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| spacious {adj} [containing much space, e.g. car, TV room, wardrobe] | 2367 geräumig | |
| strait {adj} [archaic] [narrow; also: affording little space; fitting tightly (clothes)] | 640 eng [auch: beengt; eng anliegend (Kleidung)] | |
| encroaching {adj} [on sb.'s personal space] | 406 übergriffig [Verhalten] | |
| growing {adj} [attr.] [growth] [e.g. conditions, power, space] | 11 Wuchs- [z. B. Bedingungen, Kraft, Raum] | |
| over {adv} [postpos.] [on the other side of intervening space] [e.g. two streets over] | 8 weiter [z. B. zwei Straßen weiter] | |
Verbs |
| to occupy sth. [a space; a position in a system or hierarchy] | 954 etw. einnehmen [Raum; eine Stellung, einen Rang] | |
| to house sth. [provide space, accomodate] | 836 etw. beherbergen [eine Sammlung etc.] | |
| mil. to hem sb./sth. [restrict the space or movement] | 47 jdn./etw. einschließen | |
| constr. to nog [fill in (a space in a wall, as between studs) with bricks] | 24 ausmauern | |
| to plant sth. [any sort of space] | 8 etw.Akk. begrünen | |
| traffic to direct sth. [a car into a parking space etc.] | etw.Akk. einwinken [Auto in Parklücke etc.] | |
| to extend [over time, space] | sich hinziehen | |
| constr. to nog sth. [fill in (a space in a wall, as between studs) with bricks] | etw.Akk. ausfachen [Fachwerk ausmauern] | |
Nouns |
| proximity [in space] | 646 Nachbarschaft {f} [Nähe] | |
| space [blank space] | 486 Leerzeichen {n} | |
| space [outer space] | 429 Weltraum {m} | |
| astronau thruster [on a space craft] | 285 Steuerrakete {f} | |
| clearance [space] | 210 Abstand {m} | |
| room [space] | 180 Platz {m} [für jdn./etw.] | |
| comm. TrVocab. pitch [allotted space] | 89 Stellplatz {m} [auf einer Messe etc.] | |
| volume [space occupied, cubic capacity] | 73 Inhalt {m} [Rauminhalt] | |
| astronau liftoff [of a space rocket] | 47 Abheben {n} | |
| clearance [space] | 46 Freiraum {m} | |
| astronau orbiter [space probe] | 46 Sonde {f} [Raumsonde] | |
| relig. sanctuary [sacred space] | 42 Allerheiligstes {n} [Raum] | |
| astronau shuttle [space shuttle] | 40 Raumfähre {f} | |
| astronau orbiter [space probe] | 22 Raumsonde {f} | |
| print space [word space] | 20 Wortzwischenraum {m} | |
| archi. constr. [space between the timber frames in a half-timbered construction] | 16 Gefach {n} | |
| alien [from outer space] | 15 Alien {m} {n} | |
| urban circus [esp. Br.] [circular open space where several streets converge] | 12 Rondell {n} [runder Platz] | |
| relig. sanctuary [sacred space] | 12 Kultraum {m} | |
| skin [of space vehicle] | 11 Außenhaut {f} | |
| placement [of an object in space] | 8 Aufstellung {f} [eines Gegenstands im Raum] | |
| padding [extra space added, e.g. for text justification] | 7 Füllsel {n} [leeres Füllwerk bei Texten] | |
| ling. [incorrect use of a space as a compound noun separator] | 6 Deppenleerzeichen {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [fehlerhafte Trennung zusammengesetzter Wörter durch Leerzeichen] | |
| archi. depth [of a space or room] | 6 Raumtiefe {f} | |
| [space between two double beds; humorous suggestion that a 3rd person could sleep there] | 5 Besucherritze {f} [ugs.] [hum.] | |
| [circular wall of sand built as a windbreak and to mark out a person's space on the beach] | Strandburg {f} | |
| print [missing space after a punctuation; opposite of Plenk] | Klemp {n} [Fehlen eines Leerzeichens nach einem Satzzeichen od. Wortzeichen] | |
| hist. pol. [People without Space] | Volk {n} ohne Raum | |
| educ. [space in student housing] | Wohnheimplatz {m} | |
| hort. [space left from the rim of a planted pot to the soil level, in order to avoid spilling of water when watering] | Gießrand {m} [bei einer Topfpflanze] | |
| print [typographical term for the omission of a space after a word or punctuation mark] | Klempen {n} | |
| accommodations {pl} [Am.] [space] | Platz {m} [für eine bestimmte Anzahl Leute] | |
| astronau Arianespace [space company] | Arianespace [ohne Art.] [Weltraumunternehmen] | |
| enclosure [an area that is surrounded by a wall, fence, etc.; an enclosed space] | Hegnung {f} [veraltet] [eingezäunte Wiese, Feld; überhaupt eingezäuntes Grundstück] | |
| journ. fudge [space for stop press] | Spalte {f} für letzte Meldungen | |
| archi. constr. halfpace [half-space landing] | Zwischenpodest {n} [Treppe] | |
| inhospitableness [of space, cities, landscape, etc.] | Unwirtlichkeit {f} [von Weltraum, Städten, Landschaft etc.] | |
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