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English-German translation for: [speaking]
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Dictionary English German: [speaking]

Translation 1 - 70 of 70

English German
brisk {adj} [person, way of speaking]
clipped {adj} {past-p} [way of speaking]
jerky {adj} [way of speaking]
sb. silenced [rare] [ceased speaking]
jd. schwieg
sb. silences [rare] [ceases speaking]
jd. schweigt
silently {adv} [without speaking]
forcefully {adv} [way of speaking]
pinched {adj} [way of speaking]
hist. pol. ["Hail (to) victory!" Nazi salute; highly offensive; illegal in some German-speaking countries]Sieg Heil! [anstößig u. in einigen deutschsprachigen Ländern strafbar]
[Acronym used to represent the dominant states of the German speaking area: Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)]DACH [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz]
[Acronym used to represent the dominant states of the German speaking area: Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)]D-A-CH [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz]
exaggerated {adj} {past-p} [esp. way of speaking, behaving]outriert [geh.]
to silence [rare] [to cease speaking]
ling. phonet. to elide sth. [omit when speaking] [a vowel, a syllable etc.]
etw.Akk. auslassen [einen Vokal, eine Silbe etc.]
educ. [an academic high school, Br. grammar school, in German-speaking countries]
Gymnasium {n}
stocks bourse [stock market in non-English-speaking countries, esp. France]
Börse {f}
delivery [manner of speaking or singing]
Vortragsweise {f}
traffic autobahn [only in reference to German-speaking countries]
Autobahn {f}
speech [speaking]
Sprechen {n}
soapbox [speaking platform]
[Kiste als behelfsmäßige Rednertribüne]
ling. style [of speaking or writing]
Diktion {f} [Stil]
pol. sociol. [diversity in perception between the conservative German-speaking and the liberal French-speaking parts of Switzerland, especially regarding political and social issues]
Röstigraben {m} [schweiz.] [fig.]
publ. theatre [annual publication containing detailed information on all German-speaking theatres](Deutsches) Bühnenjahrbuch {n}
publ. market. [corresponds to the "Audit Bureau of Circulation" <ABC> in English-speaking countries]Informationsgemeinschaft {f} zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern e. V. <IVW>
mus. [folksy popular music genre, esp. in German speaking countries]volkstümliche Musik {f} [kommerzialisierte, sogenannte Volksmusik]
relig. [hymn and prayer book for the German-speaking Catholic dioceses (exc. Switzerland) since 1975]Gotteslob {n} <GL>
ethn. [Slovenian speaking people in Carinthia]Windische {pl} [österr.] [ugs.] [Kärntner Slowenen]
relig. [speaking up for the poor in the manner of the prophets]prophetisches Eintreten {n} [Kirchenjargon]
educ. relig. [unofficial title used by a theologian in German speaking regions after completion of the first (theoretical) examination]Kandidat {m} der Theologie <cand. theol.> [deutschspr. Raum]
journ. publ. Aufbau [journal for German-speaking Jews]Aufbau {m}
med. paraphrasia [incoherent speaking]Paraphrasie {f}
mil. quartermaster <QM> [in English speaking navies a petty officer specialized in navigation]Steuermannsmaat {m} <Strm.Mt.> [niedrigster Unteroffiziersdienstgrad Steuermanns-Laufbahn]
ethn. Romand [French-speaking Swiss woman]Romande {f}
ethn. Romand [French-speaking Swiss]Romand {m}
geogr. Romandy [French-speaking part of Switzerland]Romandie {f}
geogr. Romandy [French-speaking part of Switzerland]Welschland {n} [schweiz.] [französischsprachige Schweiz]
geogr. Romandy [French-speaking part of Switzerland]Welschschweiz {f}
geogr. Romandy [French-speaking part of Switzerland]Westschweiz {f}
Señora [polite form of address for a woman in a Spanish-speaking area] <Sra.>Señora {f} [höfliche Anrede an einer Frau in einer Spanisch sprechenden Gegend]
2 Words: Others
as such {pron} [strictly speaking]an sich [im Grunde genommen]
pol. politically conservative {adj} [in German-speaking countries]schwarz [ugs.]
technically speaking {adv} [strictly speaking]strenggenommen
technically speaking {adv} [strictly speaking]streng genommen
Which is: [speaking of question, order, etc.]Und der / die / das lautet:
2 Words: Verbs
to break off [cease speaking]verstummen
to talk sb. down [prevent from speaking]jdn. zum Schweigen bringen [nicht zu Wort kommen lassen]
to tempt fate [idiom] [by speaking of sth.]etw. berufen [verschreien]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Aar (River) [esp. French-speaking Switzerland] [Aare (River)]Aare {f} [Fluss in der Schweiz]
geogr. Aare (River) [also: Aare river] [French-speaking Switzerland: Aar (River)]Aare {f} [Schweiz]
bookish person [speaking in a stilted manner]geschraubt sprechende Person {f}
law fair use [act of use (not an established legal term in German-speaking countries)]faire Verwendung {f}
traffic federal autobahn [in reference to German-speaking countries]Bundesautobahn {f} <BAB>
federal motorway [Br., in reference to German-speaking countries]Bundesautobahn {f} <BAB>
fin. finance office [esp. in non-English-speaking countries]Finanzbüro {n} [Ort und Abteilung in einem Unternehmen]
fin. financial office [esp. in non-English-speaking countries]Finanzbüro {n} [Ort und Abteilung in einem Unternehmen]
raw-gabbit [archaic] [Scot.] [person speaking confidently but ignorantly]Dummschwätzer {m} [ugs.]
self-advocate [esp. disabled person speaking / acting for themselves]Selbstvertreter {m} [bes. sich selbst vertretende behinderte Person]
self-advocate [female] [esp. disabled person speaking / acting for themselves]Selbstvertreterin {f} [bes. sich selbst vertretende behinderte Person]
hist. RadioTV Swiss Television [German speaking]Schweizer Fernsehen {n} <SF>
3 Words: Others
Excuse my French. [coll.] [idiom] [Excuse my plain speaking.]Entschuldigen Sie meine offene Rede. [unverblümte Sprache] [formelle Anrede]
Pardon my French. [coll.] [idiom] [Excuse my plain speaking.]Verzeih meine offene Rede. [unverblümte Sprache]
3 Words: Verbs
to make a mistake [speaking error]sich versprechen
3 Words: Nouns
ling. English speaking skills [also: English-speaking skills]Englischkenntnisse {pl} [bes. gesprochenes Englisch]
well-timed pause [in speaking]wohlgesetzte Pause {f} [beim Sprechen]
well-timed pause [in speaking]gut platzierte Pause {f} [beim Sprechen]
4 Words: Nouns
RadioTV Swiss Radio and Television [German-speaking Switzerland]Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen <SRF>
acad. educ. hist. university education for women [in German-speaking countries]Frauenstudium {n}
5+ Words: Verbs
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom] [while speaking]auf seine Sprache achten
5+ Words: Nouns
an American with no French [coll.] [without French speaking skills]ein Amerikaner {m} ohne Französischkenntnisse
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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