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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [receive]
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Dictionary English German: [receive]

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

English German
pocketing sth. {pres-p} [obs.] [fig.] [receive (an insult, an affront, etc.) without open resentment]
etw.Akk. hinnehmend [eine Kränkung etc.]
rapturously {adv} [applaud, receive]
to get [receive]
to get [receive]
kriegen [ugs.] [bekommen, erhalten]
to get [receive]
to reap sth. [receive (benefits, rewards, awards etc.)]
etw. einheimsen [ugs.] [Leistungen, Lohn, Preise etc.]
to reap sth. [obtain, receive]
etw. erlangen
to entertain sb. [receive sb. as a guest and provide them with food and drink]
jdn. verköstigen [(Gäste) bewirten]
to draw sth. [take or receive by chance]
etw. ziehen [Los, Losgewinn usw.]
to see sb. [receive as a visitor]
jdn. empfangen [als Gast]
relig. [to receive Holy Communion]kommunicieren [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [kommunizieren (die Kommunion empfangen)]
telecom. DXing [amateur radio: attempting to receive and identify distant radio or television signals, or to make two-way radio contact with distant stations]DXen {n} [Amateurfunk: versuchen, weit entfernte Sender zu empfangen oder mit einer weit entfernten Funkstation in Verbindung zu treten]
2 Words
to correspond with sb. [write and receive letters]mit jdm. in Briefwechsel stehen
law to get life [coll.] [to receive a life sentence]lebenslänglich bekommen
to lap up [coll.] [receive eagerly] [a story, speech etc.]begierig aufnehmen [eine Geschichte, Ansprache u. ä.]
to take orders [receive commands]Befehle empfangen
to take sb. in [accommodate, receive as a guest]jdn. (bei sichDat.) aufnehmen
at-home [dated] [day on which one plans to receive guests]Athome {n} [selten] [festgesetzter Tag, an dem jemand zu festgesetzter Zeit zwanglos Gäste empfängt]
permit drawing [in order to receive a construction permit]Einreichplan {m} [österr.]
planning drawing [in order to receive a construction permit]Einreichplan {m} [österr.]
fin. retirement postponement [choosing to receive one's pension later in life]Rentenaufschub {m} [schweiz.] [Verschiebung des eigenen Rentenbeginns nach hinten]
submitted blueprint [in order to receive a construction permit]Einreichplan {m} [österr.]
3 Words
journ. to get bad press [idiom] [receive criticism from the media]eine schlechte Presse bekommen [Redewendung]
mil. port throughput capacity [port ability to receive and discharge]Hafen-Entladekapazität {f}
4 Words
to be on the pad [Am.] [sl.] [of a police officer etc.: receive regular bribes]auf der Schmierliste stehen [ugs.] [regelmäßig bestochen werden]
journ. to get a bad press [Br.] [idiom] [receive criticism from the media]eine schlechte Presse bekommen [Redewendung]
5+ Words
law to be given a life term [to receive a life sentence]eine lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe erhalten
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