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| |
| true {adj} [real, genuine] | 4058 echt | |
| true {adj} [real, actual] | 362 eigentlich | |
| actual {adj} [real] | 142 effektiv [tatsächlich] | |
| ersatz {adj} [not real or genuine] | 140 falsch | |
| educ. titular {adj} [without real authority] | 104 Ehren- | |
| objective {adj} [relating to a material object] | 89 gegenständlich [materiell, stofflich, real] | |
| regular {adj} [coll.] [real] | 58 regelrecht [ugs.] | |
| philos. factual {adj} | 37 gegeben [real] | |
| substantive {adj} [essential, real, actual] | 31 materiell [wichtig, real] | |
| material {adj} [real] | 15 dinglich | |
| titular {adj} [without real authority] | 10 nominell | |
| regular {adj} [coll.] [real] | 9 richtiggehend | |
| material {adj} [real] | dinghaft | |
Verbs |
| to buy [esp. of real estate, stocks, art etc.] | 336 ankaufen | |
| to realise sth. [Br.] [make real] | 110 etw. ausführen [verwirklichen] | |
| to realise sth. [to make real] [Br.] | 43 etw. verwirklichen | |
| psych. spec. to dissemble [real intention] | 22 dissimulieren | |
| to incarnate [make real] | Form geben | |
Nouns |
| law bargainor [legal term used primarily in real estate transactions] | 43 Verkäufer {m} [Immobilien] | |
| RealEst. listing [short for: real estate listing] | 32 Immobilienangebot {n} [Haus / Wohnungsangebot oder Baugrundstück zum Verkauf] | |
| psych. spec. dissembling [real intention] | 29 Dissimulieren {n} | |
| figurehead [without real power] | 26 Grüßaugust {m} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| ground [real estate] | 18 Land {n} [Grund und Boden] | |
| holdings [real estate] | 10 Besitztümer {pl} | |
| man [real man] | 9 Kerl {m} [ganzer, richtiger] | |
| hand [a dab / real hand at sth.] | 6 Könner {m} [ein wahrer Könner an einem Gerät / bei einer Tätigkeit / in einer Disziplin] | |
| lit. [novel based on real events but using changed names] | 5 Schlüsselroman {m} | |
| philos. relig. reality [being real] | 5 Wirklichsein {n} | |
| [licensed / professional broker in the fields such as finance and real estate] | Berufsmakler {m} | |
| law RealEst. [provisional entry in the real estate register] | Vormerkung {f} im Grundbuch | |
| orthonym [real name] | Orthonym {n} [Realname] | |
| visionary [unable to tell what's real] | Fantast {m} [pej.] | |
| psych. wingding [Am.] [Can.] [dated] [sl.] [a real or pretended fit or seizure] | [echter oder simulierter Krampfanfall] | |
2 Words: Others |
| in practice {adv} [in real life] | in Wirklichkeit | |
| No way! [sl.] [For real?] | Nee, oder? [ugs.] [Wirklich?] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| RealEst. concrete gold [coll.] [real estate] | Betongold {n} [ugs.] [Immobilien] | |
| sociol. grand theory [pej.] [overly abstract, universal social theory detached from real life] | Grand Theory {f} [pej.] [abstrakte, abgehobene universelle Theorie] | |
| bot. makalani palm [Hyphaene petersiana] [real fan palm] | Echte Fächerpalme {f} | |
| property owner [female] [real estate owner] | Immobilienbesitzerin {f} | |
| RealEst. property owner [real estate owner] | Immobilienbesitzer {m} | |
| jobs real estatenik [esp. Am.] [coll.] [usu. pej.] [also: real-estatenik, realestatenik] | Immobilienheini {m} [ugs.] [meist pej.] [Immobilienmakler] | |
| RealEst. short sales [US real estate] | Short-Sale-Immobilien {pl} [US-amerik. Markt] | |
| fin. TARGET system [Trans European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System] | TARGET-System {n} [innereuropäisches Zahlungssystem] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| idiom to be a positive sth. [coll.] [be a real or downright sth.] | wirklich etw.Nom. sein [ein Wunder, eine Schande etc.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| RealEst. nursing care facilities [real estate] | Pflegeimmobilien {pl} | |
| the real McCoy [coll.] [idiom] [the real or genuine thing] | das einzig Wahre {n} [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| the real McCoy [coll.] [idiom] [the real or genuine thing] | der wahre Jakob {m} [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| idiom to be coming up soon [soon to be real] | ins Haus stehen [fig.] [bevorstehen, sich bald ereignen] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| Like for real, for real? [Am.] [coll.] | Ist das wahr, echt wahr? | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| fin. Hypo Real Estate (Bank) / Hypo Real Estate Holding AG® | Hypo Real Estate (Bank) {f} / Hypo Real Estate Holding AG® {f} <HRE> | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| entom. T | | |
| entom. T | | |
| entom. T | | |
| entom. T | | |
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