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English-German translation for: [singing:]
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Dictionary English German: [singing ]

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

mus. relig. Advent concert [singing of chorals]Adventssingen {n}
geol. humming dunes [singing dunes]singende Dünen {pl}
Partial Matches
art mus. vocal art [art of singing]Gesangskunst {f}
delivery [manner of speaking or singing]Vortragsweise {f}
to subside [noise, thunder, singing, river, sea]abschwellen [fig.]
mus. relig. Epiphany concert [singing of chorals and carols]Dreikönigssingen {n}
mus. sb. auditioned [for a singing part]jd. sang vor
sb. auditions [for a singing part]jd. singt vor
mus. mezza voce {adv} [in singing: softly; quietly]mit halber Stimme
to join in [the singing, laughing]einfallen [in Singen, Lachen]
trolling {adj} {pres-p} [archaic] [singing loudly, freely or in a carefree way]trällernd
lit. mus. theatre [farce with singing, popular in the 19th century]Posse {f} mit Gesang
mus. pipes {pl} [coll.] [singing voice]Röhre {f} [ugs.] [Stimme, bes. Singstimme U-Musik]
mush [coll.] [song, way of singing]Schmalz {n} [ugs.] [Schnulze, Art zu singen]
dance round dance [a circular dance accompanied by singing]Reihen {m} [ein Tanz im Kreis mit Gesang]
sb. auditioned sb. [for a singing part]jd. ließ jdn. vorsingen
sb. auditions sb. [for a singing part]jd. lässt jdn. vorsingen
mus. from a sheet of music {adv} [not playing or singing by heart]ab Blatt [schweiz.] [singen oder spielen]
mus. solo [vocal solo, solo singing]Sologesang {m}
mus. liederkranz [singing club]Liederkranz {m} [Gesangverein]
phys. [to break glass by singing tones of high frequencies]zersingen [durch Singen eines Tones von hoher Schwingung Glas zerspringen lassen]
house-visiting wassail [door-to-door singing of Christmas carols][Haus-zu-Haus-Singen an den Weihnachtstagen bzw. Dreikönig]
to join in [singing, booing, cheering]einstimmen [in den Gesang, in die Buhrufe, in den Jubel]
mus. [practice of singing by turn the lines of the Christmas hymn "Quem pastores" by four soloists or choirs]Quempas-Singen {n}
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