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| |
| supposed {adj} [date of birth, site of temple, author also] | 117 mutmaßlich | |
| memorial {adj} [site, service, concert, plaque, etc.] | 19 Gedenk- [Stätte, Gottesdienst, Konzert, Tafel etc.] | |
| archaeo. archaeological {adj} [e.g. site, layer or stratum, inventory] | 5 Fund- [z. B. Ort od. Stelle, Schicht, Inventar] | |
| wooded {adj} [e.g. area, landscape, site, steppe, valley] | Wald- [bewalded] [z. B. Fläche, Landschaft, Grundstück, Steppe, Tal] | |
Verbs |
| Internet to friend sb. [on a social networking site] | 31 jdn. adden [Jargon] [dem Verzeichnis der Freunde hinzufügen] | |
| ecol. to remediate [site, land, etc.] | Bewohnbarkeit wiederherstellen | |
Nouns |
| relig. sanctuary [cultic site] | 57 Kultstätte {f} | |
| constr. jobsite [Am.] [spv.] [construction site] | 52 Baustelle {f} | |
| constr. [power consumed on a construction site] | 22 Baustrom {m} | |
| archaeo. dig [site] | 18 Grabungsstätte {f} | |
| view [site plan] | 17 Lageplan {m} | |
| constr. [ladder used on a building site] | 11 Bauleiter {f} | |
| oenol. vineyard [particular site] | 11 Riede {f} [österr.] [Nutzfläche im Weinberg] | |
| law [prohibition to return to a particular site, often imposed by police] | 9 Platzverweis {m} | |
| jobs worksite [work site] | 9 Arbeitsplatz {m} [Ort der Arbeit] | |
| clearance [site] | 8 Freimachen {n} [Grundstück] | |
| home [site, seat] | 8 Sitz {m} | |
| educ. hist. law [punishment in German universities and schools in which students were detained in 'Karzer' (on-site prison cells)] | 5 Karzerstrafe {f} | |
| admin. ecol. [written notification of site selection] | 5 Standortbescheinigung {f} | |
| [day of the open heritage site] | Tag {m} des offenen Denkmals | |
| biochem. biol. A-site [aminoacyl site] | A-Stelle {f} [Aminoacyl-Stelle] | |
| awayday [Br.] [off-site meeting] | Außentagung {f} | |
| archaeo. Dowth [Irish: Dubhadh] [Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site] | Dowth {n} [Welterbestätte in Irland, zusammen mit Newgrange und Knowth] | |
| drugs fixroom [coll.] [supervised injection site] | Druckraum {m} [ugs.] [Drogenkonsumraum] | |
| archaeo. Knowth [Irish: Cnóbha] [Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site] | Knowth {n} [Welterbestätte in Irland, zusammen mit Newgrange und Dowth] | |
| geol. lagerstätte [also: Lagerstätte] [site of preserved fossils] | Fossillagerstätte {f} | |
| geol. lagerstätte [also: Lagerstätte] [site of preserved fossils] | Lagerstätte {f} [Fossillagerstätte] | |
| lot [site] | Stück {n} Land | |
| geogr. relig. travel Lourdes [Catholic pilgrimage site in France] | Lourdes {n} [kath. Wallfahrtsort in Frankreich] | |
| archaeo. Newgrange [Irish: Sí an Bhrú] [Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site] | Newgrange {n} [Welterbestätte in Irland, zusammen mit Knowth und Dowth] | |
| relig. spec. removal [relics, from their original site] | Erhebung {f} [Reliquien, aus ihrer ersten Grabstätte] | |
| jobs worksite [work site] | Arbeitsstätte {f} [Arbeitsplatz (als Ort)] | |
2 Words: Others |
| in situ {adv} [on site] | vor Ort | |
| on site {adv} [also: on-site] | an Ort und Stelle [vor Ort] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to dash to sth. [a site, place] | zu etw.Dat. hinrennen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| biochem. chem. binding pocket [binding site] | Bindungstasche {f} [Bindungsstelle] | |
| biochem. catalytic site [active site] | katalytisches Zentrum {n} [katalytischer Ort eines Proteins (Enzym)] | |
| ecol. cleaning up [e.g. contaminated site, river] | Sanierung {f} [z. B. Altlast, Fluss] | |
| constr. construction log [site diary] | Bautagebuch {n} | |
| for. felling area [or site] | Schlag {m} [Ort] | |
| Ground Zero [collapse site of the World Trade Center, NYC] | Ground Zero {m} [Einsturzstelle des World Trade Center, NYC] | |
| tech. measurement site [measuring site] | Messplatz {m} [Messstelle] | |
| tech. measurement site [measuring site] | Messstelle {f} | |
| archaeo. partial excavation [esp. of an archaeological site] | Teilausgrabung {f} | |
| spec. rendition prison [black site] | Geheimgefängnis {n} [für Terrorverdächtige] | |
| constr. replacement structure [on a particular site] | Nachfolgebau {m} | |
| Internet session riding [special case of a cross-site-forgery] | Session-Riding {n} [ein Spezialfall von Cross-Site-Request-Forgery] | |
| tech. setup location [installation site] | Aufstellort {m} [von Maschinen etc.] | |
| constr. site journal [site diary, construction log, company log] | Bautagebuch {n} | |
| site map [site plan] | Lageplan {m} | |
| Internet Slashdot effect | Slashdot-Effekt {m} [plötzlicher Benutzeransturm auf eine Website, ausgelöst durch einen Artikel einer populären Site] | |
| test site [trial site] | Versuchsstandort {m} | |
| work preparation [on building site] | Arbeitsvorbereitung {f} [auf Baustelle] | |
| traffic works access [Br.] [construction site access] | Baustelleneinfahrt {f} | |
| traffic works exit [Br.] [building site exit] | Baustellenausfahrt {f} | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| ecol. abandoned hazardous site [hazardous site left by the owner or other responsible party in unmanaged condition] [ISO 11074:2015] | Altlast {f} [ISO 11074:2015] | |
| orn. breeding-site fidelity [also: breeding site fidelity] | Brutortstreue {f} | |
| orn. breeding-site fidelity [also: breeding site fidelity] | Brutorttreue {f} | |
| Internet spec. off-site infrastructure | Offsite-Infrastruktur {f} [auch: Off-site-Infrastruktur] | |
| spec. on-site infrastructure | Onsite-Infrastruktur {f} [auch: On-site-Infrastruktur] | |
| on-site instruction [also: instruction on site] | Einweisung {f} vor Ort | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| Valley of the Fallen [Valle de los Caídos] [memorial site in Spain] | Tal {n} der Gefallenen [Valle de los Caídos] [Gedenkstätte in Spanien] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| sunny site and shady site | Sonnenlage und Schattenlage [Geländelage] | |
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