| English | German | |
| quite {adv} [rather] | 10056 ziemlich | |
| quite {adv} [rather] | 4644 ganz [ziemlich] | |
| apparent {adj} [ostensible rather than actual] | 1015 anscheinend | |
| apparent {adj} [ostensible rather than actual] | 329 scheinbar [ugs.] [anscheinend] | |
| quite {adv} [rather] | 83 einigermaßen [ugs.] [ziemlich] | |
| druther {adv} [Am.] [dial.] [(would) rather, by preference] | 33 eher [lieber] | |
| pretty {adv} [coll.] [fairly, rather] | 19 reichlich [ugs.] [ziemlich] | |
| admin. law [adopted as law rather than as constitutional amendment] {adv} | auf Gesetzesstufe [Schweiz] | |
| quote [I belong rather to the "old iron" (literally: the scrap heap / here also: the good old stuff) than to the "new sheet iron" (here: the new piffle).] | Ich gehöre lieber zum alten Eisen als zum neuen Blech. [u. a. dem Schauspieler Max „Maxi“ Böhm zugeschrieben] | |
| proverb [Rather get an upset stomach than let anything go back to the innkeeper.] | Lieber den Magen verrenken, als dem Wirt etwas / was schenken. [auch: Lieber den Magen verrenkt, als dem Wirt was geschenkt.] | |
| admin. cantonal {adj} [concerning cantonal rather than federal personnel] | kantonseigen [Schweiz] | |
| dim {adj} [coll.] [dim-witted, rather stupid] | (geistig) beschränkt [pej.] | |
| squabbish {adj} [archaic] [literary] [rather short and fat] | eher kurz und untersetzt [ugs.] | |
Verbs |
| to rather sb./sth. [nonstandard or regional] [prefer] [often with a modal verb, e.g. I would rather a coffee] | 67 jdn./etw. vorziehen | |
Nouns |
| mil. Commander [a position rather than a rank] | 18 Kommandeur {m} [Luftwaffe] | |
| crabapple [fruit, rather sour] | 17 Holzapfel {m} | |
| mil. Commodore [a position rather than a rank] | 7 Kommodore {m} [Luftwaffe] | |
| art [big oil painting, not valuable, often rather ugly] | Ölschinken {m} [pej.] | |
| jobs [compensation to Swiss employers for reducing employee hours rather than laying them off] | Kurzarbeitsentschädigung {f} | |
| law pol. [electoral system in which a vote is cast for a candidate rather than a party] | Persönlichkeitswahl {f} | |
| mil. [general of the fighter arm - a position rather than a rank] | General {m} der Jagdflieger [Luftwaffe] | |
| [one who looks the other way rather than intervening when others are in trouble] | Wegseher {m} | |
| hist. [principality within the Holy Roman Empire with an elected rather than hereditary prince] | Wahlstaat {m} | |
| med. dropsies [rather dated] [cases or forms of dropsy] | Wassersuchten {pl} [eher veraltet] [Fälle oder Formen von Wassersucht] | |
2 Words: Others |
| Icelandic-born {adj} [German »in / auf« referring rather to the state / island position] | in / auf Island geboren | |
| kind of {adv} [coll.] [rather] | ziemlich | |
| pol. pro-Jurassic {adj} [rare] [sympathetic to the Swiss canton of Jura rather than Bern] | projurassisch [Schweiz] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| gastr. to cook sth. well [as in burnt, rather than bloody] | etw.Akk. garkochen [Rsv. für gar kochen] | |
| to trudge through sth. [rather abstract obstacles, e.g. heat, day] | sich durch etw. durchquälen | |
| to trudge through sth. [rather concrete obstacles, e.g. snow] | sich durch etw. durchkämpfen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| block letter [printed rather than cursive] | Druckbuchstabe {m} | |
| RadioTV cable channel [television channel broadcast over cable rather than air] | Kabelkanal {m} [ugs.] [Kabelfernsehen] | |
| mineral. ruby sulphur [rather in older texts besides: realgar] [As4S4] | Rubinschwefel {m} [eher in älteren Texten neben: Realgar] | |
| Unverified succès d'estime [Br.] [sth. praised by the critics rather than the general population] | Achtungserfolg {m} | |
| mil. Technical Officer [a position rather than rank] | Technischer Offizier {m} [Luftwaffe] | |
| mil. Technical Officer [female] [a position rather than a rank] | Technische Offizierin {f} [Luftwaffe] | |
3 Words: Others |
| pol. proverb Esse quam videri. [USA] [North Carolina state motto: To be, rather than to seem (to be).] | Mehr sein als scheinen. [Motto des US-Staates North Carolina] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to inquire of sb. where ... [Br.] [rather proper speech] | von jdm. zu erfahren suchen, wo ... | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| mus. closed organ pipe ["stopped" rather than "closed" is the common English musical term] | gedeckte Orgelpfeife {f} [selten] | |
4 Words: Others |
| a bit of a ... [coll.] [rather a ...] | ein ziemlicher ... | |
| a bit of a ... [coll.] [rather a ...] | ein ziemliches ... | |
| a bit of a ... [coll.] [rather a ...] | eine ziemliche ... | |
| a bit of a ... [coll.] [rather a ...] | einen ziemlichen ... | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to crumble in on itself [collapse or crumble towards its centre or midpoint rather than to the ground] | in sich zusammenfallen [zu seinem Zentrum oder Mittelpunkt hin] | |
| to fold in on itself [collapse or crumble towards its centre or midpoint rather than to the ground] | in sich zusammenfalten [zu seinem Zentrum oder Mittelpunkt hin] | |
| to fold in on itself [collapse or crumble towards its centre or midpoint rather than to the ground] | in sich zusammenklappen [zu seinem Zentrum oder Mittelpunkt hin] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| mus. to the accompaniment of music {adv} [rather if artistic relation between action and music is intended] | zu Musikbegleitung | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| F [nickname of Kelly Bundy in "Married with Children"; in the German version rather translated as "dimwit", unlike "pumpkin" in the original US-series] | Dumpfbacke {f} [Christina Applegate als Kelly Bundy, US-Fernsehserie "Eine schrecklich nette Familie"] | |
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