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English-German translation for: [racing]
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Dictionary English German: [racing]

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
horsey {adj} [devoted to horses or horse racing]
equest. to run [horse racing]
sports to sandbag [deliberately underperform in car racing][absichtlich langsamer fahren als möglich] [im Rennsport]
bike racer [racing bicycle]
Rennrad {n}
equest. stud [for horse racing, etc.]
Stall {m}
automot. sports petrolhead [Br.] [sl.] [car racing fan]
Rennsportfreak {m} [ugs.]
sports backmarker [also: back marker] [esp. in car racing]
Nachzügler {m}
racing [motor racing]
Motorrennen {n}
equest. trots {pl} [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [trotting races, harness racing]
Trabrennen {n}
equest. bangtail [Am.] [horse racing sl.] [race horse]Rennpferd {n}
sports run [e.g. ski racing]Durchgang {m} [z. B. alpiner Skisport]
shell [narrow, light racing boat]Rennruderboot {n}
sports straightaway [on a racing circuit] [Am.]Gerade {f} [auf einer Rennstrecke]
sports teammate [female] [skiing, racing]Fahrerkollegin {f}
sports teammate [skiing, racing]Fahrerkollege {m}
equest. turfite [esp. Am.] [a person devoted to horse racing]Liebhaber {m} von Pferderennen
equest. turfman [esp. Am.] [a person devoted to horse racing]Liebhaber {m} von Pferderennen
2 Words: Others
sports too conservatively {adv} [level of aggression in racing]zu dosiert [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
equest. (race) course [horse racing, orienteering]Bahn {f} [Pferderennen, Orientierungslauf]
equest. also-ran [coll.] [horse racing]erfolgloses Rennpferd {n}
equest. backed horse [horse racing]gewettetes Pferd {n}
sports Belgian tourniquet [bicycle racing]belgische Reihe {f} [Radsport]
sports Belgian tourniquet [bicycle racing]Belgischer Kreisel {m} [Radsport]
bike sports breakaway (group) [bicycle racing]Fluchtgruppe {f} [Radrennen]
equest. carriage race [horse racing]Kutschenrennen {n}
equest. carriage race [horse racing]Zweispännerrennen {n}
sports Christmas tree [coll.] [countdown lights in drag racing]Weihnachtsbaum {m} [ugs.] [Startampel]
hist. Circus Maximus [ancient Roman chariot-racing stadium]Circus Maximus {m}
sports course conditions {pl} [ski racing]Pistenzustand {m} [Skirennen]
sports course inspection [ski racing]Hangbefahrung {f} [Skirennen]
bike cycling enthusiast [using a racing bike]Gümmeler {m} [schweiz.] [Rennradfahrer]
sports discipline standings {pl} [ski racing]Disziplinenwertung {f} [Skirennen]
sports downhill (event) [alpine ski racing]Abfahrt {f}
sports Unverified downhill podium [ski racing]Abfahrtspodest {n}
sports downhill premiere [ski racing]Abfahrtspremiere {f} [Skirennen]
sports downhill training [ski racing]Abfahrtstraining {n} [Skirennen]
sports downhill victor [ski racing]Abfahrtssieger {m}
sports fastest lap [e.g. motor racing]schnellste Rennrunde {f}
sports fastest lap [e.g. motor racing]schnellste Runde {f}
sports fine boat [Br.] [racing shell]Rennboot {n} [Rudern]
sports gate straddle [ski racing]Einfädler {m} [Skirennen]
sports grid position [motor racing]Startposition {f}
sports intermediate sprint [bicycle racing]Zwischenspurt {m}
sports Lauberhorn course [downhill ski racing]Lauberhornstrecke {f}
sports Unverified leader's chair [alpine ski racing]Leadersessel {m} [ugs.] [Sportjargon] [selten]
sports missed gate [ski racing]Torfehler {m} [Skirennen]
equest. non-starter [horse racing]nicht startendes Pferd {n}
sports Olympic course [ski, kayak, and canoe racing]Olympiastrecke {f}
sports photo finish [athletics, horse racing]Fotofinish {n}
sports safety net [ski racing]Fangnetz {n} [Skirennen]
sports snow control [alpine ski racing]Schneekontrolle {f}
sports speed weekend [weekend of downhill and super GS alpine racing]Speed-Wochenende {n}
sports super combined [an event in alpine ski racing]Super-Kombination {f}
sports survival running [obstacle course racing]Survival Running {n} [Extremhindernislauf]
sports track racing [also: track-racing]Bahnrennen {n}
sports tuck position [e.g. in diving, downhill racing]Hocke {f} [Körperhaltung z.B. bei der Skiabfahrt]
3 Words: Verbs
sports to distance (a horse) [Am.] [horse racing](ein Pferd) abhängen
3 Words: Nouns
sports final training run [ski racing]Abschlusstraining {n} [Abfahrt]
sports Unverified slalom training run [ski racing]Slalomtraining {n}
automot. sports vehicle log book [for racing cars]Wagenpass {m}
4 Words: Verbs
sports to come to a standstill [ski racing]einen Steher haben [österr.] [ugs.] [Skirennen]
sports to miss out on points [ski and auto racing]die Punkteränge verpassen
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