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English-German translation for: [rod]
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Dictionary English German: [rod]

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bot. willow {adj} [attr.] [e.g. branch, rod, switch]
Weiden- [z. B. Zweig, Rute, Gerte]
toothed {adj} [e.g. belt, rack, rim, rod; whale]
Zahn- [mit Zähnen versehen] [z. B. Riemen, Schiene, Kranz, Stange; Wal]
constr. tech. supporting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cable or rope, framework, rod, tube]
Trag- [z. B. Seil, Werk, Stange, Rohr]
staff [stick, rod] [also mil.]
Stab {m} [auch mil.]
tools poker [metal rod for stirring a fire]
Schüreisen {n}
staff [stick, rod]
Stock {m} [Stab]
tech. conrod [coll.: connecting rod]
Pleuel {m}
birch [rod for whipping]
Rute {f} [Birkenrute (zum Züchtigen)]
tech. conrod [coll.] [connecting rod]
Pleuelstange {f}
fisherman [using fishing rod]
Angler {m}
med. caduceus [rod of Asclepius]
Äskulapstab {m}
nucl. SCRAM [emergency shutdown of a nuclear reactor] [acronym for safety control rod axe man, safety cut rope axe man]
Reaktorschnellabschaltung {f} <RESA>
2 Words: Nouns
fish sports (fishing) pole [fishing rod]Angelrute {f}
tech. con rod [coll.] [connecting rod]Pleuel {m} [fachspr. auch {n}]
tech. con rod [coll.] [connecting rod]Pleuelstange {f}
med. optics congenital achromatopsia [rod monochromacy]kongenitale Achromatopsie {f} [Stäbchenmonochromasie]
electr. earth rod [Br.] [als: earthing rod]Erdungsstange {f} [auch: Erdungsstab]
electr. ground rod [Am.] [also: grounding rod]Erdungsstange {f} [auch: Erdungsstab]
MedTech. Harrington implant [Harrington rod]Harrington-Implantat {n}
net curtain [fixed across top and bottom with wire/rod]Spanngardine {f}
tech. rod lock [also: rodlock]Stangenfixierung {f} [auch: Rodlock / Rod-Lock, am Kickertisch]
tech. rod lock [also: rodlock]Stangenklemme {f} [auch: Rodlock / Rod-Lock] [Stangenfixierung]
chem. stir rod [stirring rod]Glasstab {m}
3 Words: Nouns
tech. small end bush [connecting rod]Pleuelstangenbüchse {f}
5+ Words: Others
proverb Spare the rod, spoil the child. / Spare the rod and spoil the child.Wer sein Kind liebt, züchtigt es. / Wer sein Kind liebt, der züchtigt es.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Alley Cats Strike [Rod Daniel]Die Bowling Gang
film F Beethoven's 2nd [Rod Daniel]Eine Familie namens Beethoven
film F Buffalo Girls [Rod Hardy]Buffalo Girls
film F K-9 [Rod Daniel]Mein Partner mit der kalten Schnauze
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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