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English-German translation for: [return]
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Dictionary English German: [return]

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speedily {adv} [reply, return]prompt
med. psych. to recover [return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength; also: economy etc.]
genesen [geh.] [gesund werden; auch: sich erholen (Wirtschaft etc.)]
to right sb./sth. [return to upright position]
jdn./etw. aufrichten
to repatriate sb. [return to one's country of birth]
jdn. heimschaffen [ugs.] [repatriieren]
to keep sb. [financially in return for sexual favours]
jdn. aushalten
law to retrocede sth. [rare] [give back, return]
etw. rückübertragen
to regreet sb. [return a greeting] [archaic]jdn. zurückgrüßen
law to retrocede sth. [rare] [cede back again, return]etw. retrozedieren [veraltet] [wieder abtreten]
recovery [return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength, also: of economy, etc.]
Genesung {f} [geh.] [Gesundwerden; auch: der Wirtschaft etc.]
fin. cashback [discount offered in return for immediate payment]
Skonto {n} {m}
relig. repentance [leading to conversion/return]
Umkehr {f}
recovery [return to health]
Gesundung {f} [geh.]
sports riposte [quick return thrust in fencing]
Riposte {f}
throwback [fig.] [return]
Rückkehr {f} [zu einer alten Stufe oder Form]
demand [payment of invoice, return of borrowed property, etc.]
Einforderung {f}
sports retaliation [an attack on a player in return for a similar attack]
Nachschlagen {n} [Tritt oder Schlag eines Spielers]
recentering [Am.] [mental or ideological return to sth.]
Rückbesinnung {f} [auf Werte etc.]
law [prohibition to return to a particular site, often imposed by police]
Platzverweis {m}
pol. sweetening [coll.] [fig.] [luring politicians with gifts, initially without demanding services in return]
Anfüttern {n} [fig.] [Geschenkvergabe an Politiker, zunächst ohne Gegenleistung]
sports [ball sport requiring successful return of the ball to the opposing player or team] [e.g. tennis, badminton]Rückschlagspiel {n} [z. B. Tennis, Badminton]
[general tax form and additional tax forms] [for income tax return]Mantelbogen und Anlagen [Steuererklärung]
[nostalgic Swiss abroad longing to return home]Heimwehschweizer {pl} [schweiz.] [Schweizer, die Heimweh haben]
hist. law Judenregal [rights granted to Jews in return for taxes]Judenregal {n}
recovery [return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength, also: of economy, etc.]Wiedergenesung {f}
comm. return [return shipping]Rückversand {m}
sweetening [coll.] [fig.] [luring politicians with gifts, initially without demanding services in return]Anfütterung {f} [fig.] [Geschenkvergabe an Politiker, zunächst ohne Gegenleistung]
2 Words: Others
seeing sb. home {adj} [postpos.] [accompanying sb. on their return home]jdn. heimbegleitend [attr.]
2 Words: Verbs
to circle back [return] [also fig.]zurückkommen [auch fig.]
jobs to join duty [Ind.] [to return to work after a leave, sickness, or strike](wieder) zur Arbeit zurückkehren [die Tätigkeit als Arbeiter, Angestellter usw. wieder aufnehmen]
to relapse into sth. [return to a less active or a worse state]in etw.Akk. zurückfallen
to start back [return to a place]den Rückweg antreten
to turn back [obs.] [go back, return]zurückkehren
to whip back [return quickly]zurückflitzen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
admin. Anker facility [arrival, decision and return (German abbreviation: AnkER)]Anker-Einrichtung {f} [Zentrum für Ankunft, Entscheidung, Rückführung/Rückkehr: AnkER]
counter-gift [rare] [gift in return]Gegengabe {f}
rail eccentric crank [also known as return crank]Gegenkurbel {f} [auch Schwingenkurbel]
sports immediate comeback [return of a team to a higher division]direkter Wiederaufstieg {m}
pol. sweetening ban [coll.] [fig.] [ban on luring politicians with gifts, initially without demanding services in return]Anfütterungsverbot {n} [fig.] [Verbot der Geschenkvergabe an Politiker, zunächst ohne Gegenleistung]
econ. stocks total return [holding period return]Gesamtrendite {f}
3 Words: Others
on his return {adv} [after his return]nach seiner Rückkehr
3 Words: Verbs
to pop off (to sth.) [coll.] [to leave, and return in a short time](mal eben) kurz (zu etw.Dat.) gehen [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
tech. non-return valve [also: non return valve]Rückflussverhinderer {m}
comp. return-by-reference [also: return by reference]Rückgabe {f} per Referenz
comp. return-by-value [also: return by value]Rückgabe {f} per Wert
4 Words: Others
comp. carriage return / line feed [command sequence or combined command] <CRLF, CR+LF, CR/LF>Wagenrücklauf / Zeilenvorschub [Befehlsfolge oder kombinierter Befehl; auch: Carriage-Return/Line-Feed] <CRLF, CR+LF, CR/LF>
4 Words: Verbs
econ. fin. to have a big payback [bring a high return]sichAkk. reichlich rentieren [hohen Gewinn bringen]
to return to one's muttons [to return to one's topic] [hum.]zum Thema zurückkehren
4 Words: Nouns
fin. penalty for late filing [tax return]Verspätungszuschlag {m}
hist. pol. relig. restoration of the Jews [return of the Jews to their biblical homeland]Rückkehr {f} der Juden
work related (tax) deductions [individual tax return] [Am.]Werbungskosten {f} [Steuererklärung]
5+ Words: Others
bibl. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. [Genesis 3:19; KJV]Im Schweiße deines Angesichts sollst du dein Brot essen, bis daß du wieder zu Erde werdest, davon du genommen bist. Denn du bist Erde und sollst zu Erde werden. [1. Mose 3,19; Luther 1912]
5+ Words: Verbs
to get a patient back up on his feet [idiom] [return to health]einen Patienten wieder auf die Beine stellen [Redewendung]
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