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English-German translation for: [race]
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Dictionary English German: [race]

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stage {adj} [attr.] [e.g. race, victory, win, winner]
Etappen- [z. B. Rennen, Sieg, Sieger]
sports anchor {adj} [attr.] [final stage of a relay race]
Schluss- [z. B. Schlussläufer]
[belonging to a foreign race] {adj}außenbürtig [selten] [Nazi-Begriff, neben "fremdrassig"] [vgl. echtbürtig]
eastern {adj} [race term of nazism]ostisch [Begriff der nationalsozialistischen Rasseideologie]
to persecute sb. [because of religion, race etc.]
jdn. verfolgen [z. B. aus politischen, religiösen Gründen]
to tear [race]
fetzen [ugs.] [rasen]
to frame sth. [sl.] [contrive a dishonest outcome of a race etc.]
etw. manipulieren [Wettkampf, Pferderennen etc.]
to enter [race, contest]
teilnehmen [an Wettbewerb, Rennen etc.]
to fix sth. [coll.] [a match, a race, an election, etc.]
etw. manipulieren [ein Spiel, ein Rennen, eine Wahl etc.]
to adjourn sth. [trial, race, etc.]etw.Akk. ruhen lassen [unterbrechen, verschieben]
sports finish [point at which race ends]
Ziel {n} [Ende einer Wettkampfstrecke]
race [human race]
Geschlecht {n} [Menschengeschlecht / Menschheit]
bot. ethn. for. stock [tribe, race, also of a tree]
Stamm {m} [Volksstamm etc., auch Baumstamm]
equest. steeplechase [horse race]
Hindernisrennen {n}
sports stage [cycling race]
Etappe {f} [Radrennen]
off [Br.] [start of a race]
Start {m}
undesirables {pl} [people] [e.g. due to their politics or race]
Missliebige {pl} [geh.]
sports changeover [relay race]
Stabwechsel {m} [Staffellauf]
strain [archaic] [race]
Geschlecht {n} [Familie]
dash [short fast race]
Sprint {m} [Kurzstreckenlauf]
myth. Nibelungen [a race of dwarves in German mythology]
Nibelungen {pl}
bike sports criterium [circuit race]
Kriterium {n} [Rundstrecken-Rennen]
pack [cycling race]
Hauptfeld {n} [Radrennen]
equest. bangtail [Am.] [horse racing sl.] [race horse]Rennpferd {n}
boat [attr.] [e.g. bridge, building, cover, deck, engine, race, rental]Boots- [z. B. Steg, Bau, Plane, Deck, Motor, Rennen, Verleih]
ethn. Capoid [race classification since discredited]Capoid {m} [veraltet]
sports favorite [Am.] [in a race or similar competition]Sieganwärter {m}
hist. pol. Herrenvolk [also: herrenvolk] [master race]Herrenvolk {n}
nonstarter [in race]Nichtstartender {m}
race [mill race]Gerinne {n}
sports racewalking [also: race walking]Gehen {n} [Sportart]
ethn. redbone [Am.] [esp. Louisiana] [person of mixed race] [pej.]Redbone {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to be next [race / table]gleich darauf folgen
to romp away [with the race]davonziehen [bei Wettrennen]
to shoot off [race off]losschießen [ugs.] [schnell loslaufen]
2 Words: Nouns
tech. bearing race [race for ball bearings]Lagerring {m}
sports chip time [net time in a foot race]Nettozeit {f} [Lauf]
coloured (person) [mixed race] [Br.]Mischling {m}
equest. sports dead heat [race]totes Rennen {n}
sports final downhill [e.g. of a mountain cycling race]Schlussabfahrt {f}
sports final lap [race]Endrunde {f}
final stretch [esp. of a race]letzte Gerade {f} [bes. eines Rennens]
sports gun time [gross time in a foot race]Bruttozeit {f} [Lauf]
sports Hahnenkamm race [Austrian downhill ski race]Hahnenkammrennen {n}
sports last lap [race]Endrunde {f}
sports night race [skiing] [race under floodlights]Flutlichtrennen {n}
non-starter [in race]Nichtstartender {m}
comp. electr. race condition <RC>kritischer Wettlauf {m} [Race Condition]
comp. electr. race hazard [race condition]Wettlaufsituation {f}
hist. pol. racist policies {pl} [policies intending to harm others that do not belong to the same race as oneself: Nazi Germany, South Africa, etc.]Rassenpolitik {f}
market. sports route advertising [along race tracks etc.]Streckenwerbung {f}
sports starting field [at a race]Starterfeld {n}
sports time trial [cycling race]Zeitfahren {n} [Radrennen]
sports winner's time [in a race]Siegerzeit {f}
3 Words: Others
head-to-head {adv} [in a race or competition]Kopf-an-Kopf
3 Words: Verbs
sports stat. to break the record [e.g. in a race]den Rekord unterbieten [z. B. in einem Wettrennen]
to take the lead [in a race]sich an die Spitze setzen
3 Words: Nouns
sports final leg runner [relay race]Schlussläufer {m} [bei Staffelwettbewerben, außer Skilaufen]
sports first leg runner [relay race]Startläufer {m} [bei Staffelwettbewerben, außer Skilaufen]
bike initial time trial [multi-stage cycling race]Auftaktzeitfahren {n} [Radrennen]
climbing sports Patrouille des Glaciers <PDG> [Swiss ski mountaineering race]Patrouille des Glaciers {f} <PDG>
bike sports team time trial [cycling race]Teamzeitfahren {n} [Radrennen]
bike sports Tour of Flanders [classic bike race]Flandernrundfahrt {f} [auch: Flandern-Rundfahrt]
4 Words: Verbs
to be nip and tuck [in race, etc.]Kopf an Kopf liegen
to be not far behind [race / table]nicht weit dahinter folgen / liegen
sports to win / acquire sth. by running [esp. in a race]sichDat. etw.Akk. erlaufen [z. B. eine Trophäe]
4 Words: Nouns
sports Bird of Prey course [ski race course]Raubvogelpiste {f}
sports hill climb time trial [cycling race]Bergzeitfahren {n} [Straßenradsport]
sports King of the Mountains [cycling race] <KoM>Bergkönig {m} [Radrennen]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
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