| English | German | |
| crisply {adv} [write, speak] | 206 knapp | |
| sb. spake [archaic] [spoke, past tense of speak] | 13 jd. sprach | |
| appealingly {adv} [look, speak] | 8 inbrünstig [geh.] [flehentlich] | |
| nasally {adv} [speak] | 6 näselnd | |
| emotionally {adv} [speak, act] | 5 pathetisch | |
| brusquely {adv} [speak] | in schroffem Ton | |
| nasally {adv} [speak] | durch die Nase | |
Verbs |
| to rave [coll.] [speak, write enthusiastically] | 911 schwärmen [mit Begeisterung] | |
| to falter [speak hesitantly, stutter] | 666 stocken [stammeln, stottern] | |
| to wax [to speak or write in a specified manner, e.g. eloquent, poetic, sentimental etc.] | 385 werden [beim Sprechen oder Schreiben in einen bestimmten Ton verfallen, z. B. eloquent, lyrisch, sentimental etc.] | |
| to see sb. [to speak or talk to sb.] | 343 jdn. sprechen | |
| to drone [speak monotonously] | 197 dröhnen [nordd.] [eintönig reden] | |
| to coo [speak in a soft murmur] | 122 [sanft und leise sprechen, murmeln] | |
| to dish sb. [coll.] [speak disparagingly] | 113 jdn. dissen [ugs.] [sich über jdn. abfällig äußern] | |
| to snap [speak sharply] | 69 bellen [jdn. anbellen] | |
| to halt [Am.: speak hesitatingly] | 42 stocken [stockend sprechen] | |
| [to speak / write gender consciously] | 18 gendern [ugs.] ["geschlechtern"] | |
| to accost sb. [to speak to in familiar way with a greeting] | 15 jdn. ansprechen [vertraulich anreden, grüßen] | |
| to patter sth. [rattle out, speak quickly] | 14 etw. runterleiern [ugs.] | |
| to speak sth. [to be able to speak a language] [e.g. I speak German.] | 7 etw. können [eine Sprache können] [z. B. Ich kann Englisch.] | |
| to bullshit [vulg.] [to speak nonsense] | 6 seichen [regional] [pej.] [Unsinn reden] | |
| [to speak German with a Berlin accent] | berlinern | |
| [to speak German with a Vienna accent] | wienern | |
| ling. [to speak German with a Yiddish accent / intonation] | jüdeln [oft pej.] [bes. früher: mit jiddischem Einschlag sprechen] | |
| to bullshit [vulg.] [to speak nonsense] | Scheiß quatschen [salopp] [Unsinn reden] | |
| ling. to burr [to speak with a trilled or rolled R] | das R rollen | |
| to drone [speak monotonously] | eintönig reden | |
| to fable [archaic] [invent fanciful stories; or: speak untruthfully] | fabeln | |
| to grate [speak with a grating voice] | krächzend sagen | |
| to patter [speak double Dutch] | eine unverständliche Sprache sprechen | |
| to recognize [Am.] [allow to speak] | das Wort erteilen | |
| to spout [coll.] [pej.] [talk or speak at some length or in an oratorical manner] | große Reden halten [pej.] | |
2 Words: Others |
| Pipe up! [coll.] [Speak up!] | Reden Sie! [formelle Anrede] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to await sb.'s convenience [idiom] [to wait until sb. is ready, e.g., to speak] | warten, bis jd. bereit ist [z. B. zu sprechen] | |
| to let rip [to speak without restraint] | loslegen [ugs.] [sich stürmisch äußern] | |
| to make noises [coll.] [hint, speak vaguely] [idiom] | Andeutungen machen | |
| to pipe up [begin to speak] | sichAkk. zu Wort melden [Redewendung] | |
| to pipe up [coll.] [begin to speak] | den Mund aufmachen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [zu sprechen beginnen] | |
| to talk up [speak distinctly and openly] | Tacheles reden [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| audio med. deaf-muteness [lacking the sense of hearing and the ability to speak] | Taubstummheit {f} [ugs.; fachspr. veraltet für: Gehörlosigkeit] | |
3 Words: Others |
| idiom if you like [so to speak] | wenn man so will | |
| on behalf of {prep} [after verbs, such as intervene, act, speak, submit, etc.] | für [an Stelle von, im Auftrag von (nach Verben)] | |
| with much emotion {adv} [speak, act] | pathetisch | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to address oneself to sb. [speak to] | jdn. ansprechen | |
| to dwell on / upon sth. [speak, or write at length about sth.] | auf etw.Akk. näher eingehen | |
| to make oneself clear [speak bluntly] | deutlich werden [ohne Höflichkeit] | |
| to request the floor [idiom] [request to speak] | sichAkk. zu Wort melden [in einer Versammlung, im Parlament] | |
| to take the floor [idiom] [speak in a debate or assembly] | das Wort ergreifen [Redewendung] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| RadioTV to broadcast on the radio [speak] | im Rundfunk sprechen | |
| to lift (up) one's voice [speak or sing louder] | die Stimme erheben [lauter sprechen, auch: lauter singen] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| audio med. deaf-mutism / deaf mutism [lacking the sense of hearing and the ability to speak] | Taubstummheit {f} [ugs.; fachspr. veraltet für: Gehörlosigkeit] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| in a completely different way {adv} [plan, speak, think, etc.] | ganz anders [planen, sprechen, denken etc.] | |
| in a completely different way {adv} [plan, speak, think, etc.] | völlig anders [planen, sprechen, denken etc.] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| idiom to go on and on to sb. [to speak] | wie ein Wasserfall auf jdn. einreden | |
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