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English-German translation for: [sale]
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Dictionary English German: [sale]

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sidewalk {adj} [attr.] [Am.] [artist, cafe, restaurant, sale]
Straßen- [z. B. Maler, Café, Restaurant, Verkauf]
comm. to market sth. [offer sth. for sale]
etw.Akk. vertreiben [vermarkten, verkaufen]
comm. to market sth. [offer sth. for sale]
etw.Akk. verkaufen [vermarkten, zum Kauf anbieten]
comm. to market sth. [offer sth. for sale]
etw.Akk. absetzen [vermarkten, zum Kauf anbieten]
comm. fin. stocks to transact sth. [carry to completion] [sale of goods, shares etc.]
etw.Akk. umsetzen [Waren, Aktien]
RealEst. to list sth. [a property for sale]
etw.Akk. aufnehmen [in das Angebot]
to display sth. [lay out goods for sale]etw. auskramen [veraltet] [ausstellen, bes. Waren]
jumble [Br.] [articles for a rummage sale]
Ramsch {m} [ugs.] [Second-Hand-Ware]
econ. excise [tax levied on the manufacture or sale of a product within a country]
Akzise {f} [früher für Verbrauchsteuer]
fin. repo [short for: (sale and) repurchase agreement] <RP>
Rückkaufvereinbarung {f} <Repo>
comm. spiff [bonus for a sale]
Verkaufsprämie {f}
jumble [Br.] [articles for a rummage sale]
Trödel {m} [ugs.] [Second-Hand-Ware]
fin. repos [short for: (sale and) repurchase agreement]
Repos {pl} [kurz statt: Rückkaufvereinbarungen]
comm. shop [outlet, point of sale]
Verkaufsstelle {f}
2 Words: Others
comm. market. Out now! [on sale]Jetzt im Handel!
staff-operated {adj} [e.g. sale]personalbedient [z. B. Verkauf]
2 Words: Verbs
to go dry [fig.] [to ban the sale of alcohol]den Alkoholverkauf verbieten
2 Words: Nouns
comm. bargain table [e.g. at a jumble sale]Ramschtisch {m}
comm. econ. direct offering [private sale]freihändiger Verkauf {m}
law emptio spei [sale of hope]Hoffnungskauf {m}
comm. RadioTV market. instore radioPOS-Radio {n} [Point-of-Sale-Radio]
comm. mail order [sale and ordering of goods by post]Bestellung {f} [Versandhandel]
comm. POS terminal [short for: point of sale]POS-Terminal {m} [Online-Terminal zum bargeldlosen Bezahlen an einem Verkaufsort / Point-of-Sale]
hist. naut. Sallee rover [archaic] [Salé pirate ship]Salé-Fusta {f} [bevorzugter Bootstyp der Salé-Korsaren]
hist. naut. Sallee rover [archaic] [Salé pirate]Salé-Korsar {m}
comm. market. secondary placement [point of sale]Zweitplatzierung {f} [Verkaufsstelle]
gastr. sliced bread [for sale]Schnittbrot {n}
comm. mil. tank sale [sale of military tanks]Panzerverkauf {m}
RealEst. viewing appointment [e.g. house for sale, apartment]Besichtigungstermin {m} [von Häusern, Wohnungen etc.]
comm. ind. wooden items [for sale]Holzartikel {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
comm. to keep an article [in stock, for sale]einen Artikel führen [vorrätig haben, zum Verkauf anbieten]
4 Words: Nouns
econ. MedTech. pharm. free sale / sales certificate <FSC> [certificate of free sale (FDA)]Freihandelszertifikat {n}
econ. MedTech. pharm. free sale / sales certificate <FSC> [certificate of free sale (FDA)]Verkehrsfähigkeitsbescheinigung {f}
art comm. huge variety of posters [for sale]große Posterauswahl {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
comm. all shops carrying this line [for sale]alle Läden {pl}, die diesen Artikel führen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Burglars [also: Murder For Sale]Einbrecher [Hanns Schwarz]
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