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English-German translation for: [short-term]
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Dictionary English German: [short term]

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at a minute's notice {adv} [fig.] [at short notice, in the short term](auch) kurzfristig
[button on a ticket machine which allows free short-term parking]Brötchentaste {f} [Parkscheinautomat]
short-term solution [short-term answer to a problem]kurzfristige Lösung {f} [kurzfristige Bewältigung eines Problems]
bae [Am.] [coll.] [short for: babe, baby] [term of endearment]Schatzi {n} [ugs.] [Kosename unter Liebenden]
shortly ago {adv} [esp. Am.] [criticized usage / term for: a short while ago]vor kurzem [auch: vor Kurzem]
hist. mil. Krümpersystem [Prussian Army short-term reservist training system during Napoleonic occupation]Krümpersystem {n}
ling. obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.]veraltet
educ. session [term]Trimester {n}
secular {adj} [long term]langanhaltend
expression [term]Bezeichnung {f} [Ausdruck]
mil. naut. fathometer [generic term]Echolot {n}
imprisonment [prison term]Haftaufenthalt {m}
educ. session [university term]Semester {n}
law term [prison term]Freiheitsstrafe {f}
math. term by term {adv}summandenweise
hist. [Nazi term for Austrian] {adj}ostmärkisch
hist. [Nazi term for Austrians]Ostmärker {pl}
ling. [reappropriated derogatory term]Geusenwort {n} [Trotzwort]
abstraction [abstract term]Abstraktum {n} [Abstraktion]
bot. gastr. cabbages {pl} [collective term]Kohlgemüse {n} [Sammelbegriff]
primacord [generic term] [PRIMACORD®]Sprengschnur {f}
hort. tools strimmer [generic term] [Strimmer®]Motorsense {f}
toys weeble [generic term] [Weebles®]Stehaufmännchen {n}
math. to drop out [of term]wegfallen
comp. alternative key [SAP term]Alternativschlüssel {m}
sports ball control [football term]Ballbeherrschung {f}
sports ball kid [UEFA term]Balljunge {m}
sports dipping shot [UEFA term]Bogenlampe {f}
med. lung lesion [generic term]Lungenherd {m}
mixed paper [recycling term]Mischpapier {n}
tech. proportional valve [generic term]Stetigventil {n}
hist. racial defilement [Nazi term]Rassenschande {f}
anat. med. frontally {adv} [anatomical term of location]stirnwärts
cashpoint [Br.] [generic term] [Cashpoint®]Geldautomat {m}
cub [coll.] [term of endearment]Söhnchen {n}
filofax [generic term] [Filofax®]Kalender-Ringbuch {n}
law procuration [esp. as law term]Kuppelei {f}
mil. (mortal) range [artillery term]Wurfweite {f} [Artilleriebegriff]
law bonded labour [as abstract term]Schuldknechtschaft {f}
acad. jobs career (path) [esp. long term]Karrierelaufbahn {f}
ecol. pol. environment department [non-official term]Umweltministerium {n}
pol. relig. German religion [Nazi term]Deutschreligion {f} [Nazibegriff]
hist. pol. New Order [Nazi term]Neuordnung {f} [Nationalsozialismus]
hist. race defiler [Nazi term]Rasseschänder {m} [Nazibegriff]
hist. race hygiene [Nazi term]Rassenhygiene {f} [Nazibegriff]
hist. race purity [Nazi term]Rassenreinheit {f} [Nazibegriff]
sports third kit [UEFA term]Ausweichtrikot {n} [Fußball]
acc. comp. volume variance [esp. SAP term]Beschäftigungsabweichung {f}
inacceptable {adj} [criticized usage / term for unacceptable]inakzeptabel
inacceptable {adj} [criticized usage / term for unacceptable]unakzeptabel
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