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English-German translation for: [radio-based]
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Dictionary English German: [radio based]

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RadioTV tech. ground station [radio-based]Bodenstation {f} [funkgestützt]
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print vegetable-oil-based ink [also: vegetable oil-based ink, vegetable oil based ink]Druckfarbe {f} auf Pflanzenölbasis
comp. translator [computer-based]Konvertierungsprogramm {n}
sb. rested [based]jd. basierte
soundly {adv} [based]fest [gegründet, verankert]
gastr. lassi {pl} [yogurt-based drink]Lassis {pl}
comp. machine-based {adj} [computer-based]maschinenbasiert
chem. metalworking fluid [oil-based]Metallbearbeitungsöl {n}
mus. [flute-based organ stop]Schwiegel {f} [Orgelregister]
[union based on joint liabilities]Haftungsunion {f}
astron. earth-based {adj} [also: Earth-based]erdbasiert
comm. econ. market-based {adj} [also: market based]marktbezogen
Internet telecom. network-based {adj} [also: network based]netzbasiert
Internet telecom. network-based {adj} [also: network based]netzgestützt
mus. [flute-based organ stop]Schwegel {f} [veraltet] [Orgelregister]
gastr. macarons [sweet meringue-based confectionery]Luxemburgerli {pl} [schweiz.]
ecol. bio-based {adj} [short for: biology-based]biobasiert
biol. biologically based {adj} [also: biologically-based]biologisch basiert
broadly based {adj} [also: broad-based]breit gefächert
electr. charge base [for battery-based equipment]Ladestation {f}
material engineered wood {sg} [wood-based materials]Holzwerkstoffe {pl}
law fault liability [liability based on fault]Verschuldenshaftung {f}
philos. pol. rational state [state based on reason]Vernunftstaat {m}
arbitrarily {adv} [based on personal choice or whim]eigenmächtig
film lit. [book on which the film was based]Buchvorlage {f}
sports [sports club based in a capital city]Hauptstadtverein {m}
FoodInd. gastr. macaron [sweet meringue-based confectionery]Makrone {f} [französisches Macaron]
sth. rests upon [is based on]etw. basiert
pol. jus sanguinis [right to nationality based on parentage]Abstammungsprinzip {n}
sailor's gait [wide-based unsteady gait]Seemannsgang {m}
[acquisition procedure based on the Mining Code]bergbauliches Grundabtretungsverfahren {n}
relig. faith-centered {adj} [Am.] [based exclusively on religious beliefs]glaubenszentriert
hist. tools mechanical calculator [based on punch card input]Lochkartenrechner {m} [Rechenmaschine]
gastr. marinated pot roast [vinegar based]saurer Mocken {m} [schweiz.] [Sauerbraten]
lit. [novel based on real events but using changed names]Schlüsselroman {m}
relig. episcopal structure [form of church polity based on bishops]Episkopalstruktur {f}
gastr. mirror glaze [gelatin-based glaze for cakes]Spiegelglasur {f} [für Gebäck]
Renaissance man [fig.] [person of exceptionally broad-based knowledge]Universalgelehrter {m}
comp. photo. to blur [term based on Photoshop terminology]weichzeichnen [Bildschärfe reduzieren, Konturen verwischen]
biol. spec. [the perceptually-based ability to experience and manipulate one's world]Merkwelt {f}
tools sawzall [Am.] [based on reciprocating saws produced by Sawzall®]Multisäge {f} [Motorfuchsschwanz]
to rest on sth. [to be based on sth.]auf etw.Dat. fußen
to turn on sth. [argument] [be based on]auf etw.Dat. beruhen
overdue fine [based upon a fixed charge per day / week]Versäumnisgebühr {f}
lit. sociol. writing culture [culture based on written materials]Schriftkultur {f} [basierend auf Geschriebenem]
to call an audible [Am.] [coll.] [based on football]sich spontan umentscheiden
child care subsidy [esp. for home-based care by parents]Betreuungsgeld {n}
stocks [expectation of higher prices based on industry consolidation related M&A activities]Konsolidierungsfantasie {f}
cream-crackered {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [knackered; based on Cockney rhyming slang]geschlaucht [ugs.]
publ. control text [specific text upon which a modern edition is based]Textgrundlage {f}
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