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| mycol. mushroom {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dish, sauce, knife, hunter, poisoning] | 84 Pilz- [z. B. Gericht, Sauce, Messer, Sammler, Vergiftung] | |
| runny {adj} [honey, sauce, consistency] | 35 dünnflüssig | |
| heady {adj} [wine, sauce] | 30 feurig | |
| gooseberry {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bush, jam, sauce, wine] | 29 Stachelbeer- [z. B. Strauch, Marmelade, Sauce, Wein] | |
| gastr. instant {adj} [e.g. meal, soup, sauce, noodles] | 13 Fertig- [z. B. Gericht, Suppe, Soße, Nudeln] | |
Verbs |
| gastr. to bind [sauce] | 335 abbinden [Soße] | |
| gastr. to baste | 241 begießen [bratendes Fleisch mit Fett, Sauce] | |
| gastr. to thicken sth. [sauce] | 44 etw.Akk. binden [Soße] | |
| gastr. to baste sth. [meat with melted butter, broth, etc.] | 42 etw. bestreichen [Fleisch mit Fett / Butter, Sauce usw.] | |
| gastr. to thicken [sauce] | 23 abbinden [Sauce] | |
| to thicken (sth.) [e.g. sauce] | 11 (etw.Akk.) eindicken | |
| gastr. spec. to cream sth. [a sauce] | 7 etw. montieren [eine Sauce aufschlagen und Sahne einschlagen] | |
| gastr. to stretch sth. [gravy, etc.] | 5 etw.Akk. verlängern [Soße / Sauce usw. verdünnen, strecken] | |
| gastr. to cream sth. [prepare with a cream sauce] | etw. mit Rahm zubereiten | |
| gastr. to mop sth. [meat, fish etc., with butter, garlic or mopping sauce] | etw. (mit einem Pinsel) bestreichen [z. B. Fleisch, Fisch während des Grillens] | |
Nouns |
| gastr. chasseur [hunter's sauce] | 88 Jägersoße {f} | |
| gastr. [yeast dumpling filled with plum sauce] | 75 Germknödel {m} [österr.] | |
| gastr. salsa | 51 Salsa {f} [Sauce] | |
| gastr. [Béarnaise sauce] | Sauce Bernaise / Bérnaise {f} [FALSCH für: Sauce béarnaise, Béarner Sauce] | |
| gastr. [cooked meatballs in a white sauce with capers] | Königsberger Klopse {pl} | |
| gastr. boat [short for: gravy boat, sauce boat] | Sauciere {f} | |
| gastr. jus [meat juice, or a thin gravy or sauce made from meat juice] | Jus {f} [südd. auch {n}, schweiz. meist {m}] [(konzentrierter, event. leicht gebundener) Bratensaft] | |
| gastr. liquor [Br.] [dated and rare for: parsley sauce] | Petersiliensoße {f} | |
| gastr. sauciere [saucière] [dated or rare] [sauce boat] | Sauciere {f} | |
| gastr. thickness [of a soup, sauce etc.] | Sämigkeit {f} | |
| gastr. toum [Lebanese garlic sauce] | Toum {m} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| gastr. to go lumpy [sauce] | klumpen | |
| to go runny [icecream, sauce, cheese etc.] | zerlaufen [Speiseeis, Soße, Käse etc.] | |
| gastr. to sop up [gravy etc.] | aufnehmen [Sauce etc.] | |
| to thin down [paint, sauce] | verdünnen | |
| gastr. to thin sth. down [e.g. soup, sauce] | etw. strecken [verdünnen, z. B. Suppe, Soße] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| gastr. (sauce) mousseline | Mousselinesauce {f} [auch: Mousseline-Sauce] | |
| gastr. Alfredo Sauce [also: alfredo sauce] | Alfredo-Sauce {f} | |
| gastr. Allemande sauce [generally known and mistakenly called as sauce Parisienne] | deutsche Sauce {f} [Sauce allemande] | |
| gastr. Andalusian sauce | Andalusische Sauce {f} [Sauce andalouse] | |
| gastr. Bavarian sauce | Bayerische Sauce {f} [Sauce Bavaroise / Sc. Bavaroise] | |
| gastr. Bernaise sauce [WRONG for: Béarnaise sauce] | [Sauce béarnaise, Béarner Sauce] | |
| gastr. brown gravy [cf. white gravy] | braune Soße {f} [Bratensoße] [auch: braune Sauce] [vgl. weiße Soße] | |
| gastr. chasseur sauce | Jägersauce {f} [Sauce chasseur] | |
| gastr. chocolate dressing [sauce] | Schokoladendressing {n} | |
| gastr. dark sauce | dunkle Soße {f} [auch: dunkle Sauce] | |
| gastr. dead horse [tomato sauce] [Aus.] [sl.] | Tomatensoße {f} | |
| gastr. deer sauce | Wildsauce {f} [Sauce gibier] | |
| gastr. divine sauce | Himmlische Sauce {f} [Sauce divine / Sc. divine] | |
| gastr. Gloucester sauce | Gloucestersauce {f} [Sauce Gloucester] | |
| gastr. hoisin (sauce) [Chinese barbecue sauce] | Hoisin-Soße {f} | |
| gastr. hollandaise (sauce) | Holländersoße {f} [auch: Holländersauce] [seltener für: Holländische Soße / Sauce] | |
| gastr. Königsberg meatballs [cooked meatballs in a white sauce with capers] | Kapernklopse {pl} [regional] [Königsberger Klopse] | |
| gastr. Königsberg meatballs [cooked meatballs in a white sauce with capers] | Kochklopse {pl} [regional] [Königsberger Klopse] | |
| gastr. Königsberg meatballs [cooked meatballs in a white sauce with capers] | Soßklopse {pl} [regional] [Königsberger Klopse] | |
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