| English  | German |  |
 | murderous {adj} [villain, soldiers etc.] | 12 blutrünstig |  |
 | mil. green {adj} [soldiers, pilots] | 10 kampfunerfahren |  |
Verbs |
 | mil. to commit sth. [troops, soldiers etc.] | 472 etw. einsetzen [Truppen, Soldaten etc.] |  |
 | hist. to decimate [military punishment for mutinous soldiers] | 26 [jeden zehnten Mann töten lassen] |  |
 | mil. to deploy sb. [to dispatch soldiers] | 7 jdn. instradieren [veraltet] [Soldaten in Marsch setzen] |  |
 | mil. to impress sb. [soldiers] | jdn. zum Dienst pressen [veraltend] |  |
Nouns |
 | mil. furlough [Am.] [pass for enlisted soldiers] | 30 Urlaubsschein {m} |  |
 | mil. foragers [soldiers detailed to forage] | 13 Furiere {pl} [veraltend] [Fouriere] [für die Verpflegung verantwortliche Soldaten] |  |
 | mil. rank [single line of soldiers drawn up abreast] | 8 Rotte {f} [veraltet] [Reihe von hintereinander stehenden Soldaten] |  |
 | hist. mil. peloton [Prussian / Imperial German Army, military unit of 80 soldiers] | 7 Peloton {n} [preußisch / kaiserlich deutsches Heer, militärische Einheit von 80 Soldaten] |  |
 | manpower [esp. of soldiers, sailors etc.] | 6 Bemannung {f} |  |
 | hist. [care packages sent to soldiers, prisoners of war etc. during WWI] | Liebesgaben {pl} [1. WK] |  |
 | [entertainment of the soldiers] | Truppenbetreuung {f} |  |
 | spec. [girls and women prowling the rubble of postwar Berlin to pick up soldiers] | Ruinenmäuschen {pl} [ugs.] [veraltet] |  |
 | mil. Unverified [infantry units of older soldiers primarily assigned defensive duties] | Landesschützen {pl} |  |
 | hist. [slang for British soldiers in and after WW II in Germany and Austria] | Tommies {pl} [ugs.] |  |
 | [Soldiers' Non-Contributory Schemes Act (act relating to non-contributory schemes for the German armed forces and dependants)] | Gesetz {n} über die Versorgung für die ehemaligen Soldaten der Bundeswehr und ihre Hinterbliebenen [Soldatenversorgungsgesetz - SVG] [Deutschland] |  |
 | mil. cantonment [a building or area where soldiers live] | Unterkunftsraum {m} |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | mil. section [Br.] [a sub-subunit consisting of eight to fourteen soldiers] | Gruppe {f} <Grp> [Trupp aus acht bis zwölf Soldaten] |  |
 | mil. the fallen {pl} [soldiers killed in action] | die Gefallenen {pl} [insgesamt betrachtet] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | mil. to be billeted [soldiers] | einquartiert werden |  |
 | to march up [soldiers etc.] | aufziehen [aufmarschieren] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | mil. demolition detail [team of soldiers with explosive devices] | Sprengtrupp {m} |  |
 | mil. foot soldiers {pl} [collectively] [also: foot-soldiers] | Fußvolk {n} |  |
 | mil. Green Berets [coll.] [U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers] | Green Berets {pl} [ugs.] [Soldaten der Spezialeinheit (Special Forces) der US Army] |  |
 | mil. mess kit [soldiers' cooking and eating utensils] | Gamelle {f} [schweiz.] [Koch- und Essgeschirr der Soldaten] |  |
 | hist. Rhineland bastards [pej.] [term used in Nazi Germany] [esp. children of German mothers and French-African soldiers] | Rheinlandbastarde {pl} [pej.] [Nazi-Terminologie] |  |
 | snake-eater [Am.] [coll.] [also: snake eater or snakeeater] [nickname for U.S. Army Special Forces Soldiers] | Schlangenfresser {m} [ugs.] [Spitzname für US Army Special-Forces-Soldaten] |  |
 | hist. mil. standing armies [professional bodies of soldiers] | Kriegsvölker {pl} [veraltet] [stehende Heere] |  |
 | hist. mil. swagger stick [stick of non-commissioned officers in German forces of the 18th and 19th centuries used for punishment of soldiers] | Korporalsstock {m} |  |
 | drugs hist. pharm. tank chocolate [nickname of Pervitin®, a methamphetamine brand used by German soldiers during World War II] | Panzerschokolade {f} [ugs.] [Pervitin®] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | mil. based in Germany {adj} [postpos.] [soldiers, troops, etc.] | in Deutschland stationiert [Soldaten, Truppen etc.] |  |
 | mil. on active duty {adj} [soldiers etc.] | aktiv |  |
 | mil. on active service {adj} [soldiers etc.] | aktiv |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to blaze away at sb./sth. [soldiers, guns] | auf jdn./etw. drauflosfeuern |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | Comrade Lace-up [nickname of Austrian colleagues used by German soldiers, WW I] | Kamerad Schnürschuh {m} [Spitzname, den deutsche Soldaten ihren österr. Kollegen gaben, 1. WK] |  |
 | drugs hist. pharm. dive bomber pills [nickname of Pervitin®, a methamphetamine brand used by German soldiers during World War II] | Stuka-Tabletten {pl} [ugs.] [Pervitin®] |  |
 | mil. putting sth. on standby [soldiers, tanks] | Bereitstellung {f} von etw.Dat. [Truppen, Panzern] |  |
 | mil. rank and file [common soldiers] | Mannschaften {pl} |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | hist. pol. Stahlhelm, Bund Deutscher Frontsoldaten [paramilitary organization of WW I frontline soldiers in the Weimar Republic] | Stahlhelm {m}, Bund der Frontsoldaten |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | lit. F In the Midst of Life [Tales of Soldiers and Civilians] [Ambrose Bierce] | Mitten im Leben sind wir vom Tod umfangen [Erzählungen von Soldaten und Zivilisten aus dem amerikanischen Sezessionskrieg] |  |
 | film lit. F We Were Soldiers [Randall Wallace] [based on the book We Were Soldiers Once ... And Young by Lieutenant General (Ret.) Hal Moore and reporter Joseph L. Galloway] | Wir waren Helden |  |
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