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| heat {adj} [attr.] [e.g. collapse, rash, dome, record, shield] | 30 Hitze- [z. B. Kollaps, Ausschlag, Glocke, Rekord, Schild] | |
| unbreakable {adj} [record] | nicht zu brechen | |
Verbs |
| to register sth. [record, enter] | 518 etw. eintragen | |
| to register sth. [record, note] | 427 etw. aufzeichnen [schriftlich festhalten] | |
| to cut sth. [record, CD] | 319 etw. pressen [Schallplatte, CD] | |
| to register sth. [record] | 107 etw. festhalten [schriftlich] | |
| acc. fin. to recognize [record in the accounts] | 80 ansetzen [in einer Bilanz darstellen] | |
| acc. to recognize [record in the accounts] | 69 bilanzieren [in einer Bilanz darstellen] | |
| comp. to maintain sth. [project, record system] | 62 etw. betreuen [unterhalten, pflegen, z. B. Projekt] | |
| to register sb./sth. [record] | 49 jdn./etw. erfassen [registrieren] | |
| to enregister sth. [to record sth.] | 47 etw. aufzeichnen | |
| to log sth. [record] | 45 etw. erfassen | |
| to register sth. [record formally] | 30 etw. anzeigen [z. B. einer Behörde] | |
| to enter [in a record etc.] | 23 einschreiben [eintragen] | |
| film to shoot sb./sth. [record or film with a camera] | 22 jdn./etw. aufnehmen [filmen] | |
| to tie sth. [best score, record] | 18 etw. einstellen [Rekord egalisieren] | |
| to spin [a record] [coll.] | 16 spielen [Schallplatte] | |
| sports to set sth. [e.g. a world record, in track athletics] | 10 etw. laufen [ergebnisbezogen: Bestzeit, Weltrekord etc.] | |
| to repackage [edition, novel, record] | 9 aufmotzen [ugs.] | |
| to document sth. [to objectively and unbiasedly record sth.] [e.g. an incident, an event in time] | 5 etw.Akk. registrieren [sachlich feststellen, ohne Kommentar darstellen] [z. B. einen Vorfall] | |
Nouns |
| minutes {pl} [summarized record] | 1782 Protokoll {n} [Sitzungsprotokoll] | |
| record [record set] | 144 Datensatz {m} | |
| log [record, diary] | 98 Tagebuch {n} | |
| minutes {pl} [summarized record] | 87 Sitzungsprotokoll {n} | |
| admin. proceedings {pl} [record, written minutes] | 61 Protokoll {n} | |
| art provenance [history, record of ownership] | 60 Provenienz {f} [von Kunstwerken, Antiquitäten etc.] | |
| audio electr. phonograph [Am.] [record player] | 55 Plattenspieler {m} | |
| law med. psych. history [background, record] | 43 Vorgeschichte {f} [einer Person] | |
| stylus [on a record player] | 28 Nadel {f} | |
| mus. sleeve [of a gramophone record] | 21 Cover {n} | |
| recording [act of making a written record of sth.] | 14 Protokollierung {f} | |
| comp. sleeve [e.g. of a phonograph record or floppy disk] | 11 Schutztasche {f} | |
| mus. single [record] | 9 Single {f} [z. B. CD] | |
| enregisterment [record] | Aufzeichnung {f} | |
| audio mus. jacket [of a record] | Plattenhülle {f} | |
| for. hist. perambulation [chiefly historical] [record of a forest's boundaries established through walking its perimeter] | Waldvermessung {f} [hauptsächlich historisch] | |
| mus. shellac [old 78 rpm phonograph record] | 78er {f} [ugs.] [Schellack-Schallplatte] | |
| mus. shellac [old 78 rpm phonograph record] | Schellackplatte {f} | |
| mus. single [record] | 45er {f} [ugs.] [Single-Schallplatte] | |
| mus. single [record] | Single-Schallplatte {f} [ugs.] [Single] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| acc. to log sth. as sth. [record] | etw.Akk. als etw.Akk. verbuchen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| art mus. album cover [record cover] | Plattencover {n} | |
| art mus. album cover [record cover] | Schallplattencover {n} | |
| mus. chart topper [hit record] | Spitzenreiter {m} | |
| comp. individual record [computer record] | Einzelsatz {m} | |
| telecom. itemised bill [Br.] [telephone record] | Verbindungsnachweis {m} | |
| med. medical report [record] | Krankenbericht {m} [selten für: Arztbericht] | |
| paper trail {sg} [Am.] [written or printed record when used to incriminate sb.] | belastende Dokumente {pl} | |
| paper trail {sg} [Am.] [written or printed record when used to incriminate sb.] | belastende Unterlagen {pl} | |
| mus. record label [on a record] | Schallplattenetikett {n} [auch: Schallplatten-Etikett] [Label] | |
| sports record pursuit [record attempt] | Rekordjagd {f} | |
| comp. record type [database record] | Satztyp {m} | |
| audio mus. spindle hole [of a record] | Mittelloch {n} [einer Schallplatte] | |
| surface noise [noise produced by the friction of the needle or stylus of a record player] | Eigengeräusch {n} [Plattenspieler] | |
| mil. pol. war log [record of a war] | Kriegsprotokoll {n} [Kriegstagebuch] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| mus. extended play record <EP> | EP {f} [kurz für: Extended Playing Record, Extended Play Record] | |
| art mus. favorite album cover [Am.] [favorite record cover] | Lieblingsplattencover {n} [auch: Lieblings-Plattencover] | |
| art mus. favourite album cover [Br.] [favourite record cover] | Lieblingsplattencover {n} [auch: Lieblings-Plattencover] | |
| meteo. low-temperature record [also: low temperature record] | Kälterekord {m} | |
4 Words: Others |
| Put it on again. [e.g. a record] | Leg das noch mal auf. [z. B. eine Schallplatte] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| idiom to give sth. a (quick) listen [coll.] [piece of music, radio broadcast, record, etc.] | in etw.Akk. (kurz) reinhören [ugs.] | |
| to have plenty of previous [Br.] [sl.] [to have a long criminal record] | dick vorbestraft sein [ugs.] | |
| to have quite a record [idiom] [have no clean record] | einiges auf dem Kerbholz haben [Redewendung] | |
| mus. to put out a record [publish or disseminate a record] | eine Platte veröffentlichen | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| audio 45 rpm plastic insert [record insert snap] | Plastikstern {m} [Zentrierstern für 45-er Schallplatten] | |
| sports shot-put record holder [also: shot put record holder] | Rekordhalter {m} im Kugelstoßen | |
| sports shot-put record holder [female] [also: shot put record holder] | Rekordhalterin {f} im Kugelstoßen | |
| sports shot-put world record [also: shot put world record] | Kugelstoßweltrekord {m} | |
| sports shot-put world record [also: shot put world record] | Weltrekord {m} im Kugelstoßen | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to take down sb.'s personal data [record] | jds. Personalien aufnehmen | |
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