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English-German translation for: [southern]
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Dictionary English German: [southern]

Translation 1 - 50 of 92  >>

English German
y'all {pron} [coll., esp. Southern Am.]
theirselves {pron} [coll.] [Chiefly Southern and South Midland U.S.]
theirselves {pron} [coll.] [esp. Southern and South Midland U.S.]
selber [meist ugs.] [selbst]
Owie! [esp. Southern Am.] [coll.]
[Southern German filler, used to intensify the sense of an expression, and to express surprise. Unusual in written language]
fei [südd.] [regional]
fainty {adj} [Am.] [Southern U.S.] [close to fainting]einer Ohnmacht nahe [postpos.]
rurnt {adj} [southern U.S. phonetic spelling of 'ruined'] [coll.]verdorben
sb. cain't [Am.] [phonetic spelling of Southern US pronunciation of can't]jd. kann nicht
bot. gastr. T
Erdnuss {f}
geogr. veld [in southern Africa]
Steppe {f}
buggy [esp. Southern Am.] [shopping cart]
Einkaufswagen {m}
geogr. veldt [in southern Africa]
Steppe {f}
geogr. holler [Am.] [southern U.S. variant of 'hollow']
Bodensenke {f} [Niederung]
haint [Am.] [Southern]
Geist {m} [Gespenst]
furn. chiffarobe [mostly Southern USA]
Garderobenschrank {m} [m. Tür u. Schubladen]
bot. T
furn. chifforobe [mostly Southern USA]
Garderobenschrank {m} [m. Tür u. Schubladen]
gastr. brandade [Southern French dish made from salt cod, olive oil, cream and garlic]
Brandade {f} [südfranzös. Gericht aus zerkleinertem Stockfisch, Knoblauch, Olivenöl und Sahne]
[pejorative term for a Slav, southern European or oriental]
Tschusch {m} [österr., ugs., pej.]
geogr. hydro. bourne [also: bourn] [regional, esp. Southern England] [small stream, esp. one that flows intermittently or seasonally]
Bach {m} [v. a. nicht immer Wasser führend]
geogr. SoCal [short for: Southern California]
Südkalifornien {n}
archaeo. spec. Viereckschanze [quadrangular Celtic enclosure, especially in Southern Germany]
Viereckschanze {f}
["Parade of the fools" (literal transl.) on Fasnacht in southern Germany]Narrenumzug {m} [bes. in Süddeutschland]
mus. [non-commercial event with folk musicians in Southern Germany and Austria]Hoagascht {m} [südd.] [österr.]
cloth. [pseudo-traditional male clothing from Southern Austria]Salonsteirer {m}
gastr. [traditional Easter bread in Eastern and Southern Austria and Slovenia]Osterpinze {f} [österr.]
gastr. [traditional Krampus sweet bread with raisins, baked for Saint Nicholas Day in Austria and Southern Germany]Krampus {m} [Krampusbrot]
agr. [wind wheel used as bird scarer in Slovenia and Southern Austria]Klapotetz {m} [südostösterr.] [Windrad als Vogelscheuche]
geogr. Adana [city in southern Turkey]Adana {n} [Stadt in der Südtürkei]
geogr. Alexandretta [former name of Iskenderun, a city in southern Turkey]Alexandrette {n} [auch: Alexandretta]
astron. Ara <Ara> [southern sky constellation]Altar {m} [lat. Ara] <Ara> [Sternbild]
boogerman [Am.] [esp. Southern US variant of bogeyman]Schwarzer Mann {m} [Schreckgespenst]
buckra [Am.] [sl.] [esp. Southern U.S.] [often pej.]Weißer {m}
calaboose [esp. Southern and Western Am.] [obs.]Kittchen {n} [ugs.]
astron. Chamaeleon <Cha> [southern sky constellation]Chamäleon {n} <Cha> [Sternbild]
furn. chifferobe [mostly Southern USA]Garderobenschrank {m} [m. Tür u. Schubladen]
ethn. coloureds [Br.] [esp. in Southern Africa]Coloureds {pl} [Personen nicht rein europ. oder afrikan. (Bantu) Abstammung, bes. im südl. Afrika]
astron. Crux [Southern Cross]Kreuz {n} des Südens
fatwood [Am.] [regional, esp. Southern US] [lightwood]Kienholz {n} [(harziges) Kiefernholz, Kienspan]
geogr. Holstein [southern part of Schleswig-Holstein]Holstein {n}
geogr. Kuban [geographic region in southern Russia]Kubangebiet {n} [auch: Kuban-Gebiet] [russische Region im Nordkaukasus]
hist. spec. Mfecane [19th-century period of wars in southern Africa]Mfecane {f}
geogr. Negev [desert in southern Israel]Negev {m} [Wüste im südlichen Israel]
archi. relig. pastorium [Southern Am.]Pfarrhaus {n} [baptistisch]
astron. Sculptor <Scl> [southern sky constellation]Bildhauer {m} [lat. Sculptor] <Scl> [Sternbild]
games toys taw [esp. Southern Am.] [large (fancy) marble](große) Murmel {f}
ethn. jobs wench [Am.] [Southern US] [dated] [African-American maid]schwarzes Dienstmädchen {n}
2 Words: Others
geogr. ling. southern Spanish {adj} [also: Southern Spanish]südspanisch
2 Words: Nouns
austral summer [Southern Hemisphere]Südsommer {m}
austral winter [Southern Hemisphere]Südwinter {m}
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