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| comp. tech. predefined {adj} {past-p} [pre-configured] | 28 vorkonfiguriert [Programmablauf] | |
| biol. sociol. preadolescent {adj} [also: pre-adolescent] | 15 vorpubertär | |
| biol. sociol. preadolescent {adj} [also: pre-adolescent] | 5 präadoleszent | |
| comp. ChatGPT [short for: chat generative pre-trained transformer] | ChatGPT [ohne Artikel] | |
| hist. interzonal {adj} [pre-reunification] | Interzonen- | |
| geogr. hist. Mesoamerican {adj} [refers to pre-Columbian Central America, esp. as a culture area] | mesoamerikanisch | |
| comp. precomputed {adj} {past-p} [also: pre-computed] | vorberechnet | |
| geol. preglacial {adj} [also: pre-glacial] | präglazial | |
| biol. preovulatory {adj} [also: pre-ovulatory] | präovulatorisch | |
| med. prepandemic {adj} [also: pre-pandemic] | präpandemisch | |
| preshaped {adj} {past-p} [also: pre-shaped] | vorgeprägt | |
Verbs |
| to reserve [book, subscribe, pre-order] | 417 vorbestellen | |
| to anticipate [pre-estimate] | 285 vorausberechnen | |
| to anticipate sth. [pre-empt] | 250 etw.Dat. zuvorkommen | |
Nouns |
| gastr. [small pre-cooked sausage] | 60 Brühwürstchen {n} | |
| archi. RealEst. [pre-WWII residential building] | 57 Altbau {m} | |
| archi. RealEst. [flat /apartment in a pre-WWII tenement] | 39 Altbauwohnung {f} | |
| art hist. [perspective (in pre-renaissance painting) that sizes persons and objects according to importance] | 16 Bedeutungsperspektive {f} | |
| preplanning [also: pre-planning] | 13 Vorausplanung {f} | |
| curr. hist. florin [Br.] [pre-decimal coin] | 10 Zweischillingstück {n} | |
| curr. hist. schilling [Austrian pre-euro currency] | 10 Schilling {m} | |
| educ. [examinations ending the pre-clinical stage] | 8 Physika {pl} | |
| math. [pre-decimal point position] | 7 Vorkommastelle {f} | |
| constr. [pre-engineered home, standard design, relatively cheap] | 6 Typenhaus {n} [vorgeplant, standardisiert und preiswert] | |
| hist. incunabulum [early printed book, pre 1501] | 5 Inkunabel {f} | |
| hist. incunabulum [early printed book, pre 1501] | 5 Wiegendruck {m} | |
| gastr. [pre-dinner drink, aperitif, appetizer, etc.] | Aperetif {m} [FALSCH für: Aperitif] | |
| pol. RadioTV [pre-election TV debate of leading representatives of the major parties] | Elefantenrunde {f} [TV-Diskussion] [österr.] | |
| [pre-Nazi, German nationalist provision of club rules excluding Jews] | Arierparagraph {m} [Geschichte des Deutschnationalismus] | |
| spec. infant [pre-walking] | Kriechling {m} [veraltet] [selten] | |
| biol. sociol. preadolescence [also: pre-adolescence] | Präadoleszenz {f} | |
| med. preeclampsia [also: pre-eclampsia] | Spätgestose {f} | |
| audio premasking [also: pre-masking] | Premasking {n} | |
| curr. hist. schilling [Austrian pre-euro currency] | Schlei {m} [österr. ugs.: Schilling] | |
| educ. student [pre-university] | Eleve {m} [geh.] | |
| mus. Vorkriegsjugend [literally: pre-war youth] [influential 1980s cult Deutschpunk/hardcore punk band from West Berlin] | Vorkriegsjugend {f} [deutsche Hardcore-Punk-Band der 1980er Jahre aus Berlin-Kreuzberg] | |
2 Words: Others |
| hist. pre-Enlightenment {adj} [also: pre-enlightenment] | voraufklärerisch | |
| psych. pre-Oedipal {adj} [also: pre-oedipal, preoedipal] | präödipisch [selten] [Freud] [auch: prä-ödipisch] [präödipal] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| tech. to rough-grind sth. [pre-grind] | etw.Akk. vorschleifen | |
| to subscribe for sth. [pre-order] | etw.Akk. vorbestellen [Buch etc.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| ethn. Adena culture [Pre-Columbian Native American culture] | Adena-Kultur {f} [auch: Adenakultur] | |
| med. Cowper's fluid [pre-ejaculate] | Präejakulat {n} | |
| archaeo. biol. Cro-Magnon [pre-historic human] | Cromagnonmensch {m} | |
| DIN V [pre-issue of DIN standards] | DIN V {f} [DIN-Vornorm] | |
| curr. hist. half crown [Br.] [pre-decimal coin, worth two shillings and sixpence (2/6, 2s. 6d.)] | Halfcrown {f} [zweieinhalb Shilling] | |
| ethn. Hopewell culture [Pre-Columbian Native American culture] | Hopewell-Kultur {f} [auch: Hopewellkultur] | |
| ethn. Hopewell tradition [Pre-Columbian Native American culture] | Hopewell-Kultur {f} [auch: Hopewellkultur] | |
| educ. infants' school [Br.] [spv.] [pre-school] | Vorschule {f} [für 4/5 bis 7 Jährige] | |
| hist. interzonal train [pre-reunification] | Interzonenzug {m} | |
| jobs law legal trainee [female] [in pre-approbation internship] | Referendarin {f} [Rechtsreferendarin] | |
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