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English-German translation for: [removal]
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Dictionary English German: [removal]

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

English German
ecol. for. clearing [removal of vegetation]
Rodung {f}
law ouster [removal from property]
Zwangsräumung {f}
clearance [removal, cleaning]
Beseitigung {f}
abstraction [removal]
Entnahme {f}
law decommunification [removal of communists]
Entkommunisierung {f}
med. harvesting [removal]
Entnahme {f}
tech. extraction [removal]
Beseitigung {f}
transp. carriage [removal, hauling away]
Abfuhr {f} [Abtransport]
wax [cosmetic hair removal]
Enthaarung {f}
clearance [removal, cleaning]
Kahlschlag {m} [Beseitigung, Abbau] [fig.]
med. backraking [removal of feces]
Kotausräumung {f}
constr. deshuttering [removal of shuttering boards]
Entschalung {f}
divestiture [removal of garments] [rare]
Ablegen {n} [Entkleidung]
machining [removal of material]
Abarbeiten {n} [Material abnehmen]
med. elimination [removal]
Aufhebung {f}
biotech. enucleation [removal of the cell nucleus]
Entkernung {f} [Entfernen des Zellkerns]
stealthing [non-consensual condom removal]
Stealthing {n} [heimliches Abziehen des Kondoms]
gastr. [discreet removal of a deceased hotel guest]kalte Abreise {f} [Jargon] [euph.] [(diskreter) Abtransport einer in einem Hotel verstorbenen Person]
med. backraking [removal of feces from the rectum]Stuhlausräumung {f} [aus dem Rektum]
med. couching [primitive opthalmic-cataract removal operation]Starstich {m}
divestiture [removal of clothing]Entkleidung {f}
med. ectomy [surgical removal of a part, usually of some magnitude, e.g. jaw, stomach, colon etc.]Ektomie {f}
cosmet. med. electrolysis [hair removal]Elektroepilation {f} [auch: Elektro-Epilation]
cosmet. med. electrolysis [hair removal]Nadelepilation {f}
MedTech. guillotine [surgical instrument, e.g. for the removal of the tonsils]Guillotinemesser {n} [guillotine-ähnliches Klappmesser, z. B. für die Tonsillektomie]
cloth. mulesing [removal of strips of wool-bearing skin from around the breech without anesthesia]Mulesing {n} [auch: Mulesierung] [das Entfernen der Haut rund um den Schwanz von Schafen ohne Schmerzausschaltung]
recall [removal]Rückberufung {f}
art sculpting [constructing 3-dimensional objects by shaping and removal of material]Bildhauerkunst {f}
audio med. tympanectomy [surgical removal of the tympanic membrane; myringectomy]Myringektomie {f} [bei Tympanoplastik]
unloading [removal of workpieces] [ISO 12100]Entladearbeit {f} [Entnahmearbeiten] [ISO 12100]
2 Words: Others
electr. tech. stripping-free {adj} [no insulation removal]abisolierfrei
2 Words: Nouns
med. consent solution [in cases of organ removal]Zustimmungsregelung {f} [bei Fällen der Organentnahme]
educ. de-registration [removal from the register of students for any reason including graduation]Exmatrikulation {f}
trash label [requesting removal]Abfuhrmarke {f}
med. tech. wedge removal [removal of wedge-shaped piece of material, e.g. of bone]Keilentnahme {f} [Entnhame von keilförmigen Materialstücken, z. B. von Knochen]
3 Words: Nouns
tech. stock removal rate [material removal rate]Abtragsleistung {f}
MedTech. stone fragment catcher [for stone removal]Steinfragmentefänger {m}
4 Words: Nouns
med. Hoffa's fat pad resection [removal of the infrapatellar fat pad]Hoffa-Resektion {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
aviat. de-icing (of the plane) [removal of snow, ice or frost]Flugzeugenteisung {f} [Befreien des Flugzeugs von Eis und Schnee]
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