| English | German | |
| contemporary {adj} [occurring at the same time] | 411 gleichzeitig [zur gleichen Zeit, in derselben Epoche] | |
| congenial {adj} [having the same nature] | 69 gleichartig | |
| spec. ibidem {adv} <ib., ibid.> [in the same place] | 52 ebenda <ebd.> | |
| while {conj} [at the same time] | 36 gleichzeitig [hier in der Funktion einer Konjunktion] | |
| ling. cognate {adj} [derived from the same root] | 29 stammverwandt | |
| ling. cognate {adj} [having the same root] | 18 wurzelverwandt | |
| congenial {adj} [having the same nature, disposition, or tastes] | 9 wahlverwandt [seelenverwandt] | |
| congenial {adj} [having the same nature] | 5 gleichgeartet | |
| [clever and cunning at the same time] {adj} | ausgepicht [ugs.] [(in einem bestimmten Bereich) sehr erfahren und zugleich durchtrieben, raffiniert] | |
| [from or pertaining to the Swiss canton of Basel or the city of the same name] {adj} | Basler [indekl.] | |
| coeval {adj} [living at the same time] | gleichzeitig lebend | |
| concurrent {adj} [at the same time] | zeitgleich | |
| connatural {adj} [of the same nature, similar] | von gleicher Natur [nachgestellt] | |
| flush {adj} {adv} [same plane] | auf gleicher Höhe | |
| flush {adj} {adv} [same plane] | in gleicher Höhe | |
| ibidem {adv} <ib., ibid.> [in the same place] | dortselbst [veraltend] | |
| spec. isopycnal {adj} [having the same density] | isopyknisch | |
| Unverified Jinx! [Exclamation, used when two people say the same thing at the same time] | Verhext! [Ausruf, nachdem zwei Personen gleichzeitig dasselbe gesagt haben] | |
| simpatico {adj} [on the same wavelength] | auf derselben Wellenlänge [fig.] | |
| geogr. Uckermark {adj} [attr.] [of a region of the same name in northeast Germany] | uckermärkisch | |
| while {conj} [at the same time] | zur gleichen Zeit | |
Verbs |
| to enclose sth. [in the same envelope, package, etc.] | 2347 etw.Akk. beifügen [beilegen, mitschicken] | |
| theatre [to show the same play each night for a limited period or as long as it is successful] | en-suite spielen | |
| to equal sb./sth. [fig.] [reach the same level of achievement] | an jdn./etw. herankommen [fig.] [Niveau, Leistung etc. erreichen] | |
Nouns |
| peer [person of the same age] | 1007 Gleichaltriger {m} | |
| peer [person of the same rank or standing] | 586 Ebenbürtiger {m} | |
| peer [female person of the same age] | 195 Gleichaltrige {f} | |
| mate [Aus.] [Br.] [coll.] [friend of same sex] | 146 Freund {m} | |
| peer [person of the same rank or standing] | 95 Gleichstehender {m} | |
| successor [esp. if not being elected into office in the same election as the predecessor] | 75 Nachrücker {m} [auf einen Posten] | |
| peer [female person of the same rank or standing] | 41 Ebenbürtige {f} | |
| comp. tenant [member of a user group sharing access to the same software instance] | 38 Mandant {m} [Mitglied einer Benutzergruppe, deren Benutzer dieselbe Software-Instanz verwenden] | |
| peer [person of the same rank or standing] | 34 Standesgenosse {m} [veraltet] | |
| mate [coll.] [female friend of same sex] [Aus.] [Br.] | 32 Freundin {f} | |
| constr. RealEst. urban teardown [Am.] [coll.] [house bought for the express purpose of demolishing it and building a more expensive one on the same plot] | 29 Abrisshaus {n} [Haus, das nur gekauft wird, um es abzureißen und durch einen teureren Neubau zu ersetzen] | |
| place [wrong, right, same etc.] | 19 Fleck {m} [am richtigen, falschen, selben etc.] | |
| [persons or animals of the same sex] | Geschlechtsgenossen {pl} | |
| [the coincidence of two objects or persons having the same name] | Namensgleichheit {f} | |
| oenol. [Viennese mixed grape blend; different grapevines growing in the same vineyard] | Gemischter Wiener Satz {m} | |
| agr. hort. aftercrop [a later crop of the same year from the same soil] | Nachfrucht {f} | |
| ea [Br.] [dial.] [same root!] | Ache {f} [selbe Wurzel!] | |
| rail transp. headway [time interval between vehicles traveling in the same direction on a route] | Takt {m} [Zeittakt, z. B. bei Zugabfahrten] | |
| rail transp. headway [time interval between vehicles traveling in the same direction on a route] | Zeittakt {m} [z. B. bei Zugabfahrten] | |
| sociol. homoparentality [rare] [same-sex parenting] | Homoparentalität {f} [selten] [gleichgeschlechtliche Elternschaft] | |
| educ. inclusion [education of disabled and non-disabled students in the same classes] | schulische Integration {f} | |
| kinswoman [woman of the same nationality or ethnic group] | Landsmännin {f} | |
| peer [female person of the same rank or standing] | Standesgenossin {f} [veraltet] | |
| law sodomy [copulation with a member of the same sex or an animal] | widernatürliche Unzucht {f} [veraltet] | |
| mil. stick [group of paratroopers jumping from the same plane] | Sprunggruppe {f} [Gruppe von Fallschirmjägern, die zusammen abspringt] | |
| sports teamwork [combined action by a group of players from the same team] | Kollektivspiel {n} [Zusammenspiel] | |
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