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English-German translation for: [score]
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Dictionary English German: [score]

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sports tied {adj} [even score]ausgeglichen [unentschieden]
to get [achieve, score]
to max [sl.] [to make a perfect score or attain complete success]
[eine maximale Ausbeute erreichen, z. B. an Spielpunkten; einen Supersieg erringen]
sports to convert [Br.] [to score] [football]
verwandeln [ein Tor schießen] [Fußball]
to tie sth. [best score, record]
etw. einstellen [Rekord egalisieren]
mus. to score sth. [e.g. to score a symphony]
etw. instrumentieren
sports to assist [football] [an action helping another player to score a goal]eine Torvorlage geben
mus. music {sg} [score or of a musical composition]
Noten {pl} [Notentext, Notenblatt]
mus. [a score of a work for voice(s) and instruments, but containing only the vocal line(s)]Chorpartitur {f}
mus. [voices and harpsichord score without other instruments]Cembalopartitur {f} [Partiturauszug]
mus. [voices and piano score without other instruments]Klavierpartitur {f}
games bottom [bridge score]Nuller {m} [Bridge]
mus. fine [section end mark in a music score]Fine {n} [Partitur Endmarkierung]
games game [bridge score]Manche {f}
games game [bridge score]Vollspiel {n}
games sports marker [score board]Spielberichtsbogen {m}
sports scorer [recorder of the score]Scorer {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to notch up [coll.] [score, points]erzielen
to rack sth. up [achieve sth., e.g. points, a high score, profits]etw.Akk. erzielen [z. B. Punkte, ein gutes Ergebnis, Profit]
2 Words: Nouns
med. Apgar scheme [rare] [Apgar score]Apgar-Schema {n}
mus. bar number [of a musical score]Taktzahl {f} [von einer Partitur]
med. CHADS score [CHADS2 score]CHADS-Score {m} [CHADS2-Score]
sports cricket score [coll.] [fig.] [very high score] [e.g. in football, soccer]Kantersieg {m} [müheloser, hoher Sieg]
sports dream cross [pass for a player who is in a perfect position to score a goal]tödlicher Pass {m} [Fußballjargon]
mus. measure number [of a musical score]Taktzahl {f} [von einer Partitur]
jobs mus. page turner [female] [turns music score pages for a pianist]Seitenumblätterin {f}
jobs mus. page turner [turns music score pages for a pianist]Notenwender {m}
jobs mus. page turner [turns music score pages for a pianist]Seitenumblätterer {m}
mus. page-turner [who turns the pages of a musician's score]Umblätterer {m}
mus. piano concerto [score]Klavierkonzert {n} [Komposition]
mus. piano reduction [of an orchestral score]Klavierauszug {m}
med. Ranson score [also: Ranson's score]Ranson-Score {m}
math. stat. z-scorez-standardisierter Wert {m} [z-Score]
3 Words: Verbs
sports to put it away [coll.] [score a goal] [football / soccer]das Ding reinmachen [ugs.] [den Ball ins Tor schießen] [Fußballjargon]
3 Words: Nouns
sports final score line [also: final score-line]Endresultat {n}
med. Injury Severity Score <ISS> [is an established medical score to asses trauma severity]Injury Severity Score {m} <ISS> [wird in der Traumatologie zur Klassifikation und statistischen Erfassung von Verletzungsmustern bzw. Mehrfachverletzungen benutzt]
med. lung allocation score <LAS>Lungen-Allokations-Score {m} <LAS> [auch: Lungenallokationsscore, Lungenallokations-Score]
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