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English-German translation for: [reaction]
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Dictionary English German: [reaction]

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
swift {adj} [reaction, reply also, revenge]
swiftly {adv} [reaction, reply also, revenge]
tech. instantaneous {adj} [response, reaction]
torpid {adj} [reaction]
langsam [Reaktion]
visceral {adj} [fig.] [unreasoning, deep; e.g. reaction]aus dem Bauch heraus [nachgestellt] [Redewendung]
to squint [reaction to strong light]
amusement [as reaction]
Heiterkeit {f} [Gelächter etc. als Reaktion]
chem. reaction [e.g. catalyzed reaction]
Umsetzung {f} [z. B. katalysierte Umsetzung]
neol. [shocked reaction to the economic situation]Konjunkturschock {m}
2 Words: Others
Bless you! [reaction to sb. sneezing]Helfgott! [österr.] [südd.] [veraltend] [Gesundheit!]
chem. tech. multi-component {adj} [attr.] [e.g. system, reaction, model, etc.]Mehrkomponenten- [z. B. System, Reaktion, Modell etc.]
nucl. tech. self-sustaining {adj} {pres-p} [e.g. chain reaction](sich) selbst erhaltend [z. B. Kettenreaktion]
split-second {adj} [attr.] [decision, reaction, etc.]sekundenschnell [Entscheidung, Reaktion etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
to respond to sth. [show positive reaction]auf etw.Akk. ansprechen [auf Medikamente oder Reize positiv reagieren]
2 Words: Nouns
med. Abelin's reaction [also: Abelin reaction]abelinsche Reaktion {f}
chem. Berthelot reaction [also Berthelot's reaction]Berthelot-Reaktion {f}
med. Cushing's reaction [also: Cushing reaction] [Cushing reflex]Cushing-Reaktion {f} [Cushing-Reflex]
biochem. enzymic reaction [enzymatic reaction]Enzymreaktion {f}
naut. flying-bridge [reaction ferry]fliegende Brücke {f} [Gierseilfähre]
med. Gruber reaction [cf. Widal reaction]Gruber-Widal-Reaktion {f}
med. Jolly's test [also: Jolly test] [Jolly / Jolly's myasthenic reaction]Jolly'sche Reaktion {f}
med. Jolly's test [also: Jolly test] [Jolly / Jolly's myasthenic reaction]Jolly'sche myasthenische Reaktion {f}
chem. Nef reaction [also: Nef's reaction]Nef-Reaktion {f}
med. PCR test [named after polymerase chain reaction]PCR-Test {m}
med. Pirquet reaction [Pirquet test, dermotuberculin reaction]Pirquet-Reaktion {f} [Pirquet-Test, Pirquet-Probe]
nucl. Q-value [reaction energy]Q-Wert {m} [Energiebeitrag]
chem. redox reaction [reduction / oxidation reaction]Redoxreaktion {f} [Reduktions-Oxidations-Reaktion]
educ. lit. response paper [reaction paper written in the first person]Lektürekommentar {m} [vom Leser in der 1. Person verfasst]
med. Widal reaction [also: Gruber-Widal reaction] [Widal test]Gruber-Widal-Reaktion {f}
3 Words: Nouns
chem. Angeli-Rimini reaction [also: Angeli-Rimini's reaction]Angeli-Rimini-Reaktion {f}
chem. double displacement reaction [salt metathesis reaction]doppelte Umsetzung {f} [Salzmethathese]
chem. double replacement reaction [salt metathesis reaction]doppelte Umsetzung {f} [Salzmethathese]
knee-jerk reaction [coll.] [spontaneous reaction]spontane Reaktion {f}
chem. tech. products of reaction [reaction products]Reaktionsprodukte {pl}
med. type 2 hypersensitivity [cytotoxic hypersensitivity reaction]Allergie {f} vom zytotoxischen Typ
4 Words: Nouns
med. type 1 allergic reaction [immediate hypersensitivity reaction]allergische Reaktion {f} vom Typ 1 [Sofort-Typ]
med. type 2 allergic reaction [cytotoxic hypersensitivity reaction]allergische Reaktion {f} vom Typ 2 [zytotoxischer Typ]
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