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| bulbous {adj} [resembling a bulb in shape] | 41 knollenförmig | |
| sb. wrought [archaic] [worked into shape] | 35 jd. bearbeitete | |
| bad {adj} [shape, layout, weather] | 20 ungünstig | |
| serpentine {adj} [shape] | 12 kurvig | |
| ferny {adj} [like a fern, having the shape or feel of a fern] | 8 farnartig | |
| unformed {adj} [without a definite form or shape] | 5 ungeformt | |
| bastard {adj} [attr.] [differing from the norm in size, shape, etc.] | abnorm [sich in Größe, Form usw. von der Norm unterscheidend] | |
| spec. lensoid {adj} [shape] | linsenförmig | |
| womblike {adj} [shape] | uterusförmig | |
Verbs |
| to forge [shape] | 2824 formen | |
| to mould [esp. Br.] [shape, form] | 857 gestalten [formen] | |
| to bend sth. [bend out of shape, twist] | 646 etw. verbiegen | |
| to frame sth. [shape, fashion] | 615 etw.Akk. gestalten [formen, bilden] | |
| to file sth. [smooth or shape with a file] | 183 etw.Akk. feilen | |
| tech. to lathe sth. [shape with a lathe] | 106 etw. drehen [auf Drehmaschine] | |
| to articulate sth. [shape, idea] | 37 etw. gliedern | |
| to limn [delineate, trace the shape of sth.] | 22 zeichnen [konturieren] | |
| to beat [shape] | 13 treiben [Metall] | |
| to model sth. [shape] | etw.Akk. abformen [modellieren] | |
| constr. to scabble sth. [shape roughly] | etw.Akk. grob behauen [Stein] | |
Nouns |
| gastr. [spiced biscuit in the shape of a human or other figure, eaten at Christmas] | 73 Spekulatius {m} | |
| conformation [shape, arrangement] | 42 Form {f} | |
| cast [container, shape, appearance] | 41 Form {f} | |
| figure [form, shape] | 28 Form {f} [Gestalt] | |
| tech. fillet [shape] | 17 Hohlkehle {f} | |
| gastr. kifli [traditional European yeast roll made into a crescent shape] | 13 Kipferl {n} [bes. österr.] [Hörnchen] | |
| conformation [shape, outline] | 9 Bildung {f} [Form] | |
| tech. fillet [shape] | 9 Auskehlung {f} | |
| gastr. [pasta in drop-shape with melted cheese and roasted onions] | 7 Kässpatzen {pl} [typisch Allgäu] | |
| form [shape] | 7 Ausformung {f} [Form] | |
| gastr. [dried, ground peas compressed into sausage shape] | 6 Erbswurst {f} | |
| gastr. [pasta in the shape of little squares] | 5 Fleckerln {pl} [österr.] | |
| brew [Cologne beer glass, 0.2 l, cylindrical shape] | Kölschstange {f} [0,2 l] [Kölner Stange] | |
| brew [Cologne beer glass, 0.2 l, cylindrical shape] | Kölner Stange {f} [0,2 l] | |
| flare [widening shape] | aufgehender Trichter {m} | |
| frame [body shape] | Figur {f} [Körperbau] | |
| tech. key [guidance lug or shape] | Führungsnase {f} [z. B. bei Stecker] | |
2 Words: Others |
| bell-like {adj} [shape] | glockenförmig | |
| mil. fighting fit {adj} [in top shape] [i,e, a soldier] | voll einsatzbereit | |
| bot. ovate-lanceolate {adj} [leaf shape] | eiförmig-lanzettlich [Blattform] | |
| Wood warps. [cut wood slightly changes its shape over time] | Holz arbeitet. [Holz verformt sich leicht mit der Zeit] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to rough out sth. [shape, make, or design in a preliminary way] | etw.Akk. provisorisch erstellen | |
| to set sth. up [constitute, shape] | etw. bilden | |
| to wear out [become unusable, often by stretching and changing shape or length] | ausleiern [ugs.] | |
| to work up sth. [to manipulate or mix into a specified object or shape] | etw.Akk. verarbeiten | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| mus. buckwheat notation [shape notation] | Shape-Notation {f} | |
| cloth. egg shape | O-Form {f} [auch: Egg-Shape] | |
| cloth. egg shape | O-Linie {f} [auch: Egg-Shape] | |
| hourglass figure [body shape] | Sanduhrfigur {f} [Körperbau] | |
| material memory metal [shape-memory alloy] | Memorymetall {n} | |
| material tech. muscle wire [shape memory alloy wire] | Formgedächtnisdraht {m} <FG-Draht> [Draht aus Formgedächtnislegierung] | |
| cloth. O silhouette [egg-shape] | O-Silhouette {f} [O-Linie, O-Form] | |
| phys. pendant drop [drop shape analysis] | hängender Tropfen {m} | |
| phys. sessile drop [drop shape analysis] | liegender Tropfen {m} | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to fall into place [take shape] | Gestalt annehmen [auch Gestalt gewinnen] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| geol. formation of rocks [ e.g. outcropping or rock(s) of unusual shape] | Felsgebilde {n} | |
| gastr. poppy seed bun [with a snail-like shape] | Mohnschnecke {f} | |
| engin. material phys. shape memory capability [also: shape-memory capability] | Materialerinnerungsvermögen {n} [Formgedächtnis] | |
| triangle body shape [pear shape] | Dreiecksform {f} [Figurtyp: Birnenform] | |
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