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English-German translation for: [season]
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Dictionary English German: [season]

Translation 1 - 50 of 121  >>

English German
up {adv} [time, season etc.]
rum [ugs.] [herum, vorbei, vorüber (Zeit, Saison etc.)]
up {adv} [time, season etc.]
coming {adj} [e.g. season]
up {adv} [time, season etc.]
meteo. rainy {adj} [season, region]
regenreich [Jahreszeit, Region]
meteo. rainy {adj} [e.g. day, weather, squall, season]
Regen- [z. B. Tag, Wetter, Bö, Zeit]
fish fishing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. areas, fleet, grounds, quota, rights, season]Fang- [Fischfang-] [z. B. Gebiete, Flotte, Gründe, Quote, Rechte, Saison]
Helau! [local German greeting during carnival season]Helau! [regionaler Narrenruf]
hunting whaling {adj} [attr.] [e.g. ban, fleet, season, ship, station]Walfang- [z. B. Verbot, Flotte, Saison, Schiff, Station]
gastr. to vinegar sth. [season sth. with vinegar]etw.Akk. mit Essig würzen
spring [season]
Frühling {m}
fall [Am.] [season]
Herbst {m}
spring [season]
Frühjahr {n}
spring [season]
Lenz {m} [poet.]
comm. sales {pl} [at reduced prices, end of season]
Schlussverkauf {m} [Saisonschlussverkauf]
comm. [business having short periods of peak activity, generally season- or time-of-day-related]
Stoßgeschäft {n}
sports ["autumn championship": first place at half-season, esp. in soccer]
Herbstmeisterschaft {f}
comm. sports Unverified [association of ski resorts in the Bernese Oberland that offer a common season pass]Top-4-Verbund {m}
[the Advent and Christmas season]die stade Zeit {f} [fig.] [bayer.] [österr.] [die stille Zeit; die Advents- und Weihnachtszeit]
gastr. Dominostein [sweet gingerbread pastry, sold during Christmas season in Germany and Austria]Dominostein {m} [würfelförmiges Lebkuchengebäck mit je einer Schicht Marzipan und Fruchtmark]
ling. lit. kigo [season word] [季語]Kigo {n} [Jahreszeitenwort]
2 Words: Verbs
to be up [time, season]vorüber sein
hort. to flower again [within the same growing season]remontierend blühen
to start off [discussion, conversation, season]eröffnen
2 Words: Nouns
bike bike season [coll.] [bicycle season]Fahrradsaison {f}
sports final fixtures {pl} [a club's last outstanding matches of a season]Restprogramm {n} [Fußball]
first swim [of the year] [opening of the bathing season]Anbaden {n} [Eröffnung der Badesaison]
glorious fall [Am.] [season]Prachtherbst {m} [ugs.]
hunting hunting period [less frequent for: hunting season]Jagdzeit {f}
last swim [of the year] [closing of the bathing season]Abbaden {n} [Abschluss der Badesaison]
agr. meteo. winter soil [ground in the winter season]Wintererde {f} [Boden in der Winterjahreszeit]
sports wooden spoonist [coll.] [also: wooden-spoonist] [last position in a table at end of season]Tabellenschlusslicht {n} [Mannschaft auf dem letzten Tabellenplatz am Saisonende]
3 Words: Nouns
oenol. (white) summer wine [during the asparagus season]Spargelwein {m} [Weine des Vorjahres-Jahrgangs, zu Spargelgerichten]
automot. all-season tire [Am.] [3-season tire]Ganzjahresreifen {m}
agr. hop-picking season [also: hop picking season]Hopfenernte {f} [Saison]
travel TrVocab. off-peak season [post season]Nachsaison {f}
hort. rose blooming season [also: rose-blooming season]Rosenblüte {f} [Zeit der Rosenblüte]
brew strong beer season [bock season]Starkbiersaison {f}
hort. tulip blooming season [also: tulip-blooming season]Tulpenblüte {f} [Zeit der Tulpenblüte]
hort. tulip blooming season [also: tulip-blooming season]Zeit {f} der Tulpenblüte
hort. tulip flowering season [also: tulip-flowering season]Tulpenblüte {f} [Zeit der Tulpenblüte]
hort. tulip flowering season [also: tulip-flowering season]Zeit {f} der Tulpenblüte
4 Words: Nouns
Glorious Twelfth (of August) [Br.] [opening day of the grouse-shooting season][Anfang der Moorhuhnjagd in Großbritannien]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Acceptance [House season 2]Ihr, ich und Hippokrates
RadioTV F Act Your Age [House season 3]Dem Alter entsprechend?
RadioTV F Airborne [House season 3]Horrorflug
RadioTV F All In [House season 2]In Not
RadioTV F Alone [House season 4]Allein
RadioTV F Autopsy [House season 2]Autopsie
RadioTV F Baa Baa Black Sheep [Season 1] / Black Sheep Squadron [Season 2]Pazifikgeschwader 214
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