| English | German | |
| damp {adj} [slightly wet and cold, e.g. November day] | 625 feuchtkalt [Novembertag etc.] | |
| meteo. foggy {adj} [very slightly] | 133 trüb | |
| merry {adj} [also Br. coll.: slightly drunk] | 73 heiter [auch: angeheitert] | |
| faintly {adv} [slightly] | 52 leicht [enttäuschen, herablassend] | |
| faintly {adv} [slightly] | 23 leise [hoffen, verdächtigen] | |
| faintly {adv} [slightly] | 20 wenig [interessieren] | |
| art bot. shaded {adj} {past-p} [very slightly colored] | 20 überlaufen [mit einem Hauch Farbe] | |
| squiffy {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [slightly drunk] | 15 beschwipst [ugs.] | |
| touched {adj} [slightly crazy] [coll.] | 15 verwirrt | |
| chipped {adj} [slightly damaged at the rim, e.g. china, pottery] | 13 bestoßen [abgestoßen, z. B. Porzellan, Keramik] | |
| scuffed {adj} [slightly damaged on corners or cover, e.g. book] | 13 bestoßen | |
| gastr. high {adj} [slightly decomposed] | 9 angegangen [Fleisch] [bes. ostmd.] | |
| to {adv} [door, window - ajar, slightly open] | 7 angelehnt | |
| cloth. ladylike {adj} [fashion, style] [in a slightly pej. sense] | madamig [ugs.] [Kleidung, Stil] | |
| squiffed {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [slightly drunk] | beschwipst | |
| squiffed {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [slightly drunk] | leicht betrunken [beschwipst] | |
| squiffy {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [slightly drunk] | leicht betrunken [beschwipst] | |
Verbs |
| to damp sth. [make slightly wet] | 177 etw.Akk. befeuchten | |
| to graze [touch slightly] | 27 anstreifen | |
| to bump [slightly] | 9 antitschen [regional, bes. Ruhrdeutsch] [leicht anstoßen] | |
| to prettify sth. [often slightly pej.] | etw. behübschen [ugs.] [oft leicht pej.] | |
| to stir [move slightly] | sichAkk. bewegen [sich leicht bewegen, sich rühren] | |
Nouns |
| econ. cognoscenti [slightly ironic] | 62 Experten {pl} | |
| tad [mainly Br.] [coll.] [a little bit, slightly] | 55 Tick {m} [ugs.] [ein wenig] | |
| sports WAGs [wives and girlfriends] [Br.] [coll., often hum. or slightly pej.] | 49 Spielerfrauen {pl} [bes. als Klischee] | |
| econ. cognoscente [rare, slightly ironic] | 46 Experte {m} | |
| sports WAG [singular derived from "wives and girlfriends"] [Br.] [coll., often hum. or slightly pej.] | 32 Spielerfrau {f} [bes. als Klischee] | |
| plumper [coll.] [pej.] [slightly to moderately fat person] | 22 Pummel {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [leicht bis mäßig übergewichtige Person] | |
| pinchpenny [slightly pej.] | 15 Knauser {m} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| journ. lit. wordsmith [in a slightly ironic sense] | 7 Edelfeder {f} [Schreibender] | |
| [humorous name for a male Bavarian] [slightly pej.] | Bazi {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [leicht pej.] [fig.] [ein Bayer] | |
| pol. [slightly pejorative collective term for the parties CDU and CSU] | C-Parteien {pl} [leicht pej.] | |
| mus. bending [slightly changing a note's pitch on a guitar] | Saitenziehen {n} | |
| cognoscenti [slightly ironic: connoisseurs] | Cognoscenti {pl} | |
| scamps [coll.] [slightly pej.] | Bagaluten {pl} [regional, bes. nordd.] [ugs.] [hier: leicht pej., aber nachsichtig] [Schlingel, Frechdachse] | |
| sentimentalist [slightly pej.] | sentimentaler Schwärmer {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| a trifle {adv} [slightly] | geringfügig | |
| damp dry {adj} [Am.] [slightly damp for ironing] | bügelfeucht | |
| fancy-schmancy {adj} [coll.] [slightly pej.] | Schickimicki- [ugs.] [leicht pej.] | |
| frizzy-haired {adj} [slightly pej.] | kraushaarig | |
| iron dry {adj} [Br.] [slightly damp for ironing] | bügelfeucht | |
| idiom meteo. It's spotting. [esp. Br.] [coll.] [it's raining slightly] | Es tröpfelt. | |
| shy of {prep} [slightly earlier than] [coll.] | kurz vor [+Dat.] [zeitl.] | |
| Wood warps. [cut wood slightly changes its shape over time] | Holz arbeitet. [Holz verformt sich leicht mit der Zeit] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to feel funny [coll.] [idiom] [to feel slightly sick] | sich nicht (recht) wohl fühlen | |
| to feel funny [coll.] [to feel slightly sick] | sich nicht (recht) wohlfühlen | |
| to get merry [Br.] [coll.] [to get slightly drunk] | sichDat. einen andudeln [ugs.] [sich betrinken] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| relig. (Christian) nominality [slightly pej.] | Namens-Christentum {n} [leicht pej.] [auch: Namenschristentum] | |
| gastr. boiled potato [peeled before boiling in slightly salted water] | Salzkartoffel {f} | |
| gastr. boiled potatoes [peeled before boiling in slightly salted water] | Salzkartoffeln {pl} | |
| local yokel [slightly pej.] | Landei {n} [ugs.] [fig.] [leicht pej.] | |
| oenol. new wine [slightly cloudy] | Staubiger {m} [österr.] [regional] | |
| oenol. pearl wine [rare] [slightly sparkling wine] | Perlwein {m} | |
| film RadioTV theatre supporting actor [playing slightly or strongly exaggerated figures] | Charge {f} [Schauspieler, der Chargenrollen spielt] [auch: Chargenspieler] | |
| Yank sweetheart [slightly pej.] [foreign girlfriend of an American, esp. an American military member] | Ami-Liebchen {n} [leicht pej.] | |
3 Words: Others |
| a shade early {adv} [slightly early] | etwas zu früh | |
| under the weather {adj} [coll.] [idiom] [slightly unwell] | unpässlich | |
| with Teutonic thoroughness {adv} [slightly pej.] | mit deutscher Gründlichkeit | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| gastr. fancy-shmancy restaurant [coll.] [slightly pej.] | Fresslokal {n} [ugs.] [oft leicht pej.] [angesagtes Nobelrestaurant] | |
| traffic multiple pile-up [slightly informal] | Massencrash {m} [ugs.] | |
| would-be entrepreneur [slightly hum.] | Möchtegern-Unternehmer {m} [ugs.] [leicht hum.] | |
4 Words: Others |
| a shade more / less {adj} {adv} [slightly more / less] | etwas mehr / weniger | |
| a shade over / under {adj} [slightly over / under] | etwas über / unter | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to be out of sorts [idiom] [to feel slightly unwell] | aus dem Lot sein [Redewendung] [sich [Akk.] leicht unwohl fühlen] | |
| to marry off one's daughter [slightly pej.] | seine Tochter verkuppeln [verheiraten] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| chit (of a girl) [slightly dated] | Göre {f} [ugs.] | |
| chit of a girl [slightly pej.] | kleines Mädchen {n} | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to be not quite right in the head [coll.] [slightly mad] [idiom] | im Kopf nicht ganz frisch sein [ugs.] [leicht verrückt] [Redewendung] | |
| to be off-color / off color [Am.] [feel slightly ill] | nicht ganz auf dem Posten sein [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| a chit of a girl [slightly pej.] | ein junges Ding {n} [ugs.] | |
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