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English-German translation for: [seven]
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Dictionary English German: [seven]

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

English German
chem. heptatomic {adj} [consisting of seven atoms]siebenatomig <7-atomig>
septennial {adj} [every seven years]siebenjährlich
septennial {adj} [every seven years]alle sieben Jahre stattfindend [attr.]
septennial {adj} [lasting seven years]siebenjährig [sieben Jahre dauernd]
septuplet [each of seven children born at one birth]
Siebenling {m}
187 [esp. Am.] [sl.] [pronounced "one-eight-seven"] [murder]Mord {m}
bot. T
myth. Epigoni [sons of the Seven against Thebes]Epigonen {pl}
spec. septennate [a seven-year term, esp. of office]Septennat {n}
2 Words
24/7 {adv} [coll.] [twenty-four seven]immerzu [24 Std. am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche]
24/7 {adv} [coll.] [twenty-four seven]rund um die Uhr, sieben Tage die Woche
QM check sheet [one of the Seven Basic Tools of Quality Control]Prüfblatt {n} [eines der Sieben Werkzeuge der Qualität]
med. grand multipara [woman who has given birth seven or more times][Mehrfachgebärende, sieben und mehr Geburten]
telecom. pound (key) [Am.] [Can.] <# key, #> [e.g. #77, read as "pound seven seven"]Rautentaste {f} <#-Taste, #> [Telefon]
hist. relig. The Siebengemeinden [Seven Communities in Austrian Burgenland]Siebengemeinden {pl} [Burgenland, Österreich]
3 Words
on the nose {adv} [esp. Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [precisely, exactly, as in: at seven on the nose]genau [z. B. um genau 7 Uhr]
seven-hour-long {adj} [attr.] [lasting for seven hours]siebenstündig <7-stündig> [sieben Stunden dauernd]
myth. seven-mile boots [less frequent for seven-league boots]Siebenmeilenstiefel {pl}
hist. mil. Third Silesian War [also known as Seven Years War, 1756 - 1763]dritter schlesischer Krieg {m} [auch siebenjähriger Krieg, 1756 - 1763]
4 Words
to be on cloud nine [coll.] [idiom] [also: to be on cloud seven]auf Wolke sieben schweben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
hist. French and Indian War [Am.] [American name of the North American theater of the Seven Years' War]Siebenjähriger Krieg {m} in Nordamerika [1754–1763]
5+ Words
Seven snow shovelers shovel seven shovels full of snow.Sieben Schneeschaufler schaufeln sieben Schaufeln Schnee.
hist. toys weapons Johnny Seven (One Man Army) <Johnny Seven O.M.A.>Johnny Seven {f} [ehemals sehr populäre Spielzeugwaffe mit sieben Funktionen]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Angels' Brigade [Greydon Clark] [also: Angels Revenge / Seven from Heaven]Die unschlagbaren Sieben von Las Vegas
film RadioTV F Seven Brides for Seven BrothersEine Braut für sieben Brüder
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
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