| English | German | |
| voluntary {adj} [unpaid, for charitable purposes] | 665 ehrenamtlich | |
| effectively {adv} [for all practical purposes, in effect] | 33 faktisch | |
Verbs |
| cosmet. med. to botox sth. [also capitalized] [inject botulinum toxin esp. for cosmetic purposes] | 11 etw.Akk. aufspritzen [z. B. Lippen durch Injektion mit Botox® fülliger machen] | |
| cosmet. med. to botox sth. [also capitalized] [inject botulinum toxin, esp. for cosmetic purposes] | 5 etw.Akk. unterspritzen [mit Botox® aufspritzen] | |
| to bed sb. [coll.] [take to bed for purposes of sexual intercourse] | jdn. ins Bett kriegen [ugs.] [um beizuschlafen] | |
Nouns |
| jobs assessor [for tax purposes] | 193 Gutachter {m} [Taxator] | |
| ends [purposes, goals] | 166 Ziele {pl} | |
| ends [aims, purposes] | 51 Zwecke {pl} | |
| bot. [ornamental agriophyte, i.e. a plant that has been grown for decorative purposes, and may persist also in the natural vegetation] | Stinsenpflanze {f} | |
| bot. [ornamental agriophyte, i.e. a plant that has been grown for decorative purposes, and may persist also in the natural vegetation] | Stinzenpflanze {f} [seltener] [Stinsenpflanze] | |
| ecol. [returning built-up land for environmental protection purposes] | Rückzonung {f} [schweiz.] | |
| admin. fin. [the splitting of combined income equally across members of a unit (couple, family, etc.) for purposes of income tax calculation] | Splitting {n} | |
| [the valuation of economic units for property for purposes of taxation] | steuerliche Einheitsbewertung {f} | |
| relig. chrism [mixture of oil and balm used for sacramental purposes] | Chrisam {m} {n} [geweihtes Öl] | |
| wallette [miniature wall for ornamental or experimental purposes] | Mäuerchen {n} [hier: zum Schmuck oder für Versuchszwecke] | |
2 Words |
| well-situated [for business purposes, e.g. restaurant, office building] | in guter Geschäftslage [nachgestellt] [z. B. Restaurant, Bürogebäude] | |
| admin. fin. law accounting period [for tax purposes] | Ermittlungszeitraum {m} [Besteuerungszeitraum] | |
| agr. pharm. hay flowers [mixture of seeds, flowers, and grasses, sieved from hay and used for medical purposes] | Heublumen {pl} | |
| hist. mil. hunting unit [Nazi SS (fighter) team put together for special purposes] | Jagdverband {m} <JV> [für bestimmte Zwecke zusammengestellte SS-(Kampf) Gruppe] | |
| admin. fin. joint assessment [of married couples for tax purposes] | gemeinsame Veranlagung {f} | |
| fin. law main assessment [of assessed values for tax purposes] | Hauptfeststellung {f} [von Einheitswerten] | |
| fin. offshore account [used for illicit purposes] | Schwarzgeldkonto {n} [Offshore-Konto] | |
| archi. representative building [used for representative purposes] | Repräsentationsgebäude {n} | |
| admin. RealEst. tenancy confirmation [document issued by landlord for registration purposes] | Wohnungsgeberbestätigung {f} | |
3 Words |
| white slave trade [dated] [trading of enslaved women for sexual purposes] | Frauenhandel {m} | |
4 Words |
| idiom on one's own account {adv} [for one's own purposes, for oneself] | in eigener Sache | |
| to put the frighteners on sb. [Br.] [sl.] [esp. for criminal purposes] | jdn. einschüchtern | |
| admin. RealEst. (landlord's) confirmation of residence [document for registration purposes] | Wohnungsgeberbestätigung {f} | |
| ind. transp. transport for own account [for company purposes only] | Werkverkehr {m} [Transport für eigene Zwecke] | |
5+ Words |
| art human or animal figures in a painted landscape [for accessory purposes] | Staffage {f} | |
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