| English | German | |
| apart {adv} [on one side, separated, secluded] | 2913 abseits | |
| across {prep} [from one side to the other] | 2644 durch [+Akk.] [quer hindurch] | |
| across {prep} [from one side to the other] | 1867 über [+Akk.] [quer über, von einer Seite zur anderen] | |
| naut. port {adj} [attr.] [e.g. engine, helm, side, watch] | 855 Backbord- [z. B. Motor, Ruder, Seite, Wache] | |
| by {prep} [e.g. by my side, by the fireside, by the sea] | 481 an [+Dat.] [z. B. an meiner Seite, am Kamin, am Meer] | |
| across {prep} [on the other side] | 351 jenseits [+Gen.] | |
| even {adj} [having nothing due on either side or having exacted full revenge] | 148 quitt [nur prädikativ] | |
| gastr. side {adj} [attr.] [e.g. side salad] | 64 Beilagen- | |
| naut. sports bowside {adv} [also: bow side] [rowing] | 20 steuerbord | |
| over {adv} [postpos.] [on the other side of intervening space] [e.g. two streets over] | 8 weiter [z. B. zwei Straßen weiter] | |
| archi. constr. [the street side eaved and without gables] {adj} | 7 traufständig | |
| about {adv} [on every side] [e.g., to look about the carpark] | 6 überall | |
| opposite {adj} [attr.] [e.g. lane, party, side, direction] | 6 Gegen- [z. B. Fahrbahn, Seite, Richtung] | |
| naut. sb. careens sth. [turns a vessel over on its side] | 6 jd. kielholt etw. | |
| across {prep} [on the other side of] | auf der anderen Seite [+Gen.] | |
| gastr. apart {adv} [(served) separately, on the side] | à part [fachspr.] [einzeln, separat (serviert)] | |
| anat. zool. costi- {adj} [also cost-, costo-] [L. costa, side, rib] | Rippen- [costal] [zur Rippe gehörend] | |
| constr. tech. level {adj} {adv} [straight from side to side, e.g. a shelf] | im Wasser [Fachjargon] [exakt in der Waagerechten] | |
| uppermost {adv} [face, side, etc.] | nach oben [Gesicht, Seite, usw.] | |
Verbs |
| to weave [to move waveringly from side to side] [e.g. drunk person] | 508 torkeln [z. B. Betrunkener] | |
| to cross sth. [go from one side to another] | 62 etw.Akk. durchziehen [durch ein Gebiet ziehen] | |
| to inch sth. [e.g. forward, to the side] | etw.Akk. (vorsichtig) Stück für Stück bewegen [z. B. vorwärts, zur Seite] | |
| to sway [incline to one side] | sich neigen | |
| bot. to tiller [esp. grass or cereal: forming side shoots] | sich bestocken [Gräser, Getreide: Seitentriebe ausbilden] | |
Nouns |
| flipside [fig.] [also: flip side] | 769 Kehrseite {f} [fig.] | |
| archi. constr. RealEst. duplex [Am.] [two separate homes in one building, either one on top of the other or side by side] | 272 Zweifamilienhaus {n} | |
| boardwalk [Am.] [sea side] | 260 Strandpromenade {f} | |
| sports [goal which leaves the scoring side only one down] [football] | 152 Anschlusstreffer {m} | |
| travel trip [side trip] | 112 Abstecher {m} | |
| stitch [pain in one's side] | 85 Seitenstechen {n} | |
| gastr. accompaniments [side dishes] | 74 Beilagen {pl} | |
| gastr. [filling side dish] | 62 Sättigungsbeilage {f} | |
| face [front side] | 37 Vorderseite {f} | |
| party [quarter, side] | 26 Seite {f} [wie in: von keiner Seite] | |
| face [front side, gable end] | 22 Stirnseite {f} | |
| aviat. slips {pl} [side-slip] | 13 Schlipp {m} | |
| gastr. side [esp. Am.] [side dish] | 9 Beigabe {f} [Beilage] | |
| hort. garden [front, side or back] [Br.] | 8 Hausgarten {m} [Garten beim Haus] | |
| law agnate [mostly obs.] [male relative on the father's side] | 5 Agnat {m} [männlicher Blutsverwandter der männlichen Linie] | |
| geogr. [a lagoon on the river Peene on Usedom's inland side] | Achterwasser {n} | |
| furn. bedrail [at the side of the bed] | Seitenteil {n} [auch {m}] des Bettes / Betts | |
| cloth. clock [embroidered or woven decoration on the side of a stocking] | Verzierung {f} [gestickte oder gewebte Dekoration auf der Seite eines Strumpfes] | |
| gastr. edamame {sg} [side dish] | Edamame-Bohnen {pl} | |
| gastr. Flönz [dialect expression for blackpudding on the left side of the river Rhine] | Flönz {f} [linksrheinisch] [dial.] [Blutwurst] | |
| geogr. the Borders [the area either side of the border between England and Scotland] | schottisch-englisches Grenzgebiet {n} | |
| furn. tieback [for tying a curtain to one side] | Gardinenraffer {m} | |
| upperpart [part lying on the upper side (as of a bird)] | Oberseite {f} | |
| warren [of narrow alleys and side streets] | enges Straßengewirr {n} | |
| geogr. waterside [also: water side] | Wasserseite {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| by me {adv} [next to me, by my side] | an meiner Seite | |
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