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English-German translation for: [since]
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Dictionary English German: [since]

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
as {conj} [since]
da [weil]
for {conj} [since]
hist. horsemen [since the 1500s]
Reisige {pl}
pol. [a neo-Nazi party in Germany since 2012]die Rechte {f} [auch: DIE RECHTE]
pol. [German name of the Swiss communist party since 1944]Partei {f} der Arbeit der Schweiz <PdA> [seit 1944, vorher <KPS>]
relig. [hymn and prayer book for the German-speaking Catholic dioceses (exc. Switzerland) since 1975]Gotteslob {n} <GL>
mus. relig. [Lutheran hymn book for Germany, Alsace-Lorraine, and Austria since 1993/1996]Evangelisches Gesangbuch {n} <EG>
herald. mil. Balkenkreuz [national identification cross on German military vehicles in different forms since 1918]Balkenkreuz {n} [dt. Streitkräfte]
ethn. Capoid [race classification since discredited]Capoid {m} [veraltet]
Debrett [published since 1784, lists the peerage]UK Gotha {m} [Taschenbuch des Adels]
geogr. KwaDukuza [official name since 2006] [also known as Stanger, South Africa]Stanger {n} [früherer, aber ugs. noch üblicher Name für KwaDukuza, Südafrika]
2 Words: Others
as of {prep} [since]seit [+Dat.] [ab]
ever after {adv} [since that day]seit diesem Tag
inasmuch as {conj} [since]da [insofern, weil]
2 Words: Nouns
branch officer [Royal Navy since 1949]Offiziersstellvertreter {m}
hist. law Disabilities Act [Germany, inoperative since July 1st, 2001]Schwerbehindertengesetz {n} <SchwbG> [Deutschland, seit 01.07.2001 außer Kraft]
hist. spec. eastward movement [esp. Germany since the Middle Ages]Ostbewegung {f} [bes. Deutschland seit dem Mittelalter]
geogr. Ellice Islands [since Oct. 1, 1978 Tuvalu]Ellice Islands {pl} [seit 1. Okt. 1978 Tuvalu]
relig. private Mass [term officially discouraged since Vatican II]Privatmesse {f} [missa sine populo]
3 Words: Others
idiom from a child {adv} [since childhood]von Kind an
herald. hist. mil. God with us [motto used in German military since 1701, e.g. on belt buckles]Gott mit uns [Devise benutzt im deutschen Militär seit 1701, z. B. auf Koppelschlössern]
in historical times {adj} {adv} [since recorded history]in historischer Zeit [seit Beginn der Geschichtsschreibung]
3 Words: Nouns
sports German Football League [since 1999]German Football League {f} <GFL> [1. Bundesliga für American Football der Herren, Deutschland]
the good German [pej.] [since WW II; anyone who, under a dictatorship, isn't a doer but still a follower][jd., der in einer Diktatur zwar kein Täter, aber immerhin Mitläufer ist]
4 Words: Nouns
hist. law Severely Handicapped Persons Act [Germany, inoperative since July the 1st, 2001]Schwerbehindertengesetz {n} <SchwbG> [Deutschland, seit 01.07.2001 außer Kraft]
5+ Words: Others
idiom from times out of mind {adv} [from / since time immemorial]seit Menschengedenken [seit undenklichen Zeiten]
5+ Words: Nouns
law detention at Her Majesty's pleasure <detention at HMP> [UK law since 2000]lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe {f} [UK-spez. Besonderheit: «HMP»]
EU MedTech. pharm. European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products <EMEA> [new name since 2009: European Medicines Agency <EMA>]Europäische Agentur {f} für die Beurteilung von Arzneimitteln <EMEA> [neue Bezeichnung seit 2009: Europäische Arzneimittel-Agentur <EMA>]
electr. VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies <VDE> [name since 1988]VDE Verband {m} der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e. V. <VDE> [Name seit 1988]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Silent Witness [since season 13]Silent Witness
art F Mother Motherland [since 2023: Mother Ukraine]Mutter {f} Heimat [seit 2023: Mutter Ukraine]
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