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English-German translation for: [served]
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Dictionary English German: [served]

Translation 1 - 23 of 23

English German
gastr. apart {adv} [(served) separately, on the side]à part [fachspr.] [einzeln, separat (serviert)]
comp. gastr. menu [gastr.: dishes served]
Menü {n}
gastr. [dish served on a plate]
Tellergericht {n}
gastr. barroom [Am.] [room where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter; bar]
Schankstube {f} [Schankraum, Schenke]
gastr. [assorted cold cuts, e.g. ham, cheese, salami served on a wooden plate]Brotzeitbrettl {n} [bayer.] [Brotzeit als Imbiss]
[German sausage variety commonly served in parts of Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt]Bregenwurst {f} [auch: Brägenwurst] [Mettwurstsorte]
gastr. [ham, cheese, salami, etc. served on a wooden plate]Brettljause {f} [österr.]
rail [railway station served by long-distance trains]Fernbahnhof {m}
gastr. [served as silver dollar hash browns or silver dollar potato pancakes]Hartäpfelkiechle {pl} [Râpés] [Elsass/Lothringen]
gastr. [sliced pork sausage served with rings of raw onions, vinegar, oil]Stadtwurst {f} mit Musik [regional, bes. Franken und Oberpfalz]
gastr. entremets [usually sweet courses or dishes usually served at the end of a meal (dessert)]Entremets {pl} [Süßspeisen als Abschluss eines Essens]
2 Words
army days {pl} [time served in the military]Armeezeit {f}
gastr. cheese spread [often served with beer]Bierkäse {m}
gastr. honey bread [also: honeybread] [bread made or served with honey]Honigbrot {n} [mit Honig gebackenes oder serviertes Brot]
comm. travel promotional trip [during which passengers are served coffee and offered goods to buy]Kaffeefahrt {f} [Verkaufsfahrt]
hist. law Test Act [English penal law that served as a religious test for public office]Testakte {f}
3 Words
law You are served. [esp. Am., Can.] [coll.] [You are served (formal) notice (to do sth.).][Sie haben eine gerichtliche, anwaltliche, amtliche usw. Aufforderung erhalten (etw. zu tun).]
to have been overserved [coll.] [to have been served too much alcohol]zu tief ins Glas geschaut haben [ugs.]
4 Words
oenol. wine by the bottle [served in bottles of 750 ml]Flaschenwein {m} [serviert in 750 ml Flaschen]
oenol. wine by the glass [served in quantities of 125 ml]offener Wein {m} [achtelliterweise serviert]
oenol. wine by the glass [served in quantities of 250 ml]Schoppenwein {m}
oenol. wine by the glass [served in quantities of 250 ml]offener Wein {m} [viertelliterweise serviert]
5+ Words
oenol. wine by the half-bottle [served in bottles of 375 ml]Flaschenwein {m} [serviert in 375 ml Flaschen]
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