des Landeanfluges]
5+ Words: Others
gained in practice, for use in practice [slogan]aus der Praxis für die Praxis [Slogan]
5+ Words: Verbs
to act according to one's words [put one's words into practice]nach seinen Worten handeln
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. leaving a church / the Church [ceasing to attend a given church or to practice its faith]Kirchenaustritt {m} [inoffiziell]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F Clavier-Übung [keyboard practice] [four volumes I-IV]Clavierübung [vierteilige Sammlung] [Johann Sebastian Bach]
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