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| market. promotional {adj} [re publicity] | 182 Werbe- | |
| [Where are you from?] [usually pronounced "Where're you from?"] | Wo kommste wech? [regional nordd.] [phonet. Dialektschreibung] | |
| Anytime! [idiom] [You're welcome.] | Immer wieder gerne! [Redewendung] [Gern geschehen.] | |
| Anytime. [idiom] [You're welcome.] | Gerne wieder. [Redewendung] [Gern geschehen.] | |
| Anytime. [idiom] [You're welcome.] | Jederzeit wieder. [Redewendung] [Gern geschehen.] | |
| Anytime. [You're welcome.] | Gern geschehen. [Redewendung] | |
| promotional {adj} [re advancement] | Beförderungs- | |
| ur [sl.] [you're] | du bist | |
Verbs |
| to recount sth. [retell, re-narrate] | 425 etw.Akk. nacherzählen | |
| to readdress sth. [also: re-address] [a parcel, letter etc.] | etw.Akk. umadressieren | |
| to readdress sth. [also: re-address] [a parcel, letter etc.] | etw.Akk. neu adressieren | |
| to recount sth. [retell, re-narrate] | etw.Akk. nochmal erzählen [ugs.] | |
| to recount sth. [retell, re-narrate] | etw.Akk. nochmals erzählen | |
| to recount sth. [retell, re-narrate] | etw.Akk. noch einmal erzählen | |
| to redecorate sth. [re-wallpaper a room or building] | etw.Akk. neu tapezieren [ein Zimmer, ein Haus] | |
| to reemerge [spv.] [re-emerge] | wieder auftreten | |
| educ. to reënroll [spv.] [rare] [re-enroll, reenroll] | sich wieder anmelden [sich erneut einschreiben] | |
| to reprioritize [also: to re-prioritize] sth. | etw. neu priorisieren | |
Nouns |
| recreation [re-creation] | 18 Neuerschaffung {f} | |
| contamination [through microbial (re-)growth] | 7 Verkeimung {f} | |
| recreation [also: re-creation] | 6 Neugestaltung {f} | |
| pol. [voting procedure similar to a division in the House of Commons where MPs re-enter the floor through one of three doors] | 5 Hammelsprung {m} [Abstimmungsverfahren] | |
| rail [a type of regional train in Germany (abbrev. RE), Luxembourg (also abbrev. RE) and Austria (abbrev. REX)] | Regionalexpress® {m} <RE®> | |
| weapons [WWII, common name of the man-portable, re-usable, recoilless antitank rocket laucher M 54] | Panzerschreck {m} 54 [2. WK, deutsche reaktive wiederverwendbare Panzerabwehrwaffe] | |
| chem. irene [C13H18] | Iren {n} [Betonung: I're:n] | |
| reanalysis [also: re-analysis] | Neuanalyse {f} [erneute Analyse] | |
| rediscoverer [also: re-discoverer] | Wiederentdecker {m} | |
| med. reepithelialisation [Br.] [also: re-epithelialisation] | Reepithelialisierung {f} | |
| med. reepithelialization [also: re-epithelialization] | Reepithelialisierung {f} | |
| med. reinnervation [also: re-innervation] | Reinnervation {f} | |
| mineral. tarkianite [(Cu,Fe)(Re,Mo)4S8] | Tarkianit {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| med. pharm. as needed {adv} <p.r.n., PRN> [pro re nata] | bei Bedarf | |
| De nada. [Spanish phrase] [You're welcome.] | Gern geschehen! | |
| No problem! [You're welcome.] | Kein Ding! [ugs.] [Gern geschehen.] | |
| No worries! [Aus.] [You're welcome] | Gern geschehen! | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to readd sb./sth. to sth. [re-add] | jdn./etw. wieder zu etw.Akk. hinzufügen | |
| to relook at sth. [re-examine sth.] [more frequent in South (East) Asian English than in Br. or Am.] | etw.Akk. (erneut) überprüfen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| labor camp [Am.] [re-education camp, esp. in China] | Umerziehungslager {n} [Arbeitslager, bes. in China] | |
| med. re-epithelisation [Br.] | Reepithelisierung {f} [selten] [Re-Epithelisierung] | |
| astron. phys. re-ionization | Reionisation {f} [auch: Re-Ionisation] | |
| automot. comm. reimported vehicle | Reimportfahrzeug {n} [Re-Import-Fahrzeug] | |
| relook (into sth.) [re-examination (of sth.)] [more frequent in South (East) Asian English than in Br. or Am.] | (erneute) Überprüfung {f} (von etw.Dat.) | |
| hist. pol. united Germany [here: re-united Germany] | wiedervereinigtes Deutschland {n} | |
3 Words: Others |
| How're your ... (doing)? [coll.] [e.g. How're your kids doing?] | Wie geht's / gehts deinen / Ihren ...? [ugs.] [z. B. ... deinen / Ihren Kindern] | |
| transp. travel We are lost. [We're lost.] [driving] | Wir haben uns verfahren. | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| traffic to reopen sth. to traffic [also: to re-open sth. to traffic] | etw. für den Verkehr wieder freigeben | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| med. re-stenosis rate [also: restenosis rate] | Restenoserate {f} [auch: Re-Stenoserate] | |
4 Words: Others |
| med. as the circumstances require {adv} <p.r.n., PRN> [pro re nata] | gegebenenfalls <ggf., ggfs., gfs.> | |
| What are you thinking? [meaning: that's absurd / you're on the wrong track thinking that] | Wo denkst du hin? [Redewendung] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| quote We're all here to do what we're all here to do. [Matrix Reloaded] | Wir alle sind hier, um genau das zu tun, was wir tun. | |
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