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Dictionary English German: [similar]

Translation 1 - 73 of 73

English German
conformable {adj} [consistent with sth., similar]
entsprechend [übereinstimmend, ähnlich]
gauzy {adj} [similar to gauze]
law ["Federal law overrides state law." - Article 31, Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany; similar to the rule "Federal law supersedes state law." in the U.S. Constitution]Bundesrecht bricht Landesrecht. [Artikel 31, Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland]
connatural {adj} [of the same nature, similar]von gleicher Natur [nachgestellt]
to conform [be similar]
to simulate sth. [to make similar to sth.]etw. ähnlich machen
tech. studs [similar to bolts but without the head]
Bolzen {pl}
electr. mus. Walkman® [Sony] [also walkman as a generic term for similar devices]
Walkman® {m} [Sony] [ugs. auch als Gattungsname für kleine tragbare Kassettenrekorder mit Kopfhörern anderer Hersteller]
sports retaliation [an attack on a player in return for a similar attack]
Nachschlagen {n} [Tritt oder Schlag eines Spielers]
law [lawyer's document exchange box, similar to a post office box at the courthouse]
Gerichtsfach {n}
gastr. [traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"]
Weckmann {m} [bes. südd.]
Internet [buzzterm for spyware supposedly used by German law-enforcement agencies, similar to the CIPAV]
Bundestrojaner {m} [ugs.]
bot. trefoil [plant with similar leaves]
Dreiblatt {n}
gastr. [traditional peasant dish, similar to a pancake cut into small pieces, today mainly sweet dessert]
Schmarrn {m} [österr.] [südd.]
gastr. [yeast pastry filled with jam or sth. similar]
Buchtel {f}
FoodInd. gastr. fassbrause [similar to the non-alcoholic American apple beer / Apple Beer™]
Faßbrause {f} [alt]
pol. [voting procedure similar to a division in the House of Commons where MPs re-enter the floor through one of three doors]
Hammelsprung {m} [Abstimmungsverfahren]
constr. [woodworking joint, similar to dovetail]
Tannenbaumverbindung {f}
Goodwife [archaic] [similar to Mrs]
Frau {f} <Fr.> [Anrede mit Namen]
["kermis tree", a decorated tree similar to a maypole]Kirchweihbaum {m} [Brauchtum]
[a type of sausage similar to American hot dogs in flavor but thicker]Stumpen {m} [schweiz., bes. St. Gallen] [schweizer Brühwurst (Cervelat), ähnlich der Bockwurst]
gastr. [Bamberg "Hörnla" pastry, similar to a croissant]Bamberger Hörnla {n} [ugs.] [Bamberger Hörnchen] [Plundergebäck ähnlich einem Croissant]
gastr. [chocolate similar to a Flake® chocolate bar]Borkenschokolade {f}
[German business administration degree, similar to MBA]Diplom-Kaufmann {m} <Dipl.-Kfm.>
relig. sports [institution similar to a court]Spruchkammer {f}
gastr. [oven-baked yeast dumplings, often filled with jam or sth. similar]Rohrnudeln {pl} [österr.] [bayer.] [Buchteln]
dance [round dance in 3/4 time, similar to the Ländler]Tirolienne {f} [auch: Tyrolienne] [einem Ländler ähnlicher Rundtanz im 3/4-Takt]
gastr. [similar to American scrapple or English black pudding]Blutkuchen {m} [rhein.] [thür.]
FoodInd. [similar to Pontefract cakes (liquorice)]Negergeld {n} [ugs. für: Lakritztaler] [veraltet]
med. [similar to sub-intern]PJler {m} [auch: PJ-ler, PJ'ler] [ugs.] [Medizinstudent im Praktischen Jahr]
med. [similar to sub-intern]PJ-Student {m} [ugs. für: Student im Praktischen Jahr]
mus. [string instrument, similar to a zither]Hackbrett {n} [auch: Tympanon]
photo. [The distance between similar image points on two different photographs properly set up for stereoscopic viewing]Blickpunktentfernung {f}
gastr. [traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"]Stutenkerl {m} [Weckmann, Hefemann, Klausenmann, Grättimaa, Grittibänz, Dambedei, Weckbobbe, Krampus]
games [trick-taking card game similar to Oh, Hell! or Screw Your Neighbour]Stichansagen {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [schweiz. auch: Stichasägä; österr. auch: Stichschätzen]
games [trick-taking card game similar to Oh, Hell! or Screw Your Neighbour]Stiche-Raten {n} [auch: Streichholzbridge, Cravallo, Wist usw.]
games [trick-taking card game similar to Oh, Hell! or Screw Your Neighbour]Strulli-Wulli {n} [oberösterr.] [Stiche-Raten]
games sports boccia [Italian game similar to bowls]Boccia {n} [auch {f}]
gastr. Buchteln [oven-baked yeast dumplings, often filled with jam or sth. similar]Buchteln {pl}
gastr. cervelat [also servelat, zervelat] [similar to the German bockwurst]Klöpfer {m} [schweiz., bes. Basel] [Schweizer Brühwurst (Cervelat), ähnlich der Bockwurst]
sports favorite [Am.] [in a race or similar competition]Sieganwärter {m}
gabacho [Chicano sl., similar to gringo] [pej.][weißer Nordamerikaner od. Ausländer] [Chicano-Slang] [pej.]
hist. maiden [Scot.] [device similar to a guillotine]Guillotine {f} [schottische Art]
meteo. neol. medicane [cyclone in the Mediterranean, similar to a tropical storm]Medicane {m}
gastr. parisienne [Am.] [flute, flûte] [similar to a baguette]Flûte {n} {f} [besonders dünnes französisches Stangenweißbrot]
textil. Perlon® [used for either of two synthetic polyamide fibers similar to nylon]Perlon® {n}
shafts {pl} [on a sulky or similar]Gabel {f} [Gabeldeichsel]
games Stoß [card game similar to Faro]Stoß {n} [Pharo-ähnliches Kartenspiel]
suedeheads [Br.] [similar to skinheads]Suedeheads {pl} [Angehörige einer der Skinheadszene ähnlichen Subkultur]
2 Words: Verbs
to smash in sth. [with a ball or similar object]etw.Akk. einschießen [z. B. mit einem Ball zerschlagen etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (Italian) guanciale [similar to the jowl bacon]Guanciale {m} [auch: Gota Stagionata] [Schweinebackenspeck]
gastr. (Swiss) knoepfli [small dumplings similar to Spätzle]Knöpfli {pl} [schweiz.]
cloth. bathing slip [dated or rare] [similar to swim briefs]Badehose {f} [kurze, anliegende Herrenbadehose]
gastr. bear claw [Am.] [sweet, yeast-raised pastry, similar to a Danish][Plunder mit Nuss- oder Mandelfülle bzw. mit Äpfeln, im Aussehen ähnlich den Apfeltaschen in Hörnchenform]
law copyright control [notice on a copyrighted work that the copyright lies with the author personally and not with a publisher or similar][Hinweis auf einem urheberrechtlich geschützten Werk, dass das Urheberrecht beim Autor persönlich und nicht bei einem Verlag o.ä. liegt.]
geogr. home canton [similar to home state or province in Switzerland]Heimatkanton {m}
mil. knife rest [obstacle functionally similar to the cheval-de-frise]spanischer Reiter {m} [Barriere]
gastr. neenish tart [Aus.] [NZ] [similar to a black and white cookie][Gebäckteilchen in Australien/Neuseeland]
tools prick punch [similar to a centre punch but used for marking out]Körner {m} [Anreißkörner]
mus. relig. principal music [for a church service, similar to a cantata]Hauptmusik {f}
sports rope jumping [similar to bungee jumping]Rope-Jumping {n}
toys toy car [Bobbycar® or similar]Rutscher {m} [ugs.] [Rutschauto, Bobbycar®]
hist. spec. tradition book [register, similar to a cartulary]Traditionsbuch {n}
trucker's hitch [very similar to the wagoner's hitch]Truckerknoten {m} [dem Fuhrmannsknoten sehr ähnlich]
3 Words: Verbs
to return the favor [Am.] [ironic] [to respond in a similar unfavorable way]ein Gleiches tun
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. alpine herder's macaroni [approx. translation] [similar to macaroni and cheese]Älplermagronen {pl} [schweiz.]
constr. Unverified construction management department [of an architectural design firm or similar enterprise]Ausführungsabteilung {f} [bes. im Wohn- und Gewerbebau]
gastr. landjäger / Landjäger (sausage) [tastes similar to dried salami]Landjäger {m} [geräucherte und luftgetrocknete Rohwurst] [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.]
something like that [something similar]so etwas Ähnliches {n} [auch: so etwas ähnliches]
admin. ticket-writing authority [for police and similar authorities]Bußenkompetenz {f} [schweiz.]
4 Words: Others
something of the sort [something similar]so was Ähnliches [ugs.]
4 Words: Nouns
something of the sort [something similar]so etwas Ähnliches {n} [auch: so etwas ähnliches]
5+ Words: Verbs
law to be on all fours with sth. [one case or lawsuit is in all points similar to another]praktisch identisch mit etw.Dat. sein [Rechtsfälle]
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