| English | German | |
| taut {adj} [rope, line, etc.] | 352 stramm [straff, Seil etc.] | |
| slack {adj} [rope, cable] | 129 schlapp [ugs.] [schlaff hängend] | |
| frayed {adj} {past-p} [rope, clothing, etc.] | 99 zerfasert | |
| ruptured {adj} {past-p} [e.g. rope] | 71 gerissen [z. B. Seil] | |
| tech. stranded {adj} {past-p} [rope] | 8 verseilt | |
| constr. tech. supporting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cable or rope, framework, rod, tube] | 5 Trag- [z. B. Seil, Werk, Stange, Rohr] | |
Verbs |
| to stretch sth. [e.g. a rope, canvas] | 552 etw.Akk. spannen [Seil etc.] | |
| to break [rope etc.] | 472 zerreißen [Seil] | |
| to wind sth. [cable, rope] | 337 etw. rollen [aufrollen, spulen] | |
| to twist sth. [thread, rope] | 314 etw.Akk. dröseln [regional] [Faden drehen] | |
| to skip [with a skipping rope] | 53 seilspringen | |
| to skip [with a skipping rope] | 17 seilhüpfen | |
| to break [e.g. The rope has / is broken.] | durchreißen [z. B. Das Seil ist durchgerissen.] | |
| naut. to cut sth. [anchor rope etc.] | etw.Akk. kappen [Ankertau usw.] | |
| naut. to feaze [Br.] [become unravelled of a rope] | sich aufdrehen [von einem Tau] | |
| to funambulate [dated] [to dance or walk on a rope] | auf dem Seil tanzen [auf einem in der Luft gespannten Seil akrobatische Balanceakte ausführen] | |
| to strain [e. g. a rope] | gravieren [veraltet] [belasten] [z. B. ein Seil] | |
| to unloose [e.g. grip, rope] | lockermachen / locker machen [ugs.] | |
Nouns |
| naut. slack [of a rope or a hawser] | 336 Lose {f} [eines Taus] | |
| cord [rope] | 192 Seil {n} | |
| bight [bay; but also loop of a rope] | 91 Bucht {f} [geograph.; aber auch Schleife eines Taus] | |
| naut. painter [mooring rope] | 39 Fangleine {f} | |
| ropewalk [lane or pathway where long strands of material were laid before being twisted into rope] | 19 Reeperbahn {f} [niederd. für: Reiferbahn] | |
| sports float [on the lane rope] | 13 Schwimmkörper {m} [der Bahnleine] | |
| nucl. SCRAM [emergency shutdown of a nuclear reactor] [acronym for safety control rod axe man, safety cut rope axe man] | 12 Reaktorschnellabschaltung {f} <RESA> | |
| sports skipper [e.g. rope skipper] | 11 Springer {m} [Seilspringer etc.] | |
| naut. brace [rope at the end of a yardarm] | 8 Brasse {f} [Tau am Ende einer Rah] | |
| naut. loop [of rope] | 5 Bucht {f} [einer Leine] | |
| naut. baggywrinkle [rope yarns wound around parts of a ship's rigging] | Tausendbein {n} [seemännisches Knüpfwerk als Scheuerschutz] | |
| sports bungee [short for: bungee cord, bungee rope] | Bungeeseil {n} [auch: Bungee-Seil] | |
| tech. crosslay [rope technology] | Gegenschlag {m} [Seiltechnik] | |
| tech. crosslay [rope technology] | Kreuzschlag {m} [Seiltechnik] | |
| eye [loop of a rope] | Auge {n} [Seilschlinge z. B. beim Schlagen eines Knotens] | |
| naut. footrope [also: foot rope] | Fußpferd {n} [bei Segelschiffen: Tau, auf dem die Seeleute stehen] | |
| sports slacker [slack rope walker] | Slackliner {m} | |
| sports slacklining [rope walking or balancing] | Slacken {n} [auf der Slackline balancieren] | |
| tech. strand [rope] | Kardeel {n} [bei Fasertauwerk, Drahtseil] | |
2 Words: Others |
| tech. low-tension {adj} [e.g. rope] | spannungsarm [z. B. Seil] | |
| three-strand {adj} [attr.] [wire, rope] | dreilitzig [Draht, Seil] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to become taut [rope, muscles, etc.] | sichAkk. spannen [sich straffen] [Seil, Muskeln etc.] | |
| to become taut [rope] | sichAkk. straffen [Seil] | |
| naut. to coil (up) [e.g. rope] | aufschießen [z. B. Seil, Leine] | |
| to duck under sth. [rope, tape etc.] | sichAkk. unter etw.Dat. hindurchbücken | |
| to ease down [a rope] | nachlassen [ein Seil] | |
| naut. to ease off sth. [rope] | etw.Akk. abfieren [Tau] | |
| naut. to pay out [rope] | ablaufen lassen | |
| to take up [rope in a coil] | aufspulen | |
| to take up [rope in a coil] | aufwickeln | |
| to tie sth. down [with rope, string etc.] | etw. festzurren | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| tech. breaking force [e.g. rope] | Bruchkraft {f} [z. B. Seil] | |
| naut. closed loop [of rope] | geschlossene Bucht {f} [eines Seils] | |
| dance corde lisse [aerial rope] | Vertikalseil {n} | |
| naut. eye splice [permanent loop in the end of a rope] | Augspleiß {m} [in das Ende einer Leine gespleißte Schlinge] | |
| hemp rope [also: hempen rope] | Hanfstrick {m} | |
| climbing impact force [rope quality] | Fangstoß {m} [Eigenschaft eines Seils] | |
| tech. long lay [Long lay, Long's lay] [rope technology] | Albertschlag {m} [Seiltechnik] | |
| tech. long lay [rope technology] | Gleichschlag {m} [Seiltechnik] | |
| lynching rope [lynch rope] | Lynchseil {n} | |
| naut. open loop [of rope] | offene Bucht {f} [eines Seils] | |
| tech. regular lay [rope technology] | Kreuzschlag {m} [Seiltechnik] | |
| S-twist [left-handed, of rope] | S-Schlag {m} [linksdrehend, von einem Seil] | |
| tech. slack end [of a belt or rope] | schlaffes Trumm {n} | |
| tech. taut end [of a belt or rope] | straffes Trumm {n} | |
| twist direction [of rope, cable, etc.] | Schlagrichtung {f} [eines Seils, eines Taus, usw.] | |
| tech. winding length [e.g. of a rope around a reel] | Wickellänge {f} [z. B. eines Seils um eine Haspel] | |
| Z-twist [right-handed, of rope] | Z-Schlag {m} [rechtsdrehend, von einem Seil] | |
| climbing zip wire [rope bridge] | Tirolienne {f} [schweiz.] [Ein-Seil-Brücke zur Überquerung von Schluchten und Flüssen] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| naut. to veer and haul sth. [rope] | etw.Akk. abfeiern und einholen [ein Tau wechselweise an sich ziehen und wieder fahren lassen] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| tech. cross-lay rope [also: crosslay rope] | Kreuzschlagseil {n} | |
| tech. Flemish eye splice [rope splice] | flämischer Spleiß {m} [Knoten] | |
| tech. Lang's lay rope [also: lang lay rope] | Gleichschlagseil {n} | |
| tech. Lang's lay rope [also: lang lay rope] | Langschlagseil {n} | |
| climbing number of falls [climbing rope] | Sturzzahl {f} [Kletterseil] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to progress hand over hand [usually hanging on to a rope] | (sich) hangeln | |
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