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English-German translation for: [sausage]
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Dictionary English German: [sausage]

Translation 1 - 53 of 53

English German
tongue {adj} [attr.] [e.g. piercing, depressor, tissue, sausage]
Zungen- [z. B. Piercing, Spatel, Gewebe, Wurst]
econ. FoodInd. gastr. beef {adj} [attr.] [consumption, industry, producer, salad, sausage]
Rindfleisch- [z. B. Konsum, Branche, Produzent, Salat, Wurst]
gastr. snag [Aus.] [coll.] [sausage]
Wurst {f}
gastr. banger [Br.] [coll.] [sausage for grilling / frying]
Wurst {f} [Bratwurst]
gastr. chorizo [Spanish spicy sausage]
Chorizo {f}
gastr. [small pre-cooked sausage]
Brühwürstchen {n}
gastr. skin [sausage, potato, etc.]
Pelle {f} [bes. nordd.]
gastr. kielbasa [smoked sausage of Polish origin] [Am.]
Krakauer {f} [Wurst]
gastr. [smoked sausage from bacon, groats and spices]
Pinkel {f} [nordd. Spezialität]
gastr. snarler [NZ] [coll.] [sausage]
Wurst {f}
gastr. end [esp. of a sausage]
Zipfel {m}
gastr. [slice of bread piled with thinly sliced sausage]
Wurstbrot {n}
gastr. Braunschweiger [pork liver sausage]
Braunschweiger {f}
gastr. andouillette [sausage made from chitterlings]
Andouillette {f} [franz. Wurstsorte aus Gekröse]
gastr. [regional sausage variety]
Schübling {m} [südd.] [schweiz.] [regionale Wurstsorte]
gastr. [dried, ground peas compressed into sausage shape]
Erbswurst {f}
gastr. links [sausage links]
Würste {pl}
gastr. [(curly) kale with groats sausage]Kohl und Pinkel
gastr. [(German) sausage made of minced pork with onions; spreadable]Zwiebelmettwurst {f}
games [A form of amusement mainly at children's birthday parties in which a sausage is hung by a string above the heads of the children who must jump to bite off a piece]Würstelschnappen {n} [regional, bes. südd., österr.]
[a type of sausage similar to American hot dogs in flavor but thicker]Stumpen {m} [schweiz., bes. St. Gallen] [schweizer Brühwurst (Cervelat), ähnlich der Bockwurst]
gastr. [an Austrian cooked sausage, a kind of kielbasa sausage]Burenheidl {f} [auch: Burnheitl, Burenhäutl] [wienerisch für: Burenwurst]
gastr. [an Austrian cooked sausage, a kind of kielbasa sausage]Burenwurst {f} [grobe österreichische Brühwurst]
gastr. [Bavarian veal sausage breakfast with wheat beer, pretzel and sweet mustard]Weißwurstfrühstück {n} [Bayern]
gastr. [cured sausage of beef and pork]Bauernschüblig {f} [schweiz.]
[curried sausage bought and consumed during a football / soccer match]Stadioncurrywurst {f}
[German sausage variety commonly served in parts of Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt]Bregenwurst {f} [auch: Brägenwurst] [Mettwurstsorte]
gastr. [kale and smoked sausage]Grünkohl {m} mit Pinkel [Traditionsgericht bes. in und um Bremen]
gastr. [light-coloured, fine textured Austrian beef and pork sausage]Extrawurst {f} [österr.]
gastr. [often smoked sausage made of beef, pork and fat]Plockwurst {f}
[sausage bought and consumed during a concert]Konzertwurst {f}
[sausage bought and consumed during a football / soccer match]Stadionwurst {f}
gastr. [sausage eatery]Würstelbude {f} [österr.] [südd.]
gastr. [sliced pork sausage served with rings of raw onions, vinegar, oil]Stadtwurst {f} mit Musik [regional, bes. Franken und Oberpfalz]
gastr. [smoked meat and pork sausage variety plate with sauerkraut]Bauernschmaus {m} [österr.] [eine Art Schlachtplatte]
[tied end of a balloon, sausage]Schnörpfel {m} [fränk.] [Zipfel an der Wurst, am Luftballon]
gastr. boudin [blood sausage]Blutwurst {f}
gastr. debrecener [sausage]Debrecziner {f} [Wurst]
gastr. debrecziner [sausage]Debrecziner {f} [Wurst]
debreziner [sausage] [spv.]Debreziner {f} [Rsv.] [Wurst]
gastr. jobs neol. grillwalker [itinerant sausage salesman]Grillwalker {m} [mobiler Würstchenverkäufer]
gastr. polony [bologna sausage]Mortadella {f}
gastr. wurst [German or Austrian sausage]Wurst {f}
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. black pudding [blood sausage]Blunze {f} [österr.]
gastr. pepper edge [on sausage, etc.]Pfefferrand {m} [auf Wurst, usw.]
gastr. pork bouillon [containing blood sausage, liver sausage etc.]Metzelsuppe {f} [alemannisch]
gastr. pork bouillon [containing blood sausage, liver sausage etc.]Schlachtsuppe {f} [südd.]
gastr. pork bouillon [containing blood sausage, liver sausage etc.]Wurstsuppe {f} [südd.]
gastr. sausage link [Am.] [a segment of sausage in a chain](abgedrehte) Wurst {f}
gastr. sausage sandwich [Br.] [grilled / fried sausage between two slices of bread][mit Bratwurst gefüllte Sandwich-Schnitten]
wiener roast [esp. Am.] [coll.] [hum.] [all-male party] [cf. sausage fest]Würstchenparty {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [Männerabend]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (open) sausage sandwich [slice of bread piled with thinly sliced sausage]Wurstbemme {f} [ostmitteld.]
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. sausage (in a) roll [Br.] [grilled / fried sausage in a bread roll][mit Bratwurstbrät gefülltes Brötchen]
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