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English-German translation for: [rarely]
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Dictionary English German: [rarely]

Translation 1 - 50 of 85  >>

English German
smiled {adj} {past-p} [rarely used as an adjective]
gelächelt [als Adjektiv selten]
psych. psychical {adj} [rarely]
orderly {adj} {adv} [correct, properly] [rarely used as an adverb]
[rarely used; two different meanings: a) venerating, deferential; b) venerable] {adj}
verehrensvoll [selten für: a) verehrungsvoll; b) verehrenswert]
geogr. hist. pol. Boeotian {adj} [rarely also: Beotian]böotisch [zu Böotien gehörig]
narratival {adj} [rarely used outside of theological writings]narrativ
med. pathognostic {adj} [rarely used for: pathognomonic]pathognostisch
to parry sth. [attack, blow] [rarely: parry sth. off]
etw.Akk. abwehren [Angriff, Hieb]
entom. T
entom. T
ethn. hist. Ampsivarii [also: Ampsivari; rarely: Amsivarii]Ampsivarier {pl} [auch: Amsivarier]
ethn. geogr. hist. Boeotian [rarely also: Beotian]Böotier {m} [veraltet]
entom. T
entom. T
chem. digermane [Ge2H6] [rarely: germanium hexahydride]Digerman {n} [selten: Germaniumhexahydrid]
geogr. Gnadensee [western part of Lower Lake Constance] [rarely translated as Lake of Mercy]Gnadensee {m}
entom. T
entom. T
ethn. Kirghiz {pl} [rarely also: Kirghizes]Kirgisen {pl}
hist. pol. Polonization [rarely also: polonization]Polonisierung {f}
2 Words: Others
drunken with sth. {adj} [fig.] [with joy, happiness, passion; rarely: with rage, fear, etc.]trunken vor etw.Dat. [geh.] [vor Freude, Glück, Leidenschaft; selten: vor Wut, Angst etc.]
primary infectious {adj} [rarely: primarily infectious]primär infektiös
sth. whose like [one rarely sees]etw., dergleichen [selten zu sehen ist] [veraltet]
2 Words: Verbs
to mic drop sth. [Am.] [coll.] [fig.] [rarely: mic-drop] [intentionally dropping a microphone after a speech or performance]etw.Akk. mit einem Paukenschlag beenden [fig.]
2 Words: Nouns
baby flap [more rarely] [baby hatch]Babyklappe {f}
comp. spec. big data {sg} [rarely treated as pl.]Big Data {pl}
econ. pol. Bilderberg Club [rarely: Bilderberg club]Bilderberg-Club {m}
med. carcinoembryonic antigen <CEA> [rarely: carcino-embryonic antigen, carcino embryonic antigen]carcinoembryonales Antigen {n} <CEA>
zool. elephant cow [more rarely] [cow elephant]Elefantenkuh {f}
tech. filler plug [IEC 60050] [rarely also: fillerplug, filler-plug]Blindstopfen {m} [IEC 60050]
audio hearing tactic [rarely for: hearing tactics]Hörtaktik {f}
biol. HeLa cells [pseudonym Helen Lane or rarely as Helen Larson]Henrietta-Lacks-Zellen {pl} [HeLa-Zellen]
ling. language obsolescence [stage of a minority language rarely used]Sprachvergessen {n} [einer bedrohten Sprache]
med. Manchester operation [rarely Manchester's operation]Manchester-Operation {f}
ind. medium technology <MT> [this term is rarely used as a noun; it is a common adjective]Mitteltechnologie {f}
med. membranous ossification [more rarely] [intramembranous ossification]desmale Ossifikation {f}
med. Paschen bodies [rarely also: Paschen elementary bodies]Paschen-Elementar-Körperchen {pl}
med. sailor's skin [rarely also: sailor skin]Seemannshaut {f}
psych. Simon effect [rarely also Simon's effect]Simon-Effekt {m}
law trademark rights [rarely in the singular]Markenrecht {n} [z. B. Markenrechte einer GmbH]
anat. med. vaginal ligaments [more rarely] [Ligamentum anulare digitorum, Pars anularis vaginae fibrosae digitorum manus]Ringbänder {pl} [Hand]
3 Words: Nouns
art lit. myth. Baucis and Philemon [also: Philemon and Baucis; rarely also with "Baukis"]Philemon und Baucis [seltener: Baucis und Philemon; selten auch mit „Baukis“]
anat. med. gamma nervous system [in eutony, breathing therapy, etc.] [rarely: gamma nerve system]Gamma-Nervensystem {n} [in Eutonie, Atemtherapie etc.]
MedTech. magnetic resonance tomography <MRT> [more rarely] [magnetic resonance imaging, MRI]Magnetresonanztomografie {f} <MRT>
MedTech. magnetic resonance tomography <MRT> [more rarely] [magnetic resonance imaging, MRI]Magnetresonanztomographie {f} <MRT>
ind. medium-high technology <MHT> [this term is rarely used as a noun; it is a common adjective]Mittelhochtechnologie {f}
Nambu-Goto action [rarely also Nambu-Goto's action]Nambu-Goto-Wirkung {f}
med. Pallister-Killian syndrome <PKS> [rarely also Pallister-Killian's syndrome]Pallister-Killian-Syndrom {n} <PKS>
med. reverse Bankart lesion [rarely also: reversed Bankart lesion]umgekehrte Bankart-Läsion {f} [auch: reversed Bankart-Läsion]
4 Words: Verbs
to chivvy / chivy sb. into doing sth. [rarely chevy]jdn. drängen, etw. zu tun
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