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English-German translation for: [salt]
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Dictionary English German: [salt]

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FoodInd. gastr. to cure sth. [preserve using salt]
etw.Akk. pökeln
to salt [scatter salt]Salz streuen
grain [granule, e.g. salt]
Körnchen {n} [z. B. Salz]
chem. brine [salt-water solution]
Salzsole {f}
grains [granules, e.g. salt]
Körnchen {pl} [z. B. Salz]
gastr. brandade [Southern French dish made from salt cod, olive oil, cream and garlic]
Brandade {f} [südfranzös. Gericht aus zerkleinertem Stockfisch, Knoblauch, Olivenöl und Sahne]
chem. gastr. hartshorn [short for: salt of hartshorn, hartshorn salt]
Hirschhornsalz {n}
gastr. [dumplings made of flour, salt, eggs and milk]Mehlspatzen {pl} [bayer.] [fränk.]
hist. unit amole [salt bar, salt currency]Amole {f} [Salzmaß, Salzgeld]
toys playdough [also: play dough] [salt dough]Salzteig {m}
geogr. geol. sabkha [Arabic for: salt flat]Sabcha {f}
chem. stannate [salt of stannic acid]Stannat {n} [Salz der Zinnsäure]
2 Words: Others
agr. biol. saline-tolerant {adj} [salt-tolerant]salztolerant
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to add sth. (gradually) [sugar, salt]etw.Akk. einrieseln lassen [Zucker, Salz]
2 Words: Nouns
chem. gastr. baker's ammonia [salt of hartshorn]Hirschhornsalz {n}
hist. ind. boiling house [for salt production]Pfannhaus {n} [österr.]
gastr. canning salt [preserving salt]Konservierungssalz {n}
FoodInd. pickling salt [canning salt]Einlegesalz {n} [Salz zum Konservieren, bes. von Kräutern, Gemüse]
drugs hist. pharm. pilot's chocolate [also: pilot's salt] [nickname of Pervitin®]Fliegermarzipan {n} [ugs.] [Pervitin®]
gastr. Prague powder [curing salt]Pökelsalz {n}
hist. ind. material preheating pan [salt industry]Vorwärmpfanne {f}
biol. salinity tolerance [salt tolerance]Salztoleranz {f}
hist. salt authority [long abolished agency for the regulation of the salt trade in Austria]Salzamt {n}
gastr. salt cellar [salt dispenser with perforated lid]Salzstreuer {m}
salt content [salt concentration]Salzkonzentration {f} [Salzgehalt]
geogr. Salt Lake [coll.] [Salt Lake City]Salt Lake City {n}
salt lick [block of salt]Leckstein {m}
ind. salt pan [salt evaporation pond]Saline {f}
salt rime [layer of salt crystals]Salzreif {m} [veraltend] [Belag aus Salzkristallen]
geol. salt table [the level of the top of a salt deposit, compare water table]Salzhang {m}
mining salt table [upper part of a salt stock which is directly exposed to ground-water]Ablaugungsebene {f} [vom Grundwasser erreichbarer oberer Teil eines Salzstocks]
ind. salt works [treated as a sg.] [also: salt-works]Salzsiederei {f}
gastr. salt-cellar [also: saltcellar, salt cellar]Salzfass {n} [Salzfässchen]
gastr. sel gris [a French-style sea salt]Sel gris {n}
3 Words: Others
a bit of {pron} [a little (help, salt, etc.)]etwas [ein bisschen, ein wenig (Hilfe, Salz etc.)]
a bit of {pron} [a little (help, salt, etc.)]ein wenig [ein bisschen (Hilfe, Salz etc.)]
3 Words: Verbs
to lodge useless complaints [The "Salzamt" or "salt authority" was abolished in the 1800s]sichAkk. beim Salzamt beschweren [österr.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (kitchen) drawer-container [for flour, sugar, salt, etc.]Küchenschütte {f} [i. d. R. für Mehl, Zucker, Salz]
a pinch of sth. [e.g. of salt; also fig.: of irony, etc.]eine Prise {f} etw.Nom. [z. B. Salz; auch fig.: Ironie etc.]
gastr. a touch of ... [of salt, etc.; also fig.: of patience, etc.]eine Prise {f} ... [Salz etc.; auch fig.: Geduld etc.]
chem. double displacement reaction [salt metathesis reaction]doppelte Umsetzung {f} [Salzmethathese]
chem. double replacement reaction [salt metathesis reaction]doppelte Umsetzung {f} [Salzmethathese]
geogr. geol. Salar de Atacama [also: Atacama salt flat]Salar de Atacama {m} [auch: Salzstelle von Atacama {f}]
geogr. geol. Salar de Uyuni [also: Uyuni salt flat, Uyuni salt flats]Salar de Uyuni {m} [auch: Salar de Tunupa]
gastr. salted pork leg [salt-cured, unsmoked]Eisbein {n}
4 Words: Nouns
Crossroads of the West[Spitzname von Salt Lake City (USA)]
5+ Words: Nouns
material frost and de-icing salt resistance [also: frost / de-icing salt resistance]Frost-Tausalz-Widerstand {m}
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