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English-German translation for: [serving]
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Dictionary English German: [serving]

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

English German
monitory {adj} [rare] [giving / serving as a warning]
precedential {adj} [serving as precedent]als Präzedenzfall dienend
sports to break sb. [win a tennis game in which the opponent is serving]jdm. das Aufschlagspiel abnehmen [Tennis]
hist. mil. standard [symbol of a military group serving as a rallying point]
Feldzeichen {n}
archi. gastr. pantry [room where food is arranged for serving]
Anrichte {f} [Raum]
furn. board [table, esp. for serving food]
Tisch {m}
platter [serving platter]
Servierteller {m}
tech. kingpin [bolt serving as a pivot]
Königszapfen {m} [Drehzapfen]
subservience [serving as a means to an end]
Dienlichkeit {f}
gastr. serving [act of serving]
Servieren {n}
[Hessian earthenware jug, grey with blue decoration, for serving apple cider]
Bembel {m} [bes. hessisch: Apfelweinkrug]
hist. mil. reenlistee [voluntarily longer serving conscript, Prussian Forces, German Imperial Forces]
Kapitulant {m}
gastr. [bit of food left on a serving plate out of good manners]Anstandshappen {m}
telecom. B-box [coll.] [serving area interface cabinet]Verzweigerkasten {m}
gastr. bar [predominantly serving spirits]Destille {f} [regional] [ugs.] [veraltend] [Gastwirtschaft]
gastr. cloche [a bell-shaped cover of metal or glass placed over food in cooking or serving]Cloche {f}
ecol. pol. CMP [Conference of the Parties serving as Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (Kyoto Protocol)][Konferenz der Vertragsstaaten des Kyoto-Protokolls, die jährlich zusammentritt]
gastr. compote [Am.] [bowl-shaped dish with long stem for serving e.g. desserts, sweets, nuts]Schale {f} mit Stiel [z. B. für Kompott, Süßigkeiten, Nüsse]
comm. gastr. restaurants [any places serving food]Restaurationsbetriebe {pl} [Amtssprache, Fachsprache]
2 Words
gastr. fish slice [Br.] [for serving]Fischvorlegemesser {n}
social worker [with emphasis on serving families]Familienbegleiter {m}
educ. tribal college [Am.] [Can.] [minority-serving institution][College bes. für nordamerikanische Ureinwohner]
3 Words
Here you are! [e.g. said when serving someone something]Bitte schön!
gastr. Unverified traditional rural tavern [serving mostly local farmers]Bauernwirtschaft {f} [südd.] [schweiz.] [Kneipe]
comm. walk-up window [Am.] [for serving pedestrians]Verkaufsfenster {n} [für Straßenverkauf]
5+ Words
I hope you like it! [when serving food or drink]Wohl bekomm's!
law pol. Twenty-second Amendment (to the United States Constitution) [barring presidents from serving more than two full terms]Zweiundzwanzigster Zusatzartikel {m} (zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten) [Begrenzung der Amtszeit des Präsidenten]
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