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English-German translation for: [shooting]
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Dictionary English German: [shooting]

Translation 1 - 34 of 34


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spindling {adj} {pres-p} [shooting up, growing long and slender]aufschießend
to wound [by shooting]
film to complete [a shooting]
hunting to shoot sth. [to kill by shooting] [animal]
etw. schießen [Tier] [bes. Jägersprache]
to down sth. [esp. airplane, either by shooting or internal bomb]
etw.Akk. runterholen [ugs.] [bes. Flugzeug durch Abschuss od. Explosion an Bord]
to miss [while shooting]danebenschießen [das Ziel verfehlen]
hunting bounty [for shooting animal]
Abschussprämie {f}
marksmanship [shooting]
Treffsicherheit {f}
weapons zeroing [adjusting the sights on a gun by shooting]
Anschießen {n}
mil. [shooting to spend surplus ammunition]Verbrauchsschießen {n}
zool. T
weapons deflection [leading the moving target when shooting]Vorhalt {m} [einer Waffe auf ein bewegtes Ziel]
gerbilling [cf. gerbil stuffing or gerbil shooting]Gerbilling {n} [angebliche Sexualpraktik]
games sports klootschieten [standing-style ball shooting, played along the coast and borders of North Germany]Klootschießen {n} [nordd.] [eine Art Eisschießen]
weapons Unverified plinking [informal target shooting done for pleasure]Plinking {n} [zwangloses Freizeitschießen]
sports popinjay [shooting sport]Adlerschießen {n} [regional] [Vogelschießen]
sports popinjay [shooting sport]Papageienschießen {n} [Vogelschießen; Brauchtum]
sports popinjay [shooting sport]Vogelschießen {n} [Brauchtum]
salute [shooting in honour of sb./sth.]Ehrensalut {m}
sports targets [shooting]Scheiben {pl} [ugs.] [Zielscheiben]
2 Words: Verbs
to open up [begin shooting]das Feuer eröffnen
2 Words: Nouns
mil. artillery range [area for shooting practice]Artillerieschießplatz {m}
sports broken target [shooting sports]Bruchtaube {f} [Schießsport]
weapons champion marksman [shooting sport; contest]Schützenkönig {m}
drive-by [coll.] [drive-by shooting]Drive-by-Shooting {n}
tech. fault localization [trouble shooting]Fehlerortung {f}
gerbil stuffing [cf. gerbilling or gerbil shooting]Gerbilling {n} [angebliche Sexualpraktik]
gun range [for practising shooting]Schießstand {m}
idiom Kentucky windage [Am.] [coll.] [field target (shooting)][Absehen im Zielfernrohr, Entfernungsschätzen beim Haltepunktverfahren (Field-Target-Schießen)]
mil. shooting slit [also: shooting-slit] [loophole]Schießscharte {f}
mil. weapons surprise fire [shooting]Feuerüberfall {m}
sports Three positions [competition standard by the International Shooting Sports Federation]Dreistellungskampf {m} [eine Disziplin im Sportschießen]
3 Words: Nouns
drive-by fruiting [coll.] [hum.][englisches Wortspiel zu "drive-by shooting": bösartiger verbaler Angriff aus dem Nichts]
4 Words: Nouns
Glorious Twelfth (of August) [Br.] [opening day of the grouse-shooting season][Anfang der Moorhuhnjagd in Großbritannien]
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