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English-German translation for: [sick]
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Dictionary English German: [sick]

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
weary {adj} [pred.] [tired, sick of sth.]
leid [präd.] [überdrüssig]
med. bad {adj} [sick]
med. to tend [sick person]
to act [sick, dumb, etc.]sich stellen [krank, dumm, etc.]
care [of the sick, the elderly etc.]
Versorgung {f} [Betreuung, Pflege]
tender [of sick person]
Pfleger {m}
[number of staff away sick]
Krankenstand <KS> {m} [Kennzahl]
VetMed. gid [a disease esp. of sheep and goats] [turn-sick]
Drehkrankheit {f}
insur. [pay for absence due to sick child]Kinderkrankengeld {n}
jobs caretaker [Am.] [Can.] [helper who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person]häuslicher Betreuer {m} [eines behinderten, kranken o. alten Menschen]
med. MedTech. gurney [Am.] [a bed on wheels that is used in hospitals for moving sick people]fahrbares Krankenbett {n}
relig. pyx [for sick communion]Bursa {f} [für Krankenkommunion]
2 Words
at sb.'s sickbed {adv} [also: sick-bed, sick bed]an jds. Krankenbett
med. beyond recovery {adj} [ill, sick]unheilbar erkrankt
med. beyond recovery {adj} [ill, sick]unheilbar krank
to feel bad [ill, sick]sichAkk. krank fühlen
to feel funny [coll.] [idiom] [to feel slightly sick]sich nicht (recht) wohl fühlen
to feel funny [coll.] [to feel slightly sick]sich nicht (recht) wohlfühlen
psych. to feel tired [from being sick]sich matt fühlen
agr. VetMed. to put sth. down [kill] [an injured, sick, or aged animal]etw.Akk. nottöten [ein verletztes, krankes oder altes Tier]
relig. Extreme Unction [inofficial, otherwise dated for: Anointing of the Sick]Letzte Ölung {f} [nicht fachspr., sonst veraltet für: Krankensalbung]
med. pathological nystagmus [sick eye twitching]pathologischer Nystagmus {m} [krankhaftes Augenzittern]
3 Words
to be in sb.'s care [sick person, care recipient]von jdm. gepflegt werden [Kranker, Pflegebedürftiger]
to be off sick [certified sick]krankgeschrieben sein
to push sth. under / underneath sb. [e.g. a cushion under a sick person]jdm. etw. unterschieben [z. B. einem Kranken ein Kissen]
jobs med. rate of sickness [number of sick days per year]Krankheitsrate {f} [Zahl der Krankheitstage im Jahr]
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