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Dictionary English German: [rate ]

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birth {adj} [attr.] [e.g. control, rate]Geburten- [z. B. Kontrolle, Rate]
fin. Unverified [variable-rate mortgage tied to the Swiss Average Rate Overnight]Saron-Hypothek {f}
med. stat. mortality [rate]Sterblichkeitsrate {f}
crack {adj} [first-rate]erstklassig
primary {adj} [first-rate]erstklassig
top {adj} [first-rate]erstklassig
med. VetMed. natimortality [stillbirth rate]Totgeburtenzahl {f}
fin. rate [tax rate]Steuersatz {m}
fin. floating {adj} [interest rate]variabel [Zinssatz]
Internet telecom. bandwidth [data transfer rate]Datenübertragungsrate {f}
med. stat. mortality (rate) [death rate]Sterblichkeitsmaß {n}
top {adj} [first-rate, excellent]toll [ugs.]
to slacken [rate of development]sich verlangsamen
insur. med. mortality displacement [excess mortality rate]Übersterblichkeit {f}
fin. rate cut [interest rate cut]Zinssenkung {f}
fin. floater [floating-rate bond]variabel verzinste Anleihe {f}
Unverified cost control [reduction in inflation rate]Kostenbremse {f}
engin. ind. heating rate [also: heat rate]Heizrate {f} [selten]
med. stroke frequency [heart pulse rate]Schlagfrequenz {f} [Herz]
Internet ad-click rateAnzeigenbeachtungsrate {f} [Ad-Click-Rate]
infantile death-rate [child death rate]Kindersterblichkeit {f}
tech. stock removal rate [material removal rate]Abtragsleistung {f}
exhaust steam mass flow [rate]Abdampfstrom {m} [Volumen]
future {adj} [e.g. the future tax rate]kommend
sterling {adj} [excellent, first-rate]von höchster Qualität [nachgestellt]
med. stat. attack rate [epidemiology]Attackrate {f} [auch: Attack-Rate] [Epidemiologie]
med. stat. crude rate [epidemiology]rohe Inzidenz {f} [rohe Rate] [Epidemiologie]
med. stat. crude rate [epidemiology]rohes Maß {n} [rohe Rate] [Epidemiologie]
geol. subduction speed [less common for: subduction rate]Subduktionsgeschwindigkeit {f}
fin. exchange rate arrangements {pl} [also: exchange rate regime]Wechselkursregime {n}
low-rent {adj} [coll.] [fig.] [esp. Am.] [low rate]minderwertig
med. normal pulse [coll.] [resting heart rate]Normalpuls {m} [ugs.] [Ruheherzfrequenz]
med. sed rate [short for: erythrocyte sedimentation rate]Blutsenkungsgeschwindigkeit {f} <BSG>
acc. fin. rate of stock turnover [rate of inventory turnover]Lagerumschlagsgeschwindigkeit {f}
gastr. rack rate [hotel industry]Schrankpreis {m} [Rack-Rate in der Hotellerie]
med. re-stenosis rate [also: restenosis rate]Restenoserate {f} [auch: Re-Stenoserate]
econ. terms of trade {pl} <TOT>realer Wechselkurs {m} [Terms-of-Trade-Rate]
fin. tech. acceleration [e.g. in heart rate]Forcierung {f} [Beschleunigung] [z. B. Herzfrequenz]
curr. fin. exchange rate [cash exchange rate, i.e. notes and coins]Sortenkurs {m}
med. normal pulse at rest [coll.] [resting heart rate]normaler Ruhepuls {m} [ugs.] [Ruheherzfrequenz]
flat {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fee, price, rate]Pauschal- [z. B. Gebühr, Preis, Tarif]
percentage [a rate, number, or amount in each hundred]prozentueller Anteil {m} [bes. österr.]
fin. Unverified [payout rate on assets in pillar 2 of the Swiss retirement system]Umwandlungssatz {m} [Schweiz]
with half the [speed, amount, dose rate, etc.]mit halber [Geschwindigkeit, Menge, Dosisleistung usw.]
to keep up (with) [move or progress at the same rate]nachkommen [Schritt halten können]
chem. transition state theory [TST] [also: absolute rate theory]Theorie {f} des Übergangszustandes [auch: Eyring-Theorie]
law daily fine in lieu of jail time [calculated from the rate of income]Tagessatz {m}
repo rate [repurchase agreement interest rate]Repo-Zinssatz {m}
fin. average level [pension, interest rate, etc.]Durchschnittshöhe {f} [Rente, Zinsen etc.]
to drop [rate, temperature etc.]sinken [Temperaturen etc.]
slackening [of rate of development, speed]Verlangsamung {f}
electr. electricity {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bill, costs, meter, rate, sector]Strom- [z. B. Rechnung, Kosten, Zähler, Tarif, Sektor]
sports B team [generally second rate players chosen for unimportant matches]B-Elf {f}
fin. prime [Am.] [coll: prime rate]Prime Rate {f} [kurzfr. Zinssatz für erstklassige Adressen]
stat. tech. failures {pl} per hour [1/λ; failure rate]Ausfall {m} pro Zeiteinheit [1/Zeit; Ausfallrate]
curr. stocks fix [benchmark rate]Fix {m} [Benchmarkkurs]
econ. jobs publ. churn rateKündigungsquote {f} [seltener für: Abwanderungsquote] [Kennzahl, die die Rate angibt, mit der ein Unternehmen seine Abonnenten oder Kunden verliert]
comp. telecom. unit baud <Bd> [transmission rate: symbols per second]Baud {n} <Bd> [Übertragungsrate: Symbole pro Sekunde]
phys. rate of fluid flow <m3/s> [volumetric flow rate]Durchflussrate {f} <m3/s> [Volumenstrom]
phys. volume velocity <m3/s> [volumetric flow rate]Volumenstrom {m} <m3/s>
to raise sth. [e.g. the minimum age, taxes, the base rate]etw.Akk. hochsetzen [z. B. das Mindestalter, die Steuern, den Leitzins]
telecom. unit IPC rate [instructions per cycle rate]IPC-Rate {f}
med. sociol. healthy user bias <HUB> [base rate fallacy in epidemiologic studies]Healthy User Bias {m} {n} [Prävalenzfehler in Arzneimittelstudien]
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