| English | German | |
| cute {adj} [esp. Am.] [coll.] [clever, shrewd] | 5 knitz [schwäb.] [badisch] [selten auch: gnitz] [pfiffig, durchtrieben] | |
| Bye! [coll.] | Ada! [schwäb.] [badisch] [auch Kindersprache] | |
| Alrighty then. [Am.] [coll.] | Sodele. [schwäb.] | |
Verbs |
| to entice sth. | 12 etw.Akk. zeiseln [schwäb.] [anlocken, herbeilocken] | |
| to hare [esp. Br.] | 10 sauen [ugs.] [südd.] [bes. schwäb.] [schnell rennen] [vgl. sausen] | |
| to rummage around | kruschteln [schwäb.] [ugs.] [auch: krusteln] | |
| to dawdle | trielen [schwäb. ugs.] [auch herumtrielen] [trödeln, sich lange an etw. aufhalten] | |
Nouns |
| gastr. loin [e.g. pork loin] | 21 Schößle {n} [schwäb.] | |
| [rotating time period during which a resident of e.g. an apartment is responsible for cleaning shared areas in and around the building such as sidewalks, driveways, hallways, etc.] | 17 Kehrwoche {f} [südd.] [bes. schwäb.] | |
| partisanship [nepotism] | 11 Vetterleswirtschaft {f} [bes. schwäb.] [Vetternwirtschaft] | |
| games tag [children's game] | 9 Fangerles {n} [südd., bes. schwäb.] | |
| archi. loft | 7 Bühne {f} [schweiz.] [schwäb.] [Dachboden] | |
| gastr. [sliced pancakes] | 7 Flädle {pl} [bes. schwäb.] | |
| Carnival | 5 Fasnet {f} [schwäb.] [badisch] [Fastnacht] | |
| conceit [excessive pride in oneself] | 5 Krattel {m} [regional, bes. schwäb.] [auch: Grattel, Graddel] [Dünkel] | |
| (stupid) hayseed [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [clodhopper, yokel] | Bauernseckel {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [südwestd., bes. schwäb.] | |
| gastr. fried potatoes | Brägele {pl} [schwäb.] [badisch] [Bratkartoffeln] | |
| (little) pig [also fig.] | Butzel {f} {n} [ugs.] [oft hum.] [südd., bes. schwäb.] [Schwein, auch Ferkel oder unreine Person] | |
| anat. noggin [coll.] [a person's head] | Däz {m} [ugs.] [bes. schwäb.] [Kopf eines Menschen] | |
| constr. manhole cover | Dolendeckel {m} [schweiz.] [schwäb.] [Kanaldeckel] | |
| gastr. (Bavarian) doughnut | Fenschterkiachle {n} [schwäb.] | |
| (grocery) bag | Gug {f} [schwäb.] [Tüte, bes. Einkaufstüte] | |
| entom. T | | |
| tools hand brush | Kehrwisch {m} [bes. schwäb.] | |
| waste bucket | Kuttereimer {m} [bes. schwäb.] [Abfalleimer] | |
| tools dustpan | Kutterschaufel {f} [bes. schwäb.] | |
| gastr. Leberkäse sandwich | Leberkäsweckle {n} [schwäb.] | |
| anat. noggin [coll.] [head] | Meckel {m} [ugs.] [bes. schwäb.] [auch: Meggel, Möckel] [Kopf] | |
| plastic bag | Plastikgug {f} [schwäb.] [Plastiktüte] | |
| come-here [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [newcomer] | Reingeschmeckter {m} [bes. schwäb.] [pej.] [auch Reing'schmeckter] [Zugezogener] | |
| shrew [pej.] [termagant] | Ripp {n} [schwäb.] [pej.] | |
| gastr. smoked pork chop | Ripple {n} [schwäb. für: Kasseler] | |
| gastr. wieners [Vienna sausages] | Saiten {pl} [schwäb.] [Wiener Würstchen] | |
| gastr. Vienna sausage | Saitenwurst {f} [schwäb.] [Wiener Würstchen] | |
| idiot [stupid fellow] | Seggl {m} [schwäb.] [Dummkopf] | |
| bot. T | | |
| Fat Thursday | Weiberfaasnet {f} [schwäb.] [Weiberfastnacht] | |
| agr. oenol. vineyard | Wengert {m} [südd., bes. fränk, schwäb.] [Weinberg] | |
| gastr. Vienna sausage | Wienerle {n} [schwäb.] [fränk.] | |
| gastr. weenies [Am.] [coll.] | Wienerle {pl} [schwäb.] [auch fränk.] | |
2 Words: Others |
| Jesus! | Jesses nei! [südd.] [schweiz.] [bes. schwäb.] [ugs.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| old crone | (alte) Kruschtel {f} [schwäb.] [ugs.] [auch: Krustel, Kruschtl] [leicht pej.] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be shady [coll.] [of a deal etc.] | ein Gschmäckle haben [ugs.] [fig.] [bes. schwäb.] | |
| to be no picnic [coll.] [idiom] | kein Schleckhafen sein [ugs.] [südd., bes. schwäb.] [Redewendung] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| tools scoop and brush | Kutterschaufel und Kehrwisch [bes. schwäb.] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to abhor sb./sth. | einen Aber vor jdm./etw. haben [ugs.] [bes. schwäb.] | |
| idiom to play sb. for a fool | mit jdm. Hugoles treiben / machen [ugs.] [schwäb.] [jdn. zum Narren halten] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| idiom That settles it. | Damit / Nun ist der Katz g'streut. [schwäb.] [badisch] | |
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