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English-German translation for: [protestant]
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Dictionary English German: [protestant]

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professed {adj} [homosexual, protestant etc.]
bekennend [Homosexueller, Protestant etc.]
relig. evangelical {adj} [protestant]
relig. united {adj} [of protestant churches]uniert
relig. uniting {adj} [of protestant churches]uniert
relig. confirmation [Protestant]
Konfirmation {f}
relig. confirmand [Protestant]
Konfirmand {m}
relig. spec. internship [in German Protestant churches]
Vikariat {n} [in evangelischen Kirchen]
educ. jobs relig. [lecturer at the Tübinger Stift (Protestant house of studies in Tübingen)]
Stiftsrepetent {m}
relig. Proddy [pej.] [sl.] [protestant, esp. in Ireland]
Protestant {m}
relig. [aid to minority Protestant churches in a non-Protestant environment]Diasporahilfe {f}
hist. [confederation of protestant cities and countries against Charles V]Schmalkaldischer Bund {m}
educ. relig. [Evangelisches Stift; house of studies for Protestant theological students in Tübingen]Tübinger (Evangelisches) Stift {n}
relig. [protestant charitable organisation in Germany or Austria]Diakonisches Werk {n} [Organisation]
archi. relig. [protestant church built according to the rules of the Patent of Tolerance of 1781 in Austria]Toleranzkirche {f}
med. [Protestant hospital]Evangelisches Krankenhaus {n} <EVK>
relig. [Protestant league in Germany, founded in 1886]Evangelischer Bund {m} <EB>
chapelgoerKirchgänger {m} [nicht anglikanischer englischer Protestant]
relig. confirmand [female] [Protestant]Konfi {f} [ugs.] [ugs. Kurzform für Konfirmandin]
relig. confirmand [Protestant]Konfi {m} [ugs. Kurzform für Konfirmand]
relig. confirmand [Protestant] [female]Konfirmandin {f}
relig. confirmands [Protestant]Konfirmanden {pl}
relig. confirmation [Protestant]Konfi {f} [ugs.] [kurz für: Konfirmation]
relig. confirmee [Protestant]Konfirmand {m}
hist. relig. sectary [nonconfomist protestant]Nonkonformist {m} [Konfession] [nicht fig.]
educ. relig. seminary [protestant theology]Theologisches Seminar {n} [protestantisch]
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. relig. (Geneva) bands {pl} [collar worn by Protestant clergy]Bäffchen {n} [Rsv.] [Kleidungsstück evangelischer Geistlicher]
cloth. relig. (Geneva) bands {pl} [collar worn by Protestant clergy]Beffchen {n}
educ. relig. (theological) seminary [Protestant]Predigerseminar {n}
educ. relig. confirmation class [Protestant]Konfirmandenunterricht {m}
educ. relig. confirmation classes {pl} [Protestant]Konfirmandenunterricht {m}
educ. relig. confirmation classes {pl} [Protestant]Konfirmationsunterricht {m}
relig. confirmation instruction [Protestant]Konfirmandenunterricht {m}
cloth. relig. confirmation suit [protestant]Konfirmationsanzug {m}
relig. ecclesial communities [Catholic term for protestant churches and other denominations]kirchliche Gemeinschaften {pl} [katholische Bezeichnung für protestantische Kirchen und andere Denominationen]
hist. relig. spec. emergency bishop [Protestant territorial lord exercising episcopal powers after the Reformation]Notbischof {m}
relig. Episcopal Church <TEC> [Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America]Episkopalkirche {f} der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
relig. lay preacher [Protestant]Prädikant {m} [Laienprediger]
relig. Mainline church [Protestant] [Am.] [Can.]Mainline Church {f} [Evangelische Kirche mit moderater Theologie]
educ. relig. religious education [Protestant]evangelische Religionslehre {f} [Religionsunterricht]
hist. relig. religious refugee [esp. Protestant]Exulant {m} [bes. protestantischer Glaubensflüchtling]
relig. right-footer [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [esp. in Ireland] [a Protestant]Protestant {m}
relig. Templar Society [German Protestant group, unrelated to the Knights Templar]Tempelgesellschaft {f}
relig. Templer Society [German Protestant group, unrelated to the Knights Templar]Tempelgesellschaft {f}
3 Words: Nouns
relig. Church Development Service [of the German Protestant Churches]Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst {m} <EED>
relig. group of confirmands [Protestant]Konfirmandengruppe {f}
4 Words: Nouns
relig. Christian social service institution [of a Protestant church]Anstalt {f} der Diakonie
relig. Evangelical Church in Germany [federation of protestant churches]Evangelische Kirche {f} in Deutschland <EKD>
relig. Three-Self Patriotic MovementDrei-Selbst-Bewegung {f} [protestant. Kirchenorganisation in China]
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