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English-German translation for: [slogan]
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Dictionary English German: [slogan]

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catchy {adj} [e.g. slogan]
prägnant [z. B. Slogan]
catchy {adj} [slogan]
quote market. [Ö1 deserves to be listened to. - slogan of an Austrian radio programme]Ö1 gehört gehört. [Slogan des Radioprogramms Ö1 des Österreichischen Rundfunks]
to bawl sth. [song, slogan etc.]
etw.Akk. röhren [grölen]
to chant [a slogan]im Sprechchor rufen
shibboleth [slogan]
Slogan {m}
shibboleth [slogan]
Schlagwort {n}
market. tagline [slogan]
Claim {m} [selten {n}] [Werbeslogan]
pol. cry [slogan]
Parole {f}
watchword [slogan]
Losungswort {n}
ling. [numeric semi-hidden slogans such as 88 for Heil Hitler formed by taking the alphabetical order of the first letter of each word in the slogan]Szenecode {m}
quote [pensioner democracy, political slogan (2008) by Roman Herzog, former president of Germany]Rentnerdemokratie {f} [Roman Herzog]
motto [maxim, slogan]Panier {n} [geh.] [Wahlspruch, Parole]
2 Words: Others
hist. pol. Judeo-Bolshevist {adj} [pej.] [anti-Jewish slogan]judeo-bolschewistisch [pej.] [antijüdischer Kampfbegriff]
2 Words: Nouns
threat formula [threat slogan]Drohformel {f} [Drohspruch]
3 Words: Others
idiom No more war! [slogan]Nie wieder Krieg! [Motto]
market. Quality. Chocolate. Squared.® [slogan for Ritter Sport chocolate]Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut.® [Slogan für Ritter Sport Schokolade]
hist. quote Work, family, fatherland! [Vichy regime's slogan, 1940-44]Arbeit, Familie, Vaterland!
3 Words: Nouns
pol. bread and roses [slogan]Brot und Rosen [Parole]
marriage for all [slogan promoting the extension of marriage rights to homosexuals]Ehe {f} für alle
4 Words: Others
hist. Be ready! - Always ready! [Pioneers' slogan in the GDR]Seid bereit! - Immer bereit! [Pioniergruß in der DDR]
hist. Loyalty is my honour. [Br.] [slogan of the SS]Meine Ehre heißt Treue. [Wahlspruch der SS]
drugs No Power to DrugsKeine Macht den Drogen [Slogan]
Silly stuff. It matters [hum.] [Br.] [advertising slogan]Quatsch muss sein! [hum.] [Werbeslogan]
market. We're here for you. [slogan]Wir sind für Sie da.
5+ Words: Others
A stitch in time saves nine! [popular protest slogan in Germany]Wehret den Anfängen!
gained in practice, for use in practice [slogan]aus der Praxis für die Praxis [Slogan]
hist. I gave gold for iron. [slogan of the collection of private jewelry to finance the Prussian uprising against Napoleon I in 1813]Gold gab ich für Eisen. [Motto der Schmucksammlung zur Finanzierung der Befreiungskriege gegen Napoleon I. in Preußen 1813]
hist. May God punish England! May He punish it! [German WWI slogan]Gott strafe England! Er strafe es! [deutscher Schlachtruf im Ersten Weltkrieg]
hist. My honor is called loyalty. [Am.] [slogan of the SS]Meine Ehre heißt Treue. [Wahlspruch der SS]
idiom Nip it in the bud! [popular protest slogan in Germany]Wehret den Anfängen!
market. Sell the sizzle, not the steak. [slogan]Verkauf das Brutzeln, nicht das Steak.
quote The Jews are our misfortune. [Slogan from the anti-semitic newspaper, Der Stürmer]Die Juden sind unser Unglück. [NS-Hetze]
The wind of freedom blows. [slogan - Stanford University]Die Luft der Freiheit weht. [Ulrich von Hutten]
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